This is the first week of a new 4 week cycle. It is a deload and skill practise week. We will introduce the new strength skills which will be built upon in the following 3 weeks. Today we have box squats. Two light sets of 5 at no more than 70% of your box squat 1RM. It you don't know your box squat 1RM, work off a theoretical box squat 1RM of 80% of your back squat 1RM. Alternatively, just keep the weights more conservative to ensure perfect execution to lay the foundations for the following 3 weeks in which we will build up in weight. Set up plate stacks as boxes so that you achieve a position just below parallel at the bottom of your squat. The tempo will be a controlled 2 seoncds on the way down, followed by a slight sit back on the box (while keeping tension through the midline and glutes), a strong 1 second drive up through the heels and hips, and a 2 second breath at the top before descending for you next rep. DO NOT CRASH ONTO THE BOX. If this happens, either you are not keeping tension through the hips or the weight is too heavy for you. Be sure to log your weights in Wodify so you know how to build for next week.
In the metcon, the Rx box height is 24/20 while the Rx DB weights is 22.5/15. For the step ups, you can hold the DB anyway you like, as long as it is not resting on the leg, or your hand is not pushing off your leg. If boxes are limited, step up on the opposite side of a box to a friend or again set up plate stacks as boxes if neceessary. This is one of our main competition WODs for the week, so be sure to log your times in Wodify, and on the whiteboard.
Warm Up
2x10m bear crawl
30 secs per side fire-hydrants
6 alternating 1-foot jump into 2-foot land
Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell box squat
15 box squats at 30%
10 box squats at 50%
5 box squats at 60%
Box Squat
2x5 box squat at light.
No more than 70% box squat 1RM.
10 min cap.
For time:
Buy in 1km run
Single DB alternating Box step up 24/20box
Alternating DB Snatch 22.5/15kg
Cap: 15 min
Scoring: Time
Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
7th week of Maximum Aerobic Power Cycle 10x(2min on:2min off) continuous circuit on bike/rower/ski/run
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Deload @light
Sandbag bear-hug lateral box-step over 2x12 (6 p/s)
GHR or Nordic Hinge 2x6
L-Sit on parellettes/DBs 2x5-10sec
Calf Raise holding DBs by side 2x15
Shin Raise with KBs 2x15
Extras: FLEX ie. Gymnastics
Tempo Pistol Squats, progressions or variations.
Twisted Lizard
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
This is the first week of a new 4 week cycle. It is a deload and skill practise week. We will introduce the new strength skills which will be built upon in the following 3 weeks. Today we will perform 2 light sets of a barbell overhead complex. The complex is 5 strict press + 5 pause push jerk (pause for 1 second in the receiving position of the jerk). Go no heavier than 70% of your strict press 1RM. If you don't know your strict press 1RM, just keep the weights conservative. Be sure to log your weights in Wodify so you know how to build for next week.
For the metcon, you will work in teams of 3 to get as many calories as you can on the bike/rower with your team-mates in 20 minutes. Team-mate 1 will perform 20/15 cals on the schwinn or 15/10 cals on the assault/rower. Meanwhile, Team-mate 2 will perform 30 DUs (or 60 single skips), and team-mate 3 will perfom 1-5 unbroken bar MUs. As soon as team-mate 1 finishes on the rower, everyone moves to the next station. If you cannot perform Bar MUs, perform jumping bar MUs instead.
Warm Up
Open-palm Wrist CARs
Animal Flow
Empty Barbell Warm Up
Strict Press
2 light sets of complex:
5 strict press + 5 Pause Push Jerk.
10 min cap.
20 min AMRAP
Rotate through in teams of 3
Team-mate 1: 20/15 cal schwinn or 15/10 cal assault/row
Team mate 2: 30 DUs
Team mate 3: 1-5 UB Bar MUs
Scoring: Calories
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Dual DB Z-Press 2x6
Strict Ring Pullup (add weight if possible) 2x6
Strict Ring Dip (add weight if possible) 2x6
Rear-delt fly 2x15
Dual DB Zottman Curl 2x10
Banded Tricep 2x10
Finger Extension 2x15
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
SHSPU, variations, or progressions.
Strict Pronated Bar Pull-up. variations, or progressions.
Shoulder extension
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
This is the first week of a new 4 week cycle. It is a deload and skill practise week. We will introduce the new strength skills which will be built upon in the following 3 weeks. Today we will perform 2 light sets of 5 reps on the romanian deadlift. Keep the weights very conservative. Be sure to log your weights in Wodify so you know how to build for next week.
For the metcon, we have another week of Team Grunt work. The burpee step-ups will be no higher than a 20 inch box. If you cannot perform a KB Snatch perform a KB Hang Clean and Push Press.
Warm Up
2x10m Lizard Crawl
then 2 rounds:
20 banded good-morning
10 dead-bug
Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell Romanian Deadlift
15 RDL at 30%
10 RDL at 50%
5 RDL at 60%
Romanian Deadlift
2x5 at light.
