June 08-13


Last week before our return to training at our beautiful new facilities. So to celebrate all the hard work we have put in over the covid lock down, we will be revisiting some of the best WODs we completed. Starting Monday's public holiday with a bang. Reminder no zoom class today so make sure you book in for a park session or invite around a training buddy to do this one at home.

Warm Up

2 Rounds
4 p/s shoulder CARs
4 thoracic bridge
4 Squat to stands
4 Internal knee drops in squat
4 Deep Squat thoracic Rotations
2 lunge flow per side

Coach led warm up



For time Cap 25mins
10 Rounds dropping the last movement off after every round until just the first exercise remains.

2 HSPU < Push press p/s
4 SA row p/s
6 pistols < single leg squat to box
8 HR push ups
10 Russian Swings
12 Russian twists
14 Du's <140m run
16 DB/KB deadlift
18 sit ups
20 Squat jumps

Flow =


Tuesdays session has a progression on our strength from last week, plus another Metcon from our previous weeks of covid19 home training. This metcon has an RX+ option to add another round of 50 DB/KB hang clean and jerks and 15 Burpee’s over db/kb. There's a slight adjustment on this workout from when we first completed it. Originally we performed it as burpee step ups.


2 Rounds
3 p/s shoulder CARs
4 thoracic bridge
5-10 push up with scap plus
5-10 Row using both hands on kb/DB
30 sec Straight arm Plank

Strength Circuit


15min AMRAP for load/Quality

12 p/s Push press
Max Explosive Push up (explode up)
12 SA DB Bent over Row + 10 sec top hold on last rep
15 V-ups + 15 sec Hollow



For time10 Hang clean and press
15 burpee over db/kb
20 Hang clean and press
15 burpee over db/kb
30 Hang clean and press
15 burpee over db/kb
40 Hang clean and press
15 burpee over db/kbTime cap 17 mins
Rx+ add 1 more round of 50 then 15


Wednesday's strength session has a progression from last week. Moving to a superset of both movements. Pre fatiguing the hamstrings with our romainian deadlifts then supersetting into paused goblet squats. Followed by a revisit of an old CF HQ fundraiser workout. This time we will complete it as a 16AMRAP instead of  “for time”.

Warm Up

2 Rounds
2 Hip CARS p/s
10 Bird Dog
10 Curtsey lunge
10 KB/DB Deadlift
10 Russian Swings
20 sec per side overhead carry or hold

Movement Specific Warm up with coach

Strength Circuit


4 rounds
Tempo Romanian DL
12 Reps 2/1/2/1
Tempo Goblet Squat
10 reps 2/2/x/1

-Rest 45 sec's-



50 dumbbell deadlifts
50 AbMat sit-ups
50 body weight step ups (lunges at park)
50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters


We have two variations of todays programming. Zoom Session has a gymnastic style emom mixed with core. Our Park session has a active recovery piece.

Zoom/Park Session

Warm up

2 rounds
4 squat to stand
4 each internal knee drops
4 squat thoracic rotation
10 bird dog
10 p/s Glute fire hydrants
5x Hollow Body inch worm

Active recovery

Zoom Session

Gymnastic Circuit

Coach led skill break down

1) 30 sec box hand stand walk or handstand hold
2) 30 sec Hollow flutters
3) 2 TGU
4) 10 Weighted Cossak squats
5) 30 sec Plank lateral hip taps

Park Session

20mins for Quality

400m jog nose Breathing
20m p/s suitcase carry
10 Cossack squats
10 Romanian Deadlifts
20 Russian twists


Friday’s program is another stroll down covid training memory lane with two metcons we completed in the weeks past.

Warm Up

2 rounds
3 Squat to stands
6 Internal knee drops in squat
6 Deep Squat thoracic Rotations
2 lunge flow per side

2 rounds
5 Push ups with push plus
10 Wvs

*Movement specific warm up with coach




HSPU/narrow grip push up
DB/KB Bent over Row
*30sec Prone hold after each round
Cap 15mins

-Rest 5 mins-


40 goblet lunges
30 Weighted leg raise (TTB variation from thursday gymnatsics)
20 SA DB Clean
10 SA Devils press


Final park and zoom session! We have a partner workout to celebrate our return to the gyms. Remember to drop off your equipment today from 10am, please make sure to be ticked off on the list by one of our coaches.

Warm up

2 rounds
45 sec skipping < Run 200m
5 Kang squats
2 P/s Lunge Flows through downward dog & dive bomber
3 p/s Standing shoulder CARS



Pairs WOD - Share work anyhow

Run 800m (alt 200s)
-5 rounds-
16 SA Devils press
40 air squats
Run 800m (alt 200s)
-4 rounds-
16 SA Hang Squat cleans
30 V-ups
Run 800m (alt 200s)
-3 rounds-
16 SA DB thrusters
20 Jumping lunge

CAP 30mins

Zoom Session

Pairs WOD "Round 4 round"

50 Du’s each/ one working at a time
-8 rounds-
8 SA Devils press
20 air squats
50 Du’s each/ one working at a time
-8 rounds-
8 SA Hang Squat cleans
15 V-ups
50 Du’s each/ one working at a time
-8 rounds-
8 SA DB thrusters
10 Jumping lunge

CAP 30mins