We are in our fourth week of this 4 week-training cycle. Today we have box squats with a 2-second lowering, 1-second pause, drive up for power, and 2-second breath-and-brace before descending for your next rep. The emphasis is on a powerful concentric phase of the lift. Less reps than last week but add weight to the barbell. If you were not here last week, choose a weight that is challenging but still allows you to move with power. There should be no sticking points through the rep. Use plate stacks on box-squats for safety. Perform 2 depth-jumps between each set. Stand on a 20inch box. Step off the box, land and recoil/spring straight back up into vertical jump.
Warm Up
Hip Flow
Box Squat
4x3 OT3min @ heavier than last week. Tempo 21X2.
Box Squat emphasis on controlled negative and then powerful concentric.
Perform 2 depth-jumps between each set.
For time:
1km run
50 KB Swing 24/16 (Rx+ 32/24)
40 alternating box step ups with KB (hold anyway)
30 SA KB Thruster (5L, 5R etc)
Scoring: Time
Cap: 15 min
Extras: Fitness
2nd week of Maximum Aerobic Power Cycle 30 mins continuous circuit on bike/rower/ski/run
Extras: Muscle and Strength
Front-foot elevated reverse lunge. DBs by side. 4x10 p/s
Hamstring Slider/fitball curl 4x8
Pike leg lifts 3x12
Calf Raise onto big toe. add weight if easy. 4x17
Shin raise with KBs 3x12
90 90 internal + external 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
We are in our fourth week of this 4 week cycle. We have jerk-width bench press with a 2 second lowering, 1 second pause on the t-shirt (keep tension so it doesn't sink into chest), 1 second drive up, and 1 second pause before the next rep. Use plate stacks with abmats on top for benches if necessary. Superset with bent-over Rear-delt fly. If you were here last week, use the same weights as last week and just add a repetition to each set. The class will partake in a coach-led empty barbell push jerk warm-up together and then warm up the metcon-skills before the metcon. In the metcon, share a barbell warm-up with a friend and work in the opposite 30 sec window if necessary. This is the last week of this Metcon cycle.
Warm Up
Animal Flow
Jerk-Width Bench Press
4x8 OT3 min. Tempo 2111.
Superset: Rear Delt Fly 4x12
Warm Up
Empty barbell warm up
Warm Up Metcon skills
20 rounds of 30sec on:30sec off
Buy in each interval with 3 Barbell Hang Clean and Jerk 45/30 (no Rx+)
Burpees to target
Scoring: each round, 20 rounds for reps
Aim for same score each round.
Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x8 Dual DB Z-Press
4x8 p/s SA DB Row on bench/box
4x10 (20 p/s) alternating hammer curl
3x12 DB wrist extension
Wrist extensions 2 min static into 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
We are in our fourth week of this 4 week cycle. We will perform the metcon before the strength section. The metcon should be at no higher than 80% effort. We want to keep this aerobic and submaximal. We have picked exercises in the metcon which will promote blood flow to the areas we want to be warm for our deadlifts, without fatiguing them. No scoring on today's metcon. We then have conventional deadlifts with a 3 up, 3 down tempo. No pause at the top or bottom of the rep. Continuous movement.
Warm Up
Warm Up Running and Metcon Skills
20 min EMOM
1: 20/15 cal schwinn.15/10 cal row/assault.
2: 10 Dual KB by side walking lunge
3: 10 SB Bear Hug-Squats
4: 10 ring row
Scoring: No measure
Keep lunges strict (ie. no swinging KBs for momentum)
4x5 OT3min @ heavy. Tempo 3030.
Superset 4x7 Box+Ring Hamsting Curl
Extras: Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins
Extras: Muscle and Strength
Dual DB Front Rack Lateral Step up 4x10 p/s
Nordic negatives 6x2
Dragonfly 6x2
Bottom of squat Calf Raise onto big toe 4x17
Hamstring 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today we focus on Kipping Ring Dips for our gymnastics workshop. If you are advanced you can perform a Dip EMOM instead.
