January 14 - 19


Warm Up
Animal Flow Week 2.
2x1min p/s glute clam isometric
5 slow airsquats
5 jump squats

Front Squat 3x5.5 at 80%.
Cluster sets. Rack barbell and rest 20secs between each mini-set.
Superset with Overhand bar pullup. 5x5. Heavier than last week
Scale: Add rep to last set or perform 5x2 pull-up negatives


Explosive Repeat Method
For total reps and cals
5 rounds of:
10 sec AMRAP Airbike Sprint
Rest 50 secs
10 sec AMRAP Burpees
Rest 50 secs

Cool Down
Spiderman + foot lift-offs


Warm Up
10m Spiderman crawl + T-Rotation
Warm up Metcon skills

20min AMRAP
30 DUs
8 Dual DB Hang Squat Clean 22.5/15
30 DUs
10 Dual DB Front Rack Reverse Lunge
30 DUs
16 (8p/s) SA DB Hang Snatch

Push Press 3x5.5 at 80%
Cluster sets. Rack barbell and rest 20secs between each mini-set.
Superset with underhand barbell bent row. 5x5. Add weight to last week.

Cool Down
Thread the needle


Warm Up
30m bear crawl
2 rounds:
20sec hollow hold/rock
20 sec glute bridge walk

Deadlift 20-rep set at 55%
Build to 1 technically sound set of 20 reps.
Spend only 12 mins here.


24 min E2MOM
1: 40/30 cal Schwinn. Row/Assault 30/20 cal
2: 16 Dual DB by side lateral box step over (no higher than 20 inch) 22.5/15
3: 20-40 Wall Balls 20/14

Cool Down


Warm Up
Animal Flow Week 2
3 rounds
10sec wrist ext stretch into 10sec PAILS into 10sec lift-off
Wrist CARs

10 mins to practise HS Walking OR
10min E2MOM 10-30 sec WF shoulder taps.

18 min At the 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 Run 200m
in remaining time continuous AMRAP
10 Burpees to target
10 TTB
10 Burpees to target
10 CTB

Scale to Jumping CTB and legs/knees to 90 or V-Snaps

Cool Down
Seated Shoulder Ext


Warm Up
2 rounds:
1 min toe crawl
1 min p/s running man
Empty barbell warm up

30 min EMOM
1: 20/15 cal Schwinn, 15/10 cal Assault/Row
2: 3 Hang Power Clean
3: 15 KB Swing 24/16
4: 5 Dual DB Front Squat + 5 Thruster 22.5/15
5: Rest

Cool Down


Warm Up
Game: Dowell switch game
2 rounds:
10 alternating reverse lunges
10 airsquats
5 downdog to divebomber
Empty barbell snatch warm up

10 mins to build to heavy 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 2 OHS

For time
20-40-60-80-100 DUs
10-10-10-10-10 Pistols
10-8-6-4-2 HSPU

Cap: 15 min

Hammy floss

Farm Fit

Warm Up
2 rounds:
5m toe walking
5m heel walking
5m outside foot walking
5m inside foot walking
5m internally rotated walking
5m externally rotated walking
10sec bunny hops
then 2 rounds:
10 walking lunge + high knee onto toe
10m A-Skips

20 min AMRAP
Run 400m or Schwinn 40/30 cal or Row 30/20 cal.
6 Dual DB Deadlift
8 Dual DB Push Press
16 alt Renegade Row only

Farm Strength

Warm Up
Bear-crawl tug of war. Partner up, stand butt to butt, put STRONG band (or 2) around hips.

Farm Strength

a: 3 sets p/s of 8 Dual DB Decline Chest Press
b: 3x20 steps Dual DB Deathmarch
c: SA DB Row with hand on bench 5x10 p/s (yes, 5 sets per side). Heavier than last week.


Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m walking lunge into high knee on toe
10 sec bunny hops
10m A-Skip

Alactic Power Intervals
10 second airbike sprint OT2.5 mins for 6 sets. Aim for higher RPM/Watts than last week.
1km nasal-breathing run
Rest 3 mins
1km run with regular breathing

Weightlifting 1

Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m spiderman crawl + T-Rotation
StrongFit Bicep Openers
empty barbell snatch Warm Up

Hang Power Snatch 10,8,5,3 TNG
Barbell cycling. Rest 2 mins between each set

Split Jerk
Build to quality 3x3. Pause for 2 sec in receiving position

Weightlifting 2

Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m Lizard Crawl
StrongFit shoulder
Empty Barbell clean and jerk warm up

15 mins to build to quality heavy 3-position squat snatch

Squat Clean 10,8,5,3 TNG.
Barbell cycling
Rest 2 mins between each set.