February 24 - 29



Week 3 of 4. Our focus for this cycle will be Front Squat and building strength through a % based 5-4-3-2 rep range. Each week there will be four working sets with an optional extra set. These extra sets are a max rep set at same the load, but saving 1-2 reps in the tank at the end. Making sure that we keep our quality of reps high.

Warm Up

2 rounds

10 Cal row or bike

2 Dive bomber + 2 Thoracic Bridge

10 Dead bug

10 straight leg glute kick back + 10 fire hydrants

1 Round

Plate squat warm up

*coach led https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCEpcIo-O4I

Front Squat

10@ empty barbell

8@ 30%

6@ 50%

5@ 65%


3x3 @80-85%

*increase on last weeks load.

*RX+ extra set with Max reps but leaving potentially 2 reps left in tank, no more than 10.



Round 4 round with a partner

16 Wall Balls

6 Sand Bag Cleans 45/36

4 Sand bag squats

Gymnastic Extra


1) 35-40% Max Bar Muscle Up

2) 4-10m HS Walk

3) Bike @6/10 RPE

Strength & Hypertrophy Extra

3 sets Each (increase load from last week)

15 Dual KB leg Extensions

30 Sec weighted wall sit + 30 sec small pulse in wall sit

15/15 SL Calf raise





1)8-20 Cal Bike

2)8-20 Cal Row

3)8-20 Cal Ski Or Run 100-200m

4) Rest


Week 3 of  4. During this cycle on Tuesday we will change the class format to bring a new stimulus. We will complete our conditioning piece before our strength portion. Our strength progression over this period will be strict pull ups 8-6-4-2 .As it is a decrease in repetitions we would like to see an increase in external load/decrease in assistance. This will be performed as a superset with a single arm standing DB strict press.

Warm up

2 rounds

10m Walking then skipping high knees

10m Hamstring sweep

10 Scap pull up + 10 Scap Push up


Running drills 1-2 rounds

-Fast high knees

-10 m banded partner drags


4 rounds

2mins 30secs on 90 seconds off


200m Run

10 Alt Hang DB Split Snatch 22.5/15

6 C2B < pull up

Max Burpee to rig remaining time


RX+ 4 Bar muscle up

*Score= Burpees, can you get same amount each time.

Strength circuit 

4 Rounds


4 strict Pull up (weighted if possible)

Rest 30 seconds

4/4 SA DB Strict press

Rest 30 seconds

30 sec side plank on left side + 15 Kb side crunch over to left side

*Repeat on right side


16 Cap

Gymnastic Extra

3 Rounds

10 Arch Pulse

10 Hollow Rock

10 v-ups

10 ALt V-ups

10 Side plank pulse L - R

10 Rainbow Maker L -R

Rest 1 minute

Strength & Hypertrophy Extra

3 sets as super set

8 DB Bench press

8 DB Chest fly

8 DB Pull over

*increase load from last week



For time

3000m Row

Stopping every 300m for 10 Burpees


Week 3 of 4. We will be continuing to focus on single leg lunge progression. We will perform this as a superset with Barbell hip lifts. This week we have a decrease in reps, so an increase in load on the Back rack lunge. With our hip lifts we have controlled tempo into fast tempo into isometric.

Warm up


2 rounds

10 Cals

10 Dead bugs

10 bird dog

10/10 SL Hip lift

10 ALt reverse lunge

Strength circuit 

4 Working sets


8 Barbell Back Rack lunge

Rest 30-60 Seconds

10 Barbell Hip thrust + hold

  • 5 Slow tempo (2//0/2/0) 5 Fast Tempo 5 sec top hold

Rest 30-60 seconds


CAP 20mins


15AMRAP "Pairs"


2 Wall Walks (4-6-8-10-12-14..)

12 T2b

24 Cals Row/bike

48 Du's *each


Every round wall walk increase's by 2 reps. Can be completed as a 3 - change wall walks to 3-6-9-12.. )(18 T2b 36 Cals 48 Dus each)

