Today we are hitting 3 squat cleans every 2nd minute for 5 sets. You can build in weight over these 5 sets.
The metcon is a 10min EMOM. You will perform 3 pause overhead squat every minute for 10 sets. The pause ohs means you will clean+jerk or snatch the bar from the floor and then perform a 2 second pause in the bottom of each squat and a 2 second pause with the bar overhead each rep
Warm Up
3 rounds exercise by exercise with partner:
4 alt SB clean to shoulder
4 SB bear-hug squat
perform 4 alt reverse lunges while waiting for partner
empty barbell warm up
Every 2 mins for 5 sets: 3 squat clean.
Build in weight.
10 min EMOM
3 pause overhead squats
2 seconds in bottom 2 seconds overhead.
Scoring: 10 rounds for weight
Hollow Scissor kicks 4x10-20sec
Accumulate 2 mins squat hold
Cool Down
Box breathing
Why do we love Animal Flow and Primal Crawls so much? To build mobility and stability, particularly through the shoulders and hips. To explore and be strong in different ranges-of-motion and positions. To play, which is great for coordination, creativity and stress relief.
This is the second week of this 4 week cycle. The exercise today is a bench press. 4 sets of 6 reps. We will add a rep each week and keep the weight constant. You will grab a bench or alternatively set up 2 plates with a mat on top. For the bench press, we would like to pause on our t-shirt for 1 second each rep before drving up. This helps build the bottom range strength of our press and also helps us feel the pec muscles working more effectively. DO NOT BOUNCE off the chest. We will superset with a ring pullup. 4 consisent submax sets on the pullups. We will add 1 rep each week or at least 1 rep to the final set. If you cannot perform ring pullups please perform strict banded bar pullups.
The metcon is a simple but effective one. If you say you hate burpees, ask yourself why. Burpees are one of the most functional demonstrations of fitness there is. Your ability to move your bodyweight efficiently, to get up and down off the ground. If you cannot perform DUs perform 20 single skips at the top of each minute.
If class finishes early perform the Extras, Mobility and Breathing Work.
Warm Up
Open-palm Wrist CARs
Animal Flow
Warm Up Sets
5 empty barbell bench press
5 bench press at 30%
5 bench press at 50%
5 bench press at 65%
Bench Press
Ring Pullup
4 consistent submax sets.
100 burpees for time
Perform 10 DUs at the top of each minute (Rx+ 20 DUs)
including the 0:00.
Cap: 14 min
Scoring: Time
Dual DB Hammer Curl 4x12 (6p/s)
Accumulate 2 mins hanging
Cool Down
Box breathing
This is the second week of this 4 week cycle. The exercise is the box squat. 4 sets of 6 reps. We will add a rep each week and keep the weight constant. use the very low boxes or alternatively set up a stack of plates as the box. The box should be at the parallel point in your squat. Make sure you CONTROL down to the box. Do not crash your butt on the box. If you are crashing down, the weight is most likely too heavy. Also be sure to keep your midline braced throughout the lift and use the drive from your hips (glutes, hamstrings, adductors). DO NOT extend your spine at the top of the lift. Also take a wider stance than usual in your squat to allow you to control down to the box and to recruit your posterior chain effectively. The Box squat is a fantastic exercise if done correctly, or an awful exercise if done incorrectly. Proper tecnhique before load.
The metcon has a 15 min unilateral, posterior, and midline focus.
If class finishes early perform the Extras, Mobility and Breathing Work.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
4 right arm KB Power clean
4 right arm KB FR Walking lunge
4 right arm KB FR squat
4 left arm KB Power clean
4 left arm KB FR walking lunge
4 left arm KB FR squat
5m p/s banded glute crab walk
Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell box squat
5 box squat at 30%
5 box squat at 50%
5 box squat at 65%
Box Squat
15 min EMOM
1: 12 (6ps) BB FR Alt step up (no higher than 20 inch)
2: 12 banded good morning
3: 2-5 Strict TTB
Scoring: 5 rounds for weight
Partner nordic hinge 4x3
Accumulate 2 mins squat hold
Cool Down
Box Breathing
Why do we love Animal Flow and Primal Crawls so much? To build mobility and stability, particularly through the shoulders and hips. To explore and be strong in different ranges-of-motion and positions. To play, which is great for coordination, creativity and stress relief.
