June 25 - 30



a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

4 Candle Stick holding rig upright

11 scap pullups

12 reps (5 p/s) Right Spiderman>Right Cossack>Left Cossack>Left Spiderman


Adductor PAILs/RAILs


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up

b: Strength Circuit

15-20 mins to complete

b1: Hip Thrust 3x9

b2: Right arm: 6 Russian KB Swing + 6 Single arm Front Rack squat + 30m SA FR Walk + 30m Suitcase walk

b3: Repeat on left arm

b4: Calf Raise 3x20 (toes in, toes out, toes forward)

c: Metcon

For time

150 DUs/300 singles

50 Dual DB Push Press 22.5/15

50 Dual DB Hang Squat Clean

Cap 10 min

d: Cool Down

e: Extras

e1: Candle stick 3x3

e2: Weighted Cossack 3x12 (6p/s) 


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10m R Lunge>Squat>L Lunge>Squat

11 Down dog to divebomber

11 V Snaps




Daily Skill Specific Warm Up

b: Strength Circuit

15-20 mins to complete

b1: Bench Press 3x9

b2: Barbell Underhand Bent Row 3x9

b3: DB Side Raises 3x13

c: Metcon

Partner WOD

12 min AMRAP

Break work up however

80 Power Clean 115/75 (Rx+ 135/95)

100 KB Swings 24/16 (Rx+ 32/24)

120 Burpee to target

“Fitness” perform SB Clean instead of barbell

d: Cool Down

e: Extras

e1: V Snaps 3x25 sec AMRAP

e2: Walking Lunge with DBs by side 3x18 (9 p/s)


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

11 p/s Aeroplane Drinking bird with 2 sec pause

8 (4 p/s) T-Push Up with 2 sec hold in bottom of push and each side

6 Pause squat jumps


90 90 PAILs RAILs


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up

b: Strength Circuit

15-20 mins to complete

b1: Romanian Deadlift 3x9

b2: Box Hamstring Curl 3x9

b3: Calf Raise 3x20 (toes in, toes forward, toes out)

c: Metcon

16 min EMOM

1: 30/50 DUs or 60-100 singles

2: SA KB Snatch 24/16 (Rx+ 32/24) (Scaled, HEAVY alt DB Snatch from floor, no TNG). 4-6 p/s

3: Sandbag or WallBall Thruster 5-10 reps

4: Dual HEAVY DB by side Walking Lunge 8-12 reps (4-6 p/s)

d: Cool Down

e: Extras

e1: Side plank on hand 3x10-30 secs p/s

e2: Dual DB SL RDL 3x9 p/s


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10 (5 p/s) Twisting Bear

6 p/s single arm ring rows

30 sec S-Waves




Daily Skill specific Warm Up

b: Strength

15-20 mins to complete

b1: SHSPU 3xAMRAP minus 1 (Add rep to last week) (Scale to Box/Pike HSPU). 

b2: Overhand Pullup 3xAMRAP minus 1. (Add rep to last week). Scale to Overhand chin over bar holds + negative or Bar inverted row)

b3: L-Sit Hold on DBs 3xSUBMAX (add seconds to last week). 8RPE.

c: Metcon

8 rounds:

1min on:1 min 0ff

Aim for consistency

10 High Box Jump

into AMRAP alternating HSPU and Ring Dip

d: Cool Down


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10m Arms OH Duck Walk

25 sec bicycle crunch

6 Wide Stance stationary inchworm plus pushup




Daily Skill specific Warm Up

b: Metcon

30 min EMOM

1: Schwinn 20/15 cal, Assault 15/10 cal, Row 15/10 cal (45 sec cap)

2: 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat with 2 sec pause in bottom and top of rep

3: 16 Wall Balls 20/14

4: 10 HR Burpee

5: Rest

c: Cool Down

d: Extras

Bicycle Crunch 3x20-30 secs


a: Warm Up

Pizza Box Game


Daily Skill specific Warm Up

b: Metcon

30 min Partner AMRAP

Round for Round

5 OHS 115/75 (Rx+ 135/95)

12 (6/p/s) SA DB Hang Clean and Jerk 22.5/15

8 TTB (Rx+ 3 Bar MU)


8 Dual DB Thrusters

12 (6 p/s) SA DB Hang Snatch

3 Strict TTB or leg raises

c: Cool Down