February 3 - 8



Deload Week. A opportunity to reduce loading and strength volume through the week to optimize recovery from previous strength cycle. Also allowing us to prepare for the next. Todays Strength is Front Squat with a pause in the bottom position on the first 2 reps then no pause on the next 3 reps.


Warm Up

3 rounds


10 Cals

6 Cossack squats - kang squats - goblet squat (change progression each round)

10 p/s single leg hip lift

10 each way banded glute steps


Paused Front Squat (10@ empty barbell)

8@ 30%

6@ 50%

5@ 65%


3x5@ 65%

First 2 reps with 2 sec pause next 3 with controlled bounce.


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

3 Rounds for time

400m Run

30 Air Squats

15 Barbell Push Press 40/30



Deload Week. A opportunity to reduce loading and strength volume through the week to optimize recovery from previous strength cycle. Also allowing us to prepare for the next. Today we have a 1RM test for bench press, please mnake sure you have a spotter on all heavy attempts.



Warm up


3 rounds

10m p/s Marcus Filly carry

4 thoracic roatations

5-10 push ups

5-10 ring rows


Strength Circuit (Find 1RM Bench Press)

*must have spotter

Dumbell bent over Row

3x 10 reps

*high quality between bench press




Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)


4 Sand Bag Cleans 36/45

8 T2B

12 Push ups


Deload Week. A opportunity to reduce loading and strength volume through the week to optimize recovery from previous strength cycle. Also allowing us to prepare for the next. Keep the load down on this strength circuit and focus more on quality reps.


Warm up


2 rounds

10m lunge Flow

10m Hamstring sweep

10 bird dog

10 small crunch

20 sec each front/side/side plank

Strength Circuit (2-3 Rounds For Quality/deload)

6 Dual KB Sumo Deadlift

Tempo 2/0/2/0

Rest 30 seconds

12 Barbell Back Rack Lunge

Rest 30 seconds

20 KB russian twist

Rest 30 seconds


CAP 16mins


Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

Conditioning in pairs



40 Burpee Box overs

80 Wall Balls 20/14

40 KB Hang Snatch 24/16

80 Cals (schwinn 1.5x)



Gymnastic testing, this is a chance to see how our bodyweight strength progressing. We have a Max Pull up and Max Ring dip test. Followed by a skill and active recovery piece. 


Warm up


3 rounds

10 cals

4 Thoracic Rotations

5-10 push ups plus

5-10 Ring Rows

10 Hollow Rocks


Gymnastics Strength & Core

Gymnastic Test's

2-3 Sub max set's

Strict Pull Up

Ring Dip


Max rep Strict Pull up < elevated feet ring row

Max rep Ring dip < Push up


Active Recovery and Mobility

16mins For Quality


2 Wall Walks

6 Kipping Pull ups

8 V-ups

10 Kossak Squats

10m HS Walk or 10m Dual KB OH carry

400m Run/ 20-15 Cal Row /bike


Deload Week. A opportunity to reduce loading and strength volume through the week to optimize recovery from previous strength cycle. Also allowing us to prepare for the next. Metcon today is a share work anyhow in pairs. With strength allowing us to find a heavy power clean, if moving well feel free to test yourself.


Warm up


Squat/Hip/Thoracic Flow


Activtion= Glute/Core


Coach lead empty barbell Skill Break down for complex


Clean (Every Minute for 10mins)

1 Power Clean @65%+


Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

10AMRAP "Pairs"


Bar Facing burpees

Hang power clean

Front Rack Lunge

RX=30/40 RX+=50/35

Share work anyway


Saturdays workouts for this cycle are going to be team based sessions. Complete in groups of 3 or 2 and share the load anyhow. 



3 rounds

200m jog or 10-15 cals

10m lunge with twist

5-10 Ring Row

2 Wall walks


Team WOD Flow with coach


Metcon (No Measure)



120 Du's

75 Pull ups

75 assault bike calories (schwinn 1.5x)

75 double DB shoulder to overhead 15/10

75 Assault bike

75 Pull ups


CAP 24mins

Saled rep range 100 & 45reps

RX+ DB 22.5/15



Weightlifting 1



Thoracic/hip rotat/squat



Glute/ shoulder/midline


Coach lead barbell skill break down

Clean and Jerk (Final week of 4 week Cycle)

15 mins for quality

From rack Find Heavy

1 Split Jerk with pause in catch position


Every 90 seconds for 12mins

3 Power Cleans

 Climb after every 2 sets only if moving well, reset between lifts.

 Rest 3 mins

 3x3 2inch Deficit Clean Deadlift @ 90%

Weightlifting 2



Thoracic/hip rotat/squat



Glute/ shoulder/midline


Coach lead barbell skill break down


Snatch (Final Week of 4 week cycle)

15 mins for quality

From Rack find heavy

1 Snatch balance


Every 90 seconds for 12mins

3 power snatch


Climb after every 2 sets only if moving well, reset between lifts. no stepping forward, no press outs.


Rest 3 mins


Complete 3-4 set's

3x3 2inch deficit snatch grip Deadlifts