StrongFit Hip Opener
StrongFit Oblique Opener
This is the fourth week of our 4 week cycle. We are building up to a heavy set of 3 on the front squat which is one of our "LIFT" benchmark tests.
The workout is a simple for-time piece and a good test of your aerobic power.
Warm Up
2 rounds
StrongFit Hip Opener 15 secs p/s
StrongFit Oblique Operner 15 secs
Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell front squat
5 front squat at 30%
5 front squat at 50%
5 front squat at 65%
Front Squat
Build to heavy set of 3.
For time
Run 1km
200 DUs
50 Burpees
Cap: 16 min
Reverse crunch 4x6 reps
Accumulate 2 mins in bottom of squat
Cool Down
Box Breathing
Why do we love Animal Flow and Primal Crawls so much? To build mobility and stability, particularly through the shoulders and hips. To explore and be strong in different ranges-of-motion and positions. To play, which is great for coordination, creativity and stress relief.
This is the fourth week of our 4 week cycle. Today we are building up to a heavy set of 3 push press. We will superset our push press with a single arm DB Row with your hand on a box/bench. The metcon is 15min EMOM with a focus on upper-body gymnastics strength work. The ring dips/ring push ups should be strict. You may perform strict or kipping TTB.
Warm Up
Open-palm Wrist CARs
Animal Flow
Warm Up Sets
5 empty barbell push press
5 push press at 30%
5 push press at 50%
5 push press at 65%
Push Press
Build to heavy set of 3.
4x12 SA DB Row
15 min EMOM
1: Bike/Row 10-25 cals
2: 6-10 Strict Ring Dip/Ring-Push-up
3: 2-8 TTB
Scoring: 15 rounds for reps
Rear delt fly 4x10-15. Alternate with partner.
Accumulate 2 mins hanging
Cool Down
Box breathing
This is the fourth week of our 4 week cycle. We will build up to a heavy set of 3 on the deadlift which is one of our "LIFT" benchmark tests.
The metcon is a short sharp leg burner. 6 rounds for time. Feel free to try Rx+ 32.5/20kg if you are feeling beastly.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
StrongFit Hammy Opener 15sec
StrongFit Oblique Opener 15 sec
Warm Up Sets
5 empty barbell deadlift
5 deadlft at 30%
5 deadlift at 50%
5 deadlift at 65%
Build to heavy 3.
Sumo Deadlift
Build to heavy 3.
For time
6 rounds
6 Dual DB FR Walking Lunge 22.5/15
6 Dual DB Hang Squat Clean
Cap: 10 min
Scoring: Time
Nordic Hinge 4x3. With partner.
Accumulate 2 mins in bottom of squat
Cool Down
Box breathing
Why do we love Animal Flow and Primal Crawls so much? To build mobility and stability, particularly through the shoulders and hips. To explore and be strong in different ranges-of-motion and positions. To play, which is great for coordination, creativity and stress relief.
Today we will be working on barbell floor press. 4x8 reps. We will keep the weight constant across the weeks and add a rep to each set each week. Superset with overhand bar pullups. We will also progress by adding a rep to each set here over the weeks (or at least adding a rep to the final set), so be sure to keep the sets submaximal so you can build.
The metcon is an upper body focussed for-time wod. If you are feeling
Warm Up
3x10 sec wrist-extension lift-offs
Animal Flow
Floor Press
Overhand Pullup
4x consistent submax sets
For time
HR Burpees
SA DB STOH 22.5/15
Cap: 12 min
Scoring: TIme
Hammer Curl 4x20 (10p/s)
Accumulate 2 mins hang
Cool Down
Box breathing
Today we are hitting a clean complex every minute for 10 minutes total. Build up in weight across these 10 sets. Be sure to reset (come to a complete rest) between each rep of the power cleans today.
The metcon is a single leg, posterior and midline focussed piece. 5 rounds of each exercise. The box on the step ups should be no highter than 20 inches (recommendation for most is even lower eg. 16 inches). change feet at the top of each step up you you can step down, touch your foot and drive the leg straight up onto the box and then drive to a standing position. Be sure your foot is on the box though. We don't want anyone to trip. The Russian KB swings should be heavy to encourage strong hip extension. Be sure to squeeze your abs at the top of each rep though so you don't hyperextend through the spine. If 32/20kg KB is still easy for you for 6 reps, you may add a band to the swing to make things more challenging. Wrap the band around/trhough the handle of the KB and then stand on the band with both feet.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m walking lunges
3 static inchworm + pushup
3 kneeling jump or squat jump
empty barbell warm up
10 min EMOM
2 Power Clean with reset on floor between reps.
15 min EMOM
1: 12 (6p/s) BB FR alt step-ups 40/25. LOW BOX
2: 6 Heavy Russian KB Swing
3: 10-20sec Hollow Flutter Kicks
Scoring: 15 rounds for reps
Shin Raise 4x10-15
Accumulate 2 mins bottom of squat hold
Cool Down
Box breathing
We will be working on various snatch variations over the next 4 weeks. No particular structure with the progressions, but rather exploring variations/positions of the lift.
The metcon is an opportunity to work on barbell cycling and gymnastics cycling. Scale CTB to pull-ups or jumping pull-ups.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m Lizard Crawl
5 squat to stand
Empty barbell Warm Up
10 min EMOM
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
Build in weight.
14 min
1min on:1min off for 6 rounds
Buy in 5 Thruster 40/25 (Rx+ 8 Thruster)
Scoring: 7 rounds for reps
Side lying external rotation 4x10-15
Accumulate 2 mins hang
Cool Down
Box Breathing
Farm Fit
TGU should be HEAVY.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m Lizard Crawl
5 squat to stand
6 rounds for time
Run 200m (Rx+ 400m)
6 Feet-Elevated Ring Row
Cap: 25min
Side lying external rotation 4x10-15
Accumulate 2 mins hang
Cool Down
Box Breathing
Weightlifting 1
Warm Up
2 rounds:
StrongFit Bicep Openers
Hip Flow
Empty barbell snatch warm up
Complete 3 working sets in 15 mins:
1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
Power Clean + Push Jerk
3 TNG Power Clean + 3 TNG Push-Jerk every 2nd minute for 5 sets.
Weightlifting 2
We are going to be running a little front squat cycle for the next few weeks. This cycle is focussed around front squat repetitions where you will pause for time in the bottom and top of each repeition. This cycle will improve your front rack position, strenghten your thoracic extension, and improve your positioning in the bottom of the front squat.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
StrongFit shoulder openers
Hip Flow
Empty barbell warm up
Split Jerk
Complete 3 working sets in 15 mins: 1 push press + 1 split jerk
Front Squat
Build to heavy 3 then 3x3 back-off
For EVERY REP, pause for 3 seconds in the bottom and 10 at the top seconds holding the bar in front rack. Build to heavy 3 reps with this tempo then perform 3x3 back-off sets with 83% of that.