January 13 - 18



Week 2 of cycle we will be basing our squat program off daily readiness, we will find 5,4,3RMs and will be completing working sets based on these numbers. These RMs should not be a complete max but a heavy for the day. Conditioning today is a pairs workout, grab a buddy, with one person working at a time complete as fast as possible.


3 rounds

10 Cals

6 Cossack squats - kang squats - goblet squat (change progression each round)

10 p/s single leg hip lift

10 bird dog


Back Squat (Within 10mins)

Within 10mins

10@ empty barbell

5@ 30%

5@ 50%

5@ 65%

Find H4 @8/10PRE

Next 5 mins complete

2-3x4@90% above


Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

14AMRAP "Pairs"

60 Wall Balls

40 Burpee over bar

30 Deadlifts 60/40

20 Power Cleans

10 Bar muscle up < 10 C2B

Gymnastic Extras

1 set Max Muscle Up in 45

sec window

-rest 2 mins5EMOM

1 set of 30-40% max


Strength & Hypertrophy

3 sets Each

12 Per Side SL KB


10 GHD Hip Extension with

10 sec pause on last rep

20 Side to side Banded step



Running Repeat efforts

2-3 sets

6x 200m Run with 20 sec

rest between reps

3 mins between sets


Strength today is to be completed as a circuit moving from exercise to exercise with short rest between. Week 2 we have a decrease in repetitions meaning an increase in load from last week. Week 3 & 4 we will introduce some overload techniques. 


2 rounds

100m jog

5 dive bombers

5 thoracic Bridge/rotation


2 rounds

10m p/s Marcus Filly carry

5 push ups

5 ring rows


Strength Circuit (4-5 Rounds for Quality and load (increase load))

(increase load from last week)


Barbell Bent Over Row 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Barbell Bench Press 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Weighted plank 45-60 seconds

Rest 30 seconds




Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

4 rounds for time

8 T2B

16 ALT Hang DB Snatch 22.5/15

32 DU's < 64 SU's



RX+ 30/20

Gymnastic Extras

Accumulate Volume

Hand Stand Push Up


2 strict 3 kipping or 2 box press 3 kipping/hold

RX+ every 30secs 2 strict 3 kipping


Strength & Hypertrophy

3 sets as super set

10 Per side SA DB Upright Row

10 Reverse DB Fly

10 DB Skull Crusher




3 x 4min Set's with 1 min Rest

30 sec work 30 sec rest

Aim to hit same Cals each 4 min block


Strength today is to be completed as a circuit moving from exercise to exercise with short rest between. Week 2 we have a decrease in repetitions meaning an increase in load from last week. Week 3 & 4 we will introduce some overload techniques. Metcon today is a pairs round 4 round AMRAP. 


10m lunge Flow

10m Hamstring sweep


"Big 3 Core exercises" 1-2


10 bird dog

10 small crunch

20 sec each front/side/side



Strength Circuit (4-5 Rounds For Quality and load (increase load))

(increase load from

last week)


10 Elevated front foot

reverse lunge

Rest 30 seconds

10 Barbell Romanian


Rest 30 seconds

30sec p/s Side plank pulse

Rest 30 seconds


CAP 16mins


Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

Conditioning in pairs or 3's




Ladder in even number's alternating


Box Jump over 24/20



-each complete cals and BJO set before moving on

-Partner A 2 BJO 2 Cals Partner B 2 BJO 2 Cals

(large class 2x wall balls)

Gymnastic Extras

6 sets: x 20 second L-sit

hang (off rig)



3 mins ring plank


Strength & Hypertrophy

3 sets Each

15 Barbell Hip Extension

1 min Weighted Wall Sit



15-20mins Row/Ski/Bike

Recovery Nose Breathing only


This cycle we will explore some new gymnastic movements completed in a circuit. Broken into segments of core - pulling - push to challenge and build your abilities. Metcon today can be approached as an active recovery session and a chance to work on some HS walking progressions.


