December 23 - 28


This week we are performing 1 sets of 20 reps on the squat. It should be at approximately 70% of your back squat 1RM. The week after we will repeat at 70-75% and the week after at 75-80%. You may have a couple of breaths in between each rep if you like.
The metcon is 6 rounds of work, each taking place on the 3 mintue mark. The goal is for consistent times across the 6 rounds. Stagger waves 1 minute apart if needed.

Warm Up
20m bear crawl
2x5m p/s banded glute walk
20 second RKC plank

Warm Up Sets
5 reps at empty barbell
5 reps at 30%
5 reps at 50%
5 reps at 65%

Back Squat
Complete 1 set of 20 reps at 70%

6 rounds OT3min
20/15 cal schwinn or 15/10 cal row/rogue
10 Single KB Box step up 24/16 (Rx+ 32/24)
10 KB Swing

Side plank 2x30sec p/s

Pigeon 2 min p/s

Cool Down
Box breathing


Todays deadlift have a 3030 tempo. That means 3 seconds on the way up and 3 seconds on the way down with no pause at the top or bottom but constant movement. Each rep should take 6 seconds so each set should take 18 seconds. Each week the tempo will go down as the reps increase.

Warm Up
20m Lizard Crawl
20 sec RKC Plank

Warm Up Sets
5 empty barbell deadlift
5 deadlift at 30%
5 deadlift at 50%
5 deadlfts at 65%

4x3 with tempo 3030

For time
50 dual db alt reverse lunge 22.5/15
40 TTB
30 devils press (same dumbbells)
Cap: 17 min
Scoring: Time

Box+Ring Hamstring Curl 4x10

Couch Stretch

Cool Down
Box breathing


Today we will perform a 3-position snatch every 2nd minute for 5 sets.
The metcon is an opportunity to work on barbell cycling and gymnastics cycling. If you cannot perform HSPU, please perform box/pike HSPU)

Warm Up

2 rounds:
1 TGU p/s
5 Goblet Squats

3-position snatch every 2nd minute for 5 sets.

For time in pairs round for round
Complete each round, each
Hang Squat Clean 40/25
Cap: 13 min

Scoring: Time

Band Pullapart 4x15-20 p/s

Accumulate 2 mins hang

Cool Down
Box Breathing

Farm Fit

Warm Up
2 rounds:
1 TGU p/s
5 Goblet Squats

25 min AMRAP
Run 200m (Rx+400m)
10 Dual DB Floor Press
5 Strict knee raises/ball ups
15 band pullaparts


Accumulate 2 mins hang

Cool Down
Box Breathing

Weightlifting 1

Warm Up
2 rounds:
1 TGU p/s
5 Goblet Squats
Empty barbell snatch warm up

Power Snatch

2 reps every 90 secs for 6 sets.

Heaving Snatch Balance

Weightlifting 2

Warm Up
2 rounds:
5 downdog to divebomber
10 reps spiderman lunge + rotation passing through squat each rep
Empty barbell warm up

Split Jerk
2 reps every 90 secs for 6 sets.

Squat Clean
Complete 3 working sets of 1 pause squat clean + 1 pause front squat