July 16 - 21



a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10 Forward + swing over hurdle

10 Squat+OH to stand

20 sec hollow hold to snap on coaches call


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up

b: Strength

b1: Box Squat (stack plates 1 inch below parallel) 3x5

b2: Partner GHR 3x5

c: Metcon

For time


KB Swing 24/16

Dual DB Front Squat 22.5/15

Cap: 12 min

d: Cool Down


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

30 sec elbow to hand plank

30 sec Lying VWs

10 Quadroped T-Rotations


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up

b: Strength

b1: Strict Press 3x5

b2: SA Upright DB Row 3x9 p/s

c: Metcon

15 min EMOM

1: 30-70 DUs

2: 5 STOH 135/95

3: 15 Burpees

“Fitness” is Dual DB STOH

d: Cool Down


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

20 SL Bridge Walks (10 p/s)

30 sec seated SL abduction/adduction

15 90 90 internal lift offs


Daily Skill specific Warm Up

b: Strength

b1: 15 mins to build to heavy Deadlift 20 rep

b2: Lateral Box Step Down 3x5 p/s between warm up sets

c: Metcon

15 min Partner AMRAP

Round for round

6 Walking Lunges. Left arm KB (scale to DB) front rack 24/16, right arm DB suitcase 22.5/15

6 Left arm KB Hang Snatch (Scale to DB Hang Snatch)

6 Walking Lunges. Right arm KB front rack, left arm DB suitcase

6 Right arm KB Hang Snatch

d: Cool Down


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10m Lizard Crawl

10 Hanging Hip Haps (5 p/s)

10 Wall Slides

b: Gymnastics Strength

15 min EMOM

1: 2-5 Wall Facing SHSPU + 10-30sec Wall Hold (Scale to box or pike)

2: 2-5 Supinated chest to ring pullups + 10-30sec chin over ring holds (scale to ring rows + holds)

3: Rest

c: Metcon

For time:

800m run (800/600m row)


3 rounds:

12 HSPU (Scale to Push Ups)

12 TTB (Rx+ 6 Bar MUs)

Cap 15 min

d: Cool Down


a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10 p/s Travelling side lunge

10 (5 p/s) Seated Figure 4s

20 (10 p/s) Birddog


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up

b: Metcon

32min E2MOM (every SECOND minute)

1: Schwinn 40/30 cals, Assault 30/20 cals, Row 30/20 cals (1 min 45 sec cap)

2: Clean Complex: 2 Clean Deadlift+2 Hang Squat Clean + 2 Front Squat

3: 16 Pistols (8 p/s) (scale to jumping lunges) + 8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 (can step both movements)

4: Rest

c: Cool Down


a: Warm Up



Daily Skill Specific Warm Up

b: Metcon

8 rounds: 2 mins AMRAP: 2 mins off

Buy in each round with

3 Power Snatch 115/75 (Rx+ 135/95)



10 SA DB Hang Clean and Jerk (5 p/s) 22.5/15

10 Wall Balls 20/14

10 CTB

Restart each round. Aim for consistent scores each round.

c: Cool Down