Gymnastic Extra

For time/Quality

20 Strict HSPU

30 C2B

40 Pistol


Strength & Hypertrophy Extra

3-4 Set's each

10 Barbell Goodmorning

10 Lying prone DB Hamstring curl

12 Strict Leg Raise/T2B + 10 sec L-sit



15-20mins Row/Ski/Bike

Recovery Nose Breathing only


Week 3 of 4. Thursdays will have a similar class structure as Tuesday with the strength/muscular endurance piece performed at the end. This class will continue as a gymnastic biased active recovery session, allowing us to safely work on skill progressions during a workout. Moving our bodies through a full range of motion with limited loading. Our muscular endurance piece is a continuous moving bodyweight circuit which will grow in duration and then complexity over the next 4 weeks.

Warm up

3 rounds

10 cal

10 Arch pulse

10 Hollow rock

1 Wall walk + 5 HS shrugs


10mins Coach led HS push up break down

Active Recovery

16AMRAP For quality

1 Strict HSPU

2 Kipping HSPU

6 Pistols < cossack Squats

8 Hollow rocks

10 Russian KB swings *any load

200m Run/ 15/10 cals


Muscular endurance

2 rounds 40 sec work 20 sec rest


Push up

Ring Row


Seal Walk

Left leg box step up

Right leg box step up


*controlled continuous movement


20-30mins Stretching

Stretch all major muscle groups

Spend more time on your own specific restrictions.

Ask Coach


Week 3 of our 4 week block. Our weightlifting program on friday will continue with the clean being our focus. We will start with short hang power clean EMOM’s to help cue our extension and turn over speed. Then progressing to a EMOM of 1 squat clean. 

Warm up

Squat/Hip/Thoracic Flow


Activtion= Glute/Core


Coach lead empty barbell Skill Break down for complex



2 Hang power Cleans

Rest 1 minute



1 Squat Cleans


*start at 65-70% 1RM increase each round


For time

5 Rounds

15 Wall Ball Squat Cleans 20/14

10 lateral Burpee over ball


Time Cap 14mins

*must reach full extension on pull, then travel through squat, ball touches floor between each rep.

Gymnastic Extra

10mins skill Practice

Rope climb


3-5 Quality set's Rope Strict Pull ups

Strength & Hypertrophy Extra

3 set's as super set

10 Barbell Skull crusher

12 Barbell bicep curl

*Drop set last set





100m fast run


Saturday team based workouts have been the highlight of our week. Today's team wod is a 21AMRAP with ascending loads on the power cleans. After each completed round we will increase the weight. If you get to a point where 2 of the 3 members can still power clean the barbell and the third can't, you may choose to deadlift instead of adjusting the weight during the round.


Warm Up

3 rounds

200m jog or 10-15 cals

10m lunge with twist

10 Russian kB swings

10m P/S SA KB OH carry


Team WOD Flow with coach



In teams of three, complete: 21AMRAP


400 run together

33 c2b < Pull up < Ring row

33 Cal row/bike (schwin 50cal)

33 Power Cleans 


*load increases each round

Male barbell 40-50-60-70-80-90

Female Barbell 30-35-40-45-55-65


Weightlifting 1

Warm Up


Thoracic/hip rotat/squat



Glute/ shoulder/midline


Coach lead barbell skill break down


Clean and Jerk

Week 3


5 sets at above 75% max split jerk

2 Split jerk

*Pause at bottom of dip on first rep, no pause on 2nd rep


Every 90 seconds for 12mins

1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean



Climb after every 2 sets only if moving well, reset between lifts.


Rest 3 mins


3x3 2inch Deficit Clean Deadlift @ 105% 1RM Clean

Weightlifting 2

Warm Up


Thoracic/hip rotat/squat



Glute/ shoulder/midline


Coach lead barbell skill break down



Week 3


6 sets For Quality

1 Power Snatch + Snatch Balance with pause in catch + 2 Over head squat



Every 90 seconds for 12mins

1 power snatch + 1 Squat Snatch


Lower catch on each, focus is timing and getting under the bar.


Climb after every 2 sets only if moving well, reset between lifts. no stepping forward, no press outs.


Rest 3 mins



3x3 2inch deficit snatch grip Deadlifts @105% 1RM snatch