August 13 - 18



a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10 (5 p/s) Shinbox flow

10 Frog Pumps

10 (5 p/s) Cossack to Pigeon


Daily Skill specific Warm Up


b: Strength

15 mins

Back Squat. Build to heavier 20.

Superset during warm up sets 3x5 p/s pistols or front facing box step downs


c: Metcon

For time:

50 alt DB Snatch (22.5/15)

40 Dual DB Front Squat

30 alt DB Snatch

20 Dual DB Front Squat


Cap: 12 min


d: Cool Down







a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10m Crab Walk

10 Downdog to divebomber

10 (5p/s) T-Rotation in squat


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up


b: Strength

15-20 mins

Push Press Build to heavier 3 than last week then 2x5 at heavier than last week (90% of 3))

Superset after set of heavy 3: SA DB row with supporting hand on box 3x10 p/s


c: Metcon

8 rounds:

1 min on: 1 min off

Buy in each round with 

3 Hang Power Clean+ 5 STOH @ 95/65 (Rx+ 115/75)

AMRAP Box Jump 24/20 (Rx+ 30/24)


“Fitness” is Dual DB Hang Clean + Push Press


Score is HPC+STOH+box jump


d: Cool Down







a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10 Hollow Rocks

10 (p/s) Side plank hip raises

10 alt (5 p/s) SLOW Drinking bird + Reverse Lunge


Daily Skill specific Warm Up


b: Banded Deadlift 4 reps every second minute for 5 sets. Heavier than last week.

Superset Calf raise 5 reps with 5 sec pause at top of each rep


c: Metcon

Team Grunt Work

15 min

In teams of 2-3

5 mins on each station any order

1: SB on shoulder walking lunge

2: DB Man Maker (1 push up+L Row+R Row+Cluster)

3: SA KB Hang Snatch  (Scaled SA DB Hang Snatch)


d: Cool Down







a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10 Gymnastics Bear Crawl

10 Straddle leg lifts

10 Narrow Pause Squats


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up


b: 15min to complete 5 rounds

1: Deficit SHSPU 2-5 reps (Scale to deficit box/pike HSPU). Greater deficit than last week.

2: Weighted Pullup 2-5 reps (Scale to feet on box, weighted ring row). More weight than last week.

3: Partner Bent-Knee Nordic Curl/Hinge 10 reps


c: Metcon

15 min EMOM

1: 30-70 DUs

2: 5-15 TTB or 5 TTB + 1-3 Bar MU

3: 5-15 K Ring Dip or Push Ups


d: Cool Down







a: Warm Up

2 rounds:

10m Duck Walk

10 (5p/s) quadroped fire hydrants

10 Frog Rocks


Daily Skill Specific Warm Up


b: Metcon

8 rounds 2 min on: 2 min off

Buy in each interval with 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean. Heavier than last week.

1: AMRAP Bike or Rower Cals

2: AMRAP HR Burpee

3: AMRAP Dual DB by side step ups

4: AMRAP KB Swing 24/16 (Rx+ 32/24)


c: Cool Down








Daily Skill specific Warm Up


b: Metcon

30 min EMOM

1: Schwinn 20/15 cal, Assault 15/10, Rower 15/10

2: 5 OHS from floor 135/95 lbs

3: 10-20 Wall Balls

4: 5-15 CTB

5: Rest


c: Cool Down