April 27 - May 2



Mondays session we will need a wall for wall sits and some loading, KB DB or BB. If you dont have any equipment then load a backpack. Metcon is 10AMRAP of 32 DU’s, 12 Hang SA Clusters with KB  or DB - the hang should be taken from inside the legs to shoulder, through squat and press out overhead, and 8 burpees. 

Warm Up


2 Rounds 

4 Bootstrap Squats

4 Deep Squat thoracic rotations

4 Shin box rotations

4 Shin box with extension (shin box bridge)

2 rounds

5 p/s thoracic opener on floor (book openers)

10 Deadbug

10 p/s single leg glute bridge

Strength Circuit

Every 2mins for 6 Sets

40 sec Wall Sit

20 sec Max Goblet squats


*Try holding KB/DB in the wall sit






32 Du's

12 Hang SA clusters

8 Burpee's



Du's - Lateral line hops - imaginary Du's

Hang squat cleans - Loaded back pack squat clean from floor - Jumping lunges




Tuesdays session will need your equipment or odd objects. We have a constantly moving strength circuit with no set rounds, if you have the ability you may push and complete more rounds in set time period (15mins). Metcon is a 8 min ladder in even numbers of push ups and per side DB/ KB snatch. For example 2 push ups, 2 snatch left arm, 2 snatch right arm then 4 push ups, 4 snatch left arm, 4 snatch right arm...



2 Rounds

3 Shoulder CARS P/S

4 Twisting Bear P/S

5 Down-dog Dive-bomber Push-up


2 rounds

10 Push plus

10 w-vs

15 sec hollow hold

Strength Circuit

15mins for quality and rounds 

5-10 Strict HSPU

10 Bent over Row (single db/kb do reps per/side)

12 Russian twist

rest 30-45 seconds





Push ups

Per/side Snatch (DB/KB)



Snatch- Ground to over head with odd object/ Backack x2




Wednesdays program will need a box and KB/DB or loaded Backpack. We have Weighted step ups and hip thrusts into a 10 sec isometric hold at the top of our last rep. Metcon today is a 16AMRAP chipper, the weighted leg raise is a variationon TTB that we used on last thursdays gymnastic session. Here is a link to a video for demonstation ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHWXyMzC2WI )

Warm up

2 rounds

2 lunge flow per side

8 reverse lunges

10 Hollow Rocks


2 rounds

10 p/s Single leg hip thrust

15 p/s Fire hydrants ( try extending leg out and back in at the top of each rep)


Strength circuit 

3 rounds


20 Weighted Box step ups


20 Loaded hip thrust + 10 sec hold

rest 45 secs


  • Load with KB/DB/BB or back pack on DL




40 goblet lunges

30 Weighted leg raise (TTB variation from thursday gymnatsics)

20 SA DB Clean

10 SA Devils press



Goblet lunges- Body weight lunges

Weighted leg raises - V-snaps

SA DB Clean - Back Pack jumping good morning

Devils press - Burpee with back pack



Thursday’s Session is a double gymnastic EMOM with some challenging new core and arch progressions. Equipment needed is a KB/DB or loaded backpack for turkish get up. Followed by a long stretch session to look after the body.

Warm up

2 rounds

2 dive bomber + twisting bear

10 S- Waves

10 Arch Pulse

30sec per side wrist CARS

10 push plus


10mins coach led skill/movement break down

Gymnastic Circuit


1) Wall Walk + 30 sec chest 2 wall hold

2) 30 sec Alternating upper and lower pulse (upper pulse - lower pulse- alt)

3) 1-2 TGU per side


Rest 3 mins



1) 40 sec Pike to headstand - Or wall practice headstand

2) 30 sec alternating Arch lift (opposite sides lift up, alternating)

3) 30 sec box handstand walk (keep alternating directions each round or HS walk)

4) Rest




Fridays session is active recovery flow mixed in with some isometric holds. The workout is a twist on the 2017 Crossfit open workout replacing db snatch with hang clean and jerks, this will be a challenging one to finish. If you have a lighter db or kb it may help you complete all work. In 2017 this finished 50 reps then 15 burpee box overs… if you enjoy a challenge.

Warm Up

2 rounds

3 Squat to stands

6 Internal knee drops in squat

6 Deep Squat thoracic Rotations

2 lunge flow per side

Strength Circuit 

12min Flow For Quality


10 Alternating kossak squats

20 sec p/s Bent over row top hold (or 2 db/kb hold for 30 secs)

4 Jefferson curls (body weight or minimal load)

20 sec p/s SA Oh Carry or hold p/s (or 2 db/kb For 30 secs)

2 Dive bombers with thoracic bridge


For time


10 Hang clean and press

15 burpee box jump/step up

20 Hang clean and press

15 burpee box jumps/step ups

30 Hang clean and press

15 burpee box jumps/step ups

40 Hang clean and press

15 burpee box jumps


Time cap 17 mins



No box- burpee through a squat with a jump

No KB/DB - Backpack hang snatch (2 arms) 



Saturday sessions! This one is a big one to celebrate the slight drop in social restrictions. We will definitely need a pen and paper, write down the workout ahead of schedule to make sure you can follow. We have a 10 round workout but after every round we drop off the exercise we finished on. All the way down untill we complete just the first exercise! Scale progressions to allow you to move the whole time. 

Warm up

2-3 rounds

3 p/s shoulder CARs

3 P/s lunge flow

10 Bird Dog

20/20/20 prone hold

10 S- Waves


Movement specific warm up


For time Cap 25mins

10 Rounds dropping the last movement off after every round until just the first exercise remains.



4 Renegade row/ SA row

6 pistols < single leg squat to box

8 HR push ups

10 Russian Swings

12 Russian twists

14 Du's

16 DB/KB deadlift

18 sit ups

20 Wall Balls/ Squat jumps


Flow =


RND1) 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20

RND2) 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18

RND3) 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16

RND4) 2,4,6,8,10,12,14


RND9) 2,4

RND10) 2