This is the second week of this 4 week cycle. The exercise is a barbell strict press. 4 sets of 6 reps. We will add a rep each week and keep the weight constant. Remember to pause at the shoulders each rep. Do not bounce. We want to build the bottom range strength. We will superset this with 4 sets of 10 reps of an underhand bent row. We will add a rep each week and keep the weight constant.
The metcon is 8 rounds of 1 minute work followed by 1 minute rest. Each round begins with 2 Pullups (5 Pullups for Rx+). The Pullups can be strict, kipping, or jumping. If doing jumping, perform 5 reps. Then move onto AMRAP Burpee box jumps until the 1 minute round is complete. The goal is to get the same number of Wall Balls each of the 8 rounds.
If class finishes early perform the Extras, Mobility and Breathing Work.
Warm Up
3x10 sec wrist-extension lift-offs
Animal Flow
Strict Press
Underhand barbell bent row
16 min 60secs:60secs for 8 rounds
Buy in 2 Pullups (Rx+ 5 TTB)
into restart AMRAP Wall Balls 20/14
Scoring: 8 rounds for reps
Finger Extension 4x10-15
Accumulate 2 mins hang
Cool Down
Box breathing
This is the second week of this 4 week cycle. The exercise is a Romanian Deadlift. 4 sets of 6 reps. We will add a rep each week and keep the weight constant.
In the metcon you will perform 5 rounds. Each round will take place on the 3 minutes. The goal is to go as fast as you can but hold consistent round times each of the 5 rounds. Staggers waves 1 minute apart on the bike/rower if needed.
If class finishes early perform the Extras, Mobility and Breathing Work.
Warm Up
2 rounds
30 second plank
10 banded good morning
Warm Up Sets
5 empty barbell RDL
5 RDL at 30%
5 RDL at 50%
5 RDL at 65%
Romanian Deadlift
5 rounds OT3min
20/15 cal schwinn, 15/10 cal rogue/row
10 Dual DB FR Walking Lunge 22.5/15
5 Dual DB Hang Squat Clean
Scoring: 5 rounds for time
Toe crawl 4 sets
Accumulate 2 mins squat hold
Cool Down
Box breathing
Today we are hitting 3 squat snatch reps every 2nd minute for 5 sets.
The metcon is an opportunity to work on barbell cycling and gymnastics cycling. If you cannot perform HSPU please perform push-ups for quick transitions.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
5 wall ball footy passes to partner per side each
5 wall ball squat throws to partner each
5 wall ball sit up throws to partner each
Empty barbell Warm Up
Bring a Friend
Bench Press 4x8 reps
12 min AMRAP in pairs round for round
12 cal bike
12 alt DB Snatch 15/10
Every 2 mins for 5 sets: 3 squat snatch.
Build in weight.
12 minute AMRAP
In pairs round for round
3 Power Snatch 40/24 (Rx+ 50/30)
1-5 HSPU
Scoring: AMRAP
Poliquin seated external rotation 4x10-15
Accumulate 2 mins hang
Cool Down
Box Breathing
Farm Fit
Warm Up
2 rounds:
5 wall ball footy passes to partner per side each
5 wall ball squat throws to partner each
5 wall ball sit up throws to partner each
24min E2MOM
1: Run 200m
2: 6 SB Clean and Press + 30m SB bear-hug Carry 45/36 + 6 strict knee-to-elbow
Poliquin seated external rotation 4x10-15
Accumulate 2 mins hang
Cool Down
Box Breathing
Weightlifting 1
Warm Up
2 rounds:
5-10 SA BB OH Press p/s
StrongFit Hip Openers
Empty barbell snatch warm up
Power Snatch
Complete 3 working sets: 1 Snatch Lift-off + 1 Pause Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Complete 3 working sets: 1 Snatch Balance + 1 pause OHS
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
2 rounds:
1 KB TGU p/s5 Goblet squats
Empty barbell warm up
Push Jerk
Complete 3 working sets of 1 pause dip drive + 1 pause push jerk
Power Clean
Complete 3 working sets of 1 clean pull + 1 pause power clean