3 rounds

5 Pass through

10 hollow rock

10 sec partner arch stretch on rig

1 round coach lead on gymnastic progressions


Gymnastics Strength & Core

2-3 complete rounds (build on last week, try to complete rx movements or extra round) CAP15


10 upper hollow pulse

10 lower hollow lifts

10 alt v-up

10 v-up


5 Hinge Row

10 Ring Row

10 sec Top of RR hold


5 Ring or box dip

10 push up

10 Seated DB OH Press


Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)


1 KB Complex P/s @choose your own load

6 cossak Squat

10m HS Walk or 10 Shoulder Taps on wall

20 sec L-Hang from rig

400m run (nose only)

*Complex 1 KB floor press 1 TGU 1 Strict press 1 TGD 

Treat as active recovery and move smoothly through the piece practicing skill components.


20-30mins Stretching

Stretch all major muscle


Spend more time on your

own specific restrictions.

Ask Coach


This cycle we will work on our weightlifting through various complex’s. These are to be completed as a unbroken set, challenge yourself with load but keep movement as the focus. 


Squat/Hip/Thoracic Flow

Activtion= Glute/Core

Coach lead empty barbell Skill Break down for complex


Clean (Every 90 seconds for 6 sets)

2 Power Clean

2 Hang Squat Clean

1 Front Squat


*start at 65% of Max power clean, climb every set if moving well.


Set should be completed as unbroken complex


Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

Every 2 mins for 6 rounds


90 work 30 Rest

Buy in 2 round "Cindy"

5 pull up

10 Push ups

15 Air squats


Remaining time

Max Sand bag Cleans 36/45


*Scale reps to 3/6/9 to make sure they make it to the Sand bag

Gymnastic Extras

Isometric circuit 2-3


"20sec each holds 40 sec


Top of dip hold/ bottom of

dip hold/ Rest

Rig hang/ Top of pull up/


L sit/ Strict toe 2 bar/ Rest


Strength & Hypertrophy

3 set's as super set

10 DB Front Raise

10 DB Bicep Curl

10 Weighted W/Vs



Complete Distance on


500m 400m 300m 200m

200m 300m 400m 500m

rest 90 sec's between each


Gradual build in intensity on

sets, faster 2nd half.


Saturdays workouts for this cycle are going to be team based sessions. Complete in groups of 3 or 2 and share the load anyhow. One person working at a time while the others rest. Rx+ is to increase repetitions on gymnastics 



3 Rounds

200 m Jog

10m lunge with Rotation

10 kip swing


Barbell break down and flow for snatch by coach.


Metcon (Time)

Team WOD, chipper


In teams of three, with only one partner working at a time, complete the following as quickly as possible, 35Cap

1200m run (alternating 200m sprints)

75 Power Snatch @30/40

30 Toes 2 bar

1200m run (alternating 200's)

75 Hang power Clean @30/40


1200m run (alternating 200's)


rx+35/50 -


Weightlifting 1

Warm Up


Thoracic/hip rotat/squat


Glute/ shoulder/midline

Coach lead barbell skill break down


Overhead Squat

15 mins for quality sets from rack

1 Snatch grip push press

1 Snatch balance

2 OHSq


Squat Snatch 

 Every 90 seconds for 12mins

3 Squat Snatch @ 65%+

Climb after every 2 sets only if moving well, reset between lifts. no stepping forward, no press outs.

Rest 3 mins

Complete 3 set's

3x Snatch pull at 110% last set

-Super set-

3x Seated box jumps (As high as comfortable)

rest 90seconds

Weightlifting 2

Warm up


Thoracic/hip rotat/squat


Glute/ shoulder/midline

Coach lead barbell skill break down


Front Squat & Jerk

15 mins for quality sets from rack

2 Front Squats

1 Split Jerk


Clean & Jerk

Every 90 seconds for 12mins

3 Cleans + 1 split jerk @ 65%+

Climb after every 2 sets only if moving well, reset between lifts. no stepping forward, no press outs.

Rest 3 mins

Complete 3 set's

3x Clean pull at 110% last set

-Super set-

8 Double KB russian swing (focus on hip power from quads and glutes)

rest 90seconds