Today is the third week of this 4-week block. Today's exercise is a barbell back squat with tempo 2012. 2 seconds down, no pause, drive up for 1 second, and a 2 second breathe-and-brace at the top of each rep. 3 working sets of 7 reps at the same weight as last week. (approx 70%) Next week we will perform the same weight for 8 reps. The goal of this back squat cycle is to drive muscular growth and to accumulate quality squat repeitions.
The metcon is a partner-based for-time WOD. One of our main competition pieces for the week. This WOD will be difficult to complete within the 15 min time-cap, so transition time between partners and between exercises will be key.
Warm Up
10m walking lunge with rotation
10m sidewards over hurdle into squat
5 reps of one-and-quarter jump squat
Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell back squat
15 back squats at 30%
10 back squats at 50%
5 back squats at 65%
Back Squat
3x7 back squat @70%.
Same weight as last week.
Tempo 2012.
10 min cap.
For time
In pairs
Break work up however
Sandbag thrusters 36/27kg
Alt DB Snatch 22.5/15kg (Rx+ 32.5/20kg)
Cap: 15 min
Scoring: Time
Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
10-30min nasal-breathing circuit bike/row/DUs/run/ski/BW box alternating step-up
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Dual DB FR Walking Lunge 4x14 (7p/s)
Box+Ring or slider/fit-ball hamstring curl 4x7
Elbow plank. Add weight if possible. 4x35 sec
SL calf raise 4x16 p/s
Shin Raise with KBs 4x16
Tempo Pistol Squats, progressions or variations.
2 min p/s active lizard (knee off floor)
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today is the third week of this 4-week cycle. You will perform a barbell overhead complex every 90 seconds for 6 working sets. The complex is: 2 push press+2 push jerk. The next (and final) week will be 1 push-press + 3 push-jerk. Your weight this week should be approximately 5kg heavier than last week and next week should be approx 5kg heavier than that.
In the metcon you are working in teams of 3 and you have 20 mins to accumulate as many calories as you can on the bike/rower. Every time you hop off the bike/rower you perform 1 sets of SHSPU and then 15 reps of band pullaparts. If you cannot perform SHSPU perform pke/box SHSPU.
Warm Up
Open-palm Wrist CARs
Animal Flow
Empty Barbell Warm Up
Push Press
1 set of complex every 90secs for 6 sets:
2 push press+2 push jerk.
20 min AMRAP
in teams of 3 accumulate as many calories on bike/rower as possible.
Sets of 20/15 on scwhinn and 20/15 on row/assault
Every time you hop off bike/rower perform
1 set of SHSPU + 15 band pullaparts
Scoring: 21 rounds for reps
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Tall-kneeling Dual KB Alt Strict Press 4x14 (7p/s)
Strict Ring Pullups. Add weight if possible. 4x7
Sandbag Chest Press 4x7
Ring Scarecrow 4x16
Dual DB Incline curl 4x11
SA DB OH Tricep 4x11
DB Wrist Ext 4x16
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
SHSPU, variations, or progressions.
Strict Pronated Bar Pull-up. variations, or progressions.
2 min downdog
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today is the third week of this 4-week block. Today's exercise is a conventional deadlift with tempo: 2 seconds down, light touch-and-go, 2 seconds controlled up and no pause at the top of each rep into instant controlled descent. Same weight as last week, approx 70% of your deadlift 1RM. The next (and final) week, we will perform 8 reps. The goal of this deadlift cycle is to drive muscular growth and to focus on proper positioning with the controlled tempo.
In the metcon, the 2nd run, has 3 options based on what time you head out the door for your 2nd run. Provided you meet the DB weight requirements and box height requirements, your workout will be considered Rx+ if you head out the door before 10:00.
Warm Up
2x10m Bear Crawl
then 2 rounds:
20 banded good-morning
10 dead-bug
Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell conventional deadlift
15 conventional deadlft at 30%
10 conventional deadlift at 50%
5 conventional deadlift at 65%
3x7 @70%.
Same weight as last week.
Tempo 2020.
10 min cap.
1km run
3 rounds:
10 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 inch
6 Dual DB Hang Squat Clean 22.5/15kg
Run 1.6km if out the door before 10:00 (Rx+). Run 1km if out the door 10:00-11:00 (Rx). Run 400m if out the door after 11:00.