The metcon is a 20min partner AMRAP. The partner not on the run will perform Double unders and SHSPU while waiting.
Warm Up
Animal Flow
10 mins workshop Kipping Ring Dips.
If advanced perform 3-8 Kipping Dips every 30 seconds for 5 min.
20 min Partner AMRAP
Round for round
400m run
The other partner performs 30-50 DUs and 2-10 SHSPU while waiting.
Scale SHSPU to Pike/Box HSPU
Scoring: Rounds and Reps
Kneeling shoulder extension 2min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today's metcon is a 30min partner AMRAP round for round.
Warm Up
15m forwards bear crawl
15m reverse bear crawl
1 min hip CARs p/s
1 min ankle CAR/s p/s
Empty barbell warm up
warm up metcon skills
30min Partner AMRAP
Round for round
2 Squat Clean 60/40 (Rx+ 70/45)
5 Pullups
15 Wall Balls 20/14
Scale Pullups to jumping pullups
Scoring: Rounds and Reps
Twisted lizard 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
The snatch complex today will feature a power snatch with pause in receiving position (to drill proper receiving position with hips back in a 1/4 squat) and a squat snatch with pause at the knee on the pull (to drill staying over the bar on the pull).
Warm Up
2 rounds:
6 static spiderman rotation passing through bottom of squat
6 downdog to divebomber
Empty barbell warm up
15 mins to complete 3 moderate sets of complex: 1 Power snatch with pause in receiving position + 1 squat snatch with pause at knee on pull
For time:
Buy in: 30 DB facing burpee over
3 rounds:
20 alt DB Snatch 22.5/15
10 Bar MUs
Buy out: 30 DB facing burpee over
Scoring: Time
Cap: 15 min
Scale to jumping bar MUs
Kneeling shoulder flexion 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Farm Fit
Warm Up
2 rounds:
6 static spiderman rotation passing through bottom of squat
6 downdog to divebomber
20min AMRAP
400m run
6 Dual DB Burpee
6 Dual DB Hang Clean and Push Press
12 Dual DB Renegade Row
12 V-Snaps
Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x16(8p/s) Tall-Kneeling Dual KB Alternating OH Press
4x8 Dual DB Floor Press
4x20 (10 p/s) DB Renegade Row
4x12 banded tricep pressdown
4x17 band pullapart
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Farm Strength
Warm Up
3x2 (1p/s) TGU with empty barbell
Farm Strength
a: 3 heavy sets of tyre complex: 30m backwards drag straight into 30m forwards drag
b: 4x7 p/s SA BB bench. Same weight as last week.
c: 4x7 p/s SA DB row with hand on box. Same weight as last week
Warm Up
5 min AMRAP for quality
30 DUs
5 Downdog to divebomber
10 static reverse lunge
5 deck squats
In groups of 2-3
Perform 20 mins AMRAP cals on bike/rower.
Perform 5 HR burpees every time you hop off the bike/rower.
Weightlifting 1
Warm Up
30 sec p/s shoulder CARs
30 sec p/s hip CARs
empty barbell snatch warm up
Squat Snatch
In 15 mins complete 3 moderate-heavy sets of complex: 1 Snatch lift-off + 1 Squat Snatch with pause in receiving positon
Power Clean
10 min E2MOM (5 sets)
15 Wall Balls 20/14 + 5 TNG Power Clean
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
30 sec shoulder CARs p/s
30 sec hip CARs p/s
empty barbell overhead warm up
Split Jerk
1n 15 mins complete 3 moderate-heavy sets of complex: 1 push press with pause in dip + 1 split jerk with pause in receving position
Power Snatch
10 min E2MOM
Set 1: 5 Power Snatch + 1 OHS
Set 2: 4 Power Snatch + 2 OHS
Set 3: 3 Power Snatch + 3 OHS
Set 4: 2 Power Snatch + 4 OHS
Set 5: 1 Power Snatch + 5 OHS