April 15 - 20


We are in our second week of this 4 week-training cycle. Today we have box squats with a 2-second lowering, 1-second pause, drive up for power, and 2-second breath-and-brace before descending for your next rep. The emphasis is on a powerful concentric phase of the lift. Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to move with power and have no sticking points. Use plate stacks on box-squats for safety. Perform 2 depth-jumps between each set. Stand on a 20inch box. Step off the box, land and recoil/spring straight back up into vertical jump.

Warm Up
Hip Flow

Box Squat
4x3 OT3min @ moderate-heavy. Tempo 21X2.
Box Squat emphasis on controlled negative and then powerful concentric.
Perform 2 depth-jumps between each set.

For time:
30 alt SA DB Snatch 22.5/15
Run 1km
30 alt SA DB Snatch 22.5/15

Cap: 10 min

Rx+ 32.5/20

Extras: Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30 mins

Extras: Muscle and Strength

Front-foot elevated reverse lunge. DBs by side. 4x8 p/s
Hamstring Slider/fitball curl 4x6
Pike leg lifts 3x10
Calf Raise onto big toe. add weight if easy. 4x15
Shin raise with KBs 3x10

90 90 internal + external 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


We are in our second week of this 4 week cycle. Today we have jerk-width bench press with a 2 second lowering, 1 second pause on the t-shirt (keep tension so it doesn't sink into chest), 1 second drive up, and 1 second pause before the next rep. Use plate stacks with abmats on top for benchs if necessary. Superset wih bent-over Rear-delt fly. The class will partake in a coach-led empty barbell push jerk warm-up together and then warm up the metcon-skills before the metcon. In the metcon, share a barbell warm-up with a friend and work in the opposite 90 sec window if necessary.

Warm Up
Animal Flow

Jerk-Width Bench Press
4x6 OT3 min. Tempo 2111.
Superset: Rear Delt Fly 4x10

Warm Up

Empty barbell warm up
Warm Up Metcon skills

7 rounds of 90sec on:90sec off
Buy in each interval with 5 Barbell Hang Cluster @ 95/65 (Rx+ 115/75)
5 Burpee to target
5 Pullups

Aim for same score each round.

Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x6 Dual DB Z-Press
4x6 p/s SA DB Row on bench/box
4x8 (16 p/s) alternating hammer curl
3x10 DB wrist extension

Wrist extensions 2 min static into 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


We are in our second week of this 4 week cycle. Today we will perform the metcon before the strength section. The metcon should be at no higher than 80% effort. We want to keep this aerobic and submaximal. The runs in the metcon will be nasal breathing only. You can breathe in/out the mouth for the other metcon skills if you wish. We then have conventional deadlifts with a 3 up, 3 down tempo. No pause at the top or bottom of the rep. Continuous movement.

Warm Up
Warm Up Running and Metcon Skills

20 min AMRAP
At the 0:00, 5:00, 10:00 and 15:00 Run 400m nasal-breathing only
in remaining time perform AMRAP
1 TGU per side 24/16
15 KB Swing

4x4 OT3min @ moderate-heavy. Tempo 3030.
Superset 4x6 Box+Ring Hamsting Curl

Extras: Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins

Extras: Muscle and Strength

Dual DB Front Rack Lateral Step up 4x8 p/s
Nordic negatives 4x2
Dragonfly 4x2
Bottom of squat Calf Raise onto big toe 4x15

Hamstring 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Today we focus on TTB for our gymnastics workshop. If you are advanced you can perform a TTB EMOM instead.
The metcon is a 20min EMOM. Ideally stagger waves so that everyone starts on the bike/rower but not totally necessary.

Warm Up
Animal Flow


10 mins workshop TTB.
If advanced perform 3-8 TTB every 30 seconds for 5 min.

20 min EMOM
1: 20/15 cal schwinn. 15/10 cal row/assault.
2: 6 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 (Rx+ 10 reps)
3: 1-3 SMUs
4: 10-15 V-Snaps

Scale SMUs to 3-10 strict dips or ring push-ups

Kneeling shoulder extension 2min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture

Full Body CARs


Ideally stagger waves 2 mins apart so that everyone starts on the barbell. Build in weight over the 5 rounds of the barbell complex. 1 minute 40second cap on bike/rower so as not to hold the next wave up.

Warm Up
15m forwards bear crawl
15m reverse bear crawl
1 min hip CARs p/s
1 min ankle CAR/s p/s
Empty barbell warm up
warm up metcon skills

30min EMOM
1: 1 Squat Clean with pause at knee + 1 hang power clean with pause in receiving position
2+3: 40/30 cal schwinn or 30/20cal row/assault (cap 1min40)
4+5: 10 alternating Single DB box up 22.5/15 + 15 Wall Balls 20/14
6: Rest

Box 24/20
Hold DB anyway
Rx+ Perform 20 Wall Balls

Twisted lizard 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Aim to catch the snatch balance low in the squat.

Warm Up
2 rounds:
6 static spiderman rotation passing through bottom of squat
6 downdog to divebomber
Empty barbell warm up

15 mins to complete 4 moderate sets of complex: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance

For time
100 DUs
30 TTB
30 SA DB STOH (5L, 5R, etc) 22.5/15
100 DUs
30 TTB
100 DUs

Scale DUs to 200 singles
Rx+ DB 32.5/20

Cap: 15 min

Kneeling shoulder flexion 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture

Full Body CARs

Farm Fit

Warm Up
2 rounds:
6 static spiderman rotation passing through bottom of squat
6 downdog to divebomber

20min AMRAP
Run 400m
6 Left arm DB Push Press
6 left arm OH walking lunge
6 right arm DB Push Press
6 right arm OH walking lunge
6 Strict Ring Pullups or Ring Rows

Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x12(6p/s) Tall-Kneeling Dual KB Alternating OH Press
4x6 Dual DB Floor Press
4x16 (8 p/s) DB Renegade Row
4x10 banded tricep pressdown
4x15 band pullapart

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs

Farm Strength

Warm Up
5x2 (1p/s) TGU. Slow and controlled. Get heavier each set.

Farm Strength
a: 3 heavy sets of 30m (2x15m) farmers carry

b: 4x8 Dual DB Floor Press

c: 4x8 Dual KB chest supported row


Warm Up
Hip Flow
10 downdog to divebomber
warm up ankles/calves
warm up specific metcon skills

Explosive repeat method
10 sets of:
10 seconds AMRAP: 40 seconds rest
Goblet jump squats.
Last week of explosive repeat method.


20 min
4 rounds: 4 min on: 1 min off
50 DUs
12 SA DB Hang Snatch (6L, 6R)
12 SA DB Thruster (6L, 6R)
6 HR Burpees

Weightlifting 1

Warm Up
30 sec p/s shoulder CARs
30 sec p/s hip CARs
empty barbell snatch warm up

Power Snatch

Every 90 secs for 8 sets
1 Power Snatch with pause in receiving position + 1 hang power snatch

Hang Squat Clean
10,8,5,3. TNG Barbell cycling
Heavier each Set. Rest 2 mins between each set.

Weightlifting 2

Warm Up
30 sec shoulder CARs p/s
30 sec hip CARs p/s
empty barbell overhead warm up

Clean and Jerk
10 min. Every 2 min for 5 sets: 1 Power Clean + 3 push press

Hang Squat Snatch
10,8,5,3 TNG Babell cycling
Heavier each Set. Rest 2 mins between each set..