10 Burpee Box Jump
6 Dual DB Hang Squat Clean
Scoring: AMRAP
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Dual DB by side alt box step down (no higher than 20 inch) 4x14 (7p/s)
GHR or nordic hinge 4x7
Dragon fly 4x3
Dual DB by side calf raise 4x16
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
Strict TTB, progressions or variations.
2 min side-split
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today the Gymnastics workshop will be on kipping pullups/CTB.
The metcon is an 21 min EMOM. If you cannot perform DUs perform 1 attempt of DUs then 80 single skips. If you cannot perform ring dips, perform ring push ups/
Warm Up
3x10 sec wrist-extension lift-offs
Animal Flow
12 min EMOM
1: 1-5 strict pullups (can add weight or use band)
2: 10 kip swings
3: 5-15 kipping pullups/CTB or jumping
21 min EMOM
1: 20-60 DUs
2: 1-10 strict ring dips or ring pushups
3: 12 Renegade Row
Scoring: 7 rounds for reps
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
SB strict Press 4x7
Towel Pullups. 4x7
Deficit Push Up 4x7
Rear Delt Fly 4x16
Dual DB Zottman curl 4x11
Dual DB Skullcrusher 4x11
Finger extension 4x16
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
HS Hold, progressions or variations.
2 min table-top
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today you will perform a set of the barbell clean complex each 90 seconds for 6 working sets. The barbell complex is as follows. 1 clean deadlift + 2 high hang squat clean. Use a heavier weight than last week. On the clean deadlift we are working on correct clean (not deadlift) positioning. On the high hang squat clean we are working on a straight bar path, keeping the bar close to us, and speed under the bar catching in the bottom of the squat. Next week will be 1 high hang squat clean. The weight should increase next week
The metcon is for-time based workout. This is our other competition piece for the week. Sub KB Snatch of KB Hang clean and jerk if needed.
Warm Up
2x10m travelling spiderman + samson
Empty barbell warm up
1 set of complex every 90secs for 6 sets:
1 clean deadlift + 2 high-hang squat clean
For time
5 rounds:
16 alt Single KB Box Step Up
16 (8L, 8R) SA KB Hang Snatch 24/16
Scoring: Time
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
10-30min nasal breathing circuit bike/row/DUs/run/ski/BW box alternating step-up
2 min p/s active lizard (knee off floor)
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today you will perform a set of the barbell snatch complex every 90 seconds for 6 working sets. The barbell complex is 1 snatch lift-off + 2 high hang snatch at a heavier weight than last week. On the snatch lift-off, you will think about pressing through the floor and keeping the chest up to bring the bar just below knee height before lowering the bar back to the ground. For the high hang snatch we are thinking about staying upright in the position 1 (do not start to hinge and do not let the chest come forward). Focus on keeping the bar close to you as you extend and then pull yourself fast under the bar, catching in the bottom of the squat. Next week will be 1 high hang squat snatch. The weight should increase next week.
The metcon is an opportunity to practise the skills of barbell cycing and gymnastics cycling.
Warm Up
2x10m Lizard crawl
Empty barbell Warm Up
1 set of complex every 90secs for 6 sets.
1 snatch lift-off + 2 high-hang snatch
15 min EMOM
1: 5 TNG Power Clean
2: 5-15 TTB
3: Rest
Scoring: No measure
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
Extras: FLEX ie. Gymnastics
Strict MU, variations or progressions.
2 min downdog
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Farm Fit
If you cannot perform strict pullups please perform ring rows instead.
Warm Up
2x10m Lizard crawl
30min AMRAP
Run 400m
6 Dual DB FR Walking Lunge
5 SB clean and push press
15 band pullaparts
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
2 min downdog
Weightlifting 1
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 sandbag bear-hug Lateral box step over
SA BB OH Press 5-10 p/s
Empty barbell snatch warm up
1 set of complex every 90 seconds for 6 sets:
1 Power Snatch with pause in receiving position+1 halting squat snatch
Hang Power Clean and Jerk
OT2min for 5 sets
5 TNG Hang Power clean + 5 TNG push jerk
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10 Dual KB FR squat
10 sandbag strict press
Empty barbell warm up
Split Jerk
1 set of complex every 90 seconds for 6 sets.
1 dip drive + 1 split jerk with pause in receiving position
Power Snatch
10min E2MOM
5 TNG Power Snatch + 5 OHS