10 min cap.
Team Grunt Work
15 mins: 5 mins on each station in teams of 3
1: Sandbag bear-hug carry @AHAP
2: Dual DB Burpee Step Up @AHAP
3: SA KB Hang Snatch (3L, 3R) @AHAP
Scoring: 3 rounds for weight
Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Deload @ light
Dual DB by-side front-foot-elevated alternating reverse-lunge 2x12 (6p/s)
Box+Ring Hammy curl 2x6
Renegade Row 2x12 (6p/s)
SL calf raise 2x15 p/s
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
Strict TTB, progressions or variations.
90 90 internal external
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today the Gymnastics workshop will be on WF HS Holds or Handstand kick-ups to the wall. If you are advanced you can perform 5 mins of partner-spotted freestanding HS holds with a friend.
In the metcon, you can perform strict or kipping pullups for the metcon. If you cannot perform pullups, perform jumping pullups today.
Warm Up
3x10 sec wrist-extension lift-offs
Animal Flow
10 mins workshop WF HS hold or wall HS kick-ups.
Advanced perform 5 mins partner-spotted freestanding HS holds.
20 min EMOM
1: 10-15 Box Jump Over 24/20
2: 2-8 UB Strict Ring Dips
3: 2-8 UB Strict Pull-ups
4: 15-20 Wall Balls 20/14
Scoring: AMRAP
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Deload @ light
Half-Kneeling SB Strict Press 2x6-10 (1 set per half-kneel)
Pronated Bar Pullup. Add weight if possible. 2x6
Dual DB Chest Press 2x6
Band Pullapart 2x15
Dual DB alternating hammer curl 2x12 (6p/s)
Dual DB Rollback 2x10
Single DB Wrist Ext 2x15
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
HS Hold, progressions or variations.
Shoulder Flexion
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today's clean complex involves 1 pause power clean (pause for 1 second in the receiving position of the clean before standing up) + 5 pause front squats (pause in the bottom of each squat for 1 second). Perform 2 light sets of this complex.
Warm Up
10m strict burpee broad jump
10m explosive burpee broad jump
Empty barbell warm up
2 light sets of complex:
1 pause power clean + 5 pause front squats
At 0:00 and 10:00 Run 1km
in other time AMRAP
20 KB Swing 24/16
16 HR Burpee
12 (6L,6R) SA KB Thruster
Scoring: AMRAP
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins
Twisted lizard 2 min contract/release into 10sec lift-off
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Today's snatch complex involves 1 pause power snatch (pause for 1 second in the receiving position of the snatch before standing up) + 5 pause overhead squats (pause in the bottom of each squat for 1 second). Perform 2 light sets of this complex. For the metcon, apply a 3-minute cap to your 200 DUs. If you cannot perform SHSPU, perform Box or Pike HSPU instead. If you cannot perform Pullups, perform jumping pullups.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m travelling spiderman + samson
10m crab walk
Empty barbell Warm Up
2 light sets of complex
1 pause power snatch + 5 pause OHS
For Time
Buy in: 200 DUs
5 rounds
10 Dual DB Muscle/Power Clean 22.5/15
10 Pullups
Cap: 15 min
Scoring: Time
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
Extras: FLEX ie. Gymnastics
Strict MU, variations or progressions.
Wrist extension
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Farm Fit
Perform banded strict pullups if you cannot perform bodyweight strict pullups.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m travelling spiderman + samson
10m crab walk
20min AMRAP
Run 400m
5 Dual DB Muscle/Power Clean 22.5/15
5 Dual DB Push Press
10 Strict Pullups
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
Wrist extension
Farm Strength
Warm Up
5 min AMRAP for quality
5 SB bear-hug squats
30m SB bear-hug carry
5 SB Press
10 ring row
Farm Strength
a: 10 sec box prowler sprint every 2-and-a-half minutes for 6 sets
b: SA DB Push Press 3x6 p/s @ heavy
c: 4x15 Ring Scarecrow
Warm Up
2x10m bear crawl
45sec p/s hip CARs
45sec p/s shoulder CARs
30min AMRAP
Can perform nasal breathing if wish
Scwhinn 20/15 cals or Row 15/10 cals
15 wall balls
20 alternating box step ups with single DB
Weightlifting 1
Warm Up
2 rounds:
StrongFit bicep openers
10 SB bear-hug squats
Empty barbell snatch warm up
Complete 3 moderate sets
1 Snatch lift-off + 1 squat snatch
10 min EMOM
3 Thrusters
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
2 rounds:
StrongFit Shoulder openers
10 SB bear-hug squats
Empty barbell warm up
Split Jerk
Complete 3 moderate sets: 1 dip + 1 split jerk
Hang Power Snatch
10min EMOM
3 Hang Power Snatch