This is the third week of our 4-week training cycle. For this cycle we will need to be prompt in getting out a KB straight after the briefing so we can start the KB Warm Up. Then We will get into out box squats. We want the box to be at just below parallel-squat height. This means unless you can get a small box you will most likely have to set up plate stacks for the box to be at the appropriate height. This week we will perform 3 sets of 5 reps. And the final week we will perform 3 sets of 4 at a heavier weight.
Over this training cycle we will performing a training method called "Explosive Repeat Method". We performed this method earlier in the year for 3 weeks. The point of this method is to "increase the aerobic ability of your fast twitch muscle fibres and how quickly they can recover. This method can dramatically improve your ability to perform short repetitive explosive bursts of msucular work." - Joel Jameison. Over the next 3 weeks the work period will be increasing while the rest period decreases. The exercises will rotate around over the 3 weeks.
Warm Up
2 rounds per arm with single KB
6 SA KB Hang Power Clean
6 SA FR KB alt lunge
6 SA KB FR Squat
Warm Up Sets
In 10 mins:
5 empty barbell box squat
10 box squat at 30%
10 box squat at 50%
5 box squat at 65%
Box Squat
3x5 at same weight as last week.
Tempo 21X1
Explosive Repeat Method
For total reps and cals
5 rounds of:
15 sec AMRAP Sand-bag bear hug jump squats
Rest 45 seconds
15 sec AMRAP Burpee
Rest 45 seconds
Scoring: 10 rounds for reps
Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
10-30min nasal-breathing circuit bike/row/DUs/run/ski/BW box alternating step-up
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Dual DB by-side curtsy lunge 3x18 (9p/s)
SL Slider Hamstring negatives 3x3 p/s
Rest-pause SL Calf Raise Accumuate 65 reps p/s in 3-5 sets.
Tempo Pistol Squats, progressions or variations.
2 min p/s twisted-Lizard
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
This is the third week of this 4-week training cycle. We will be working on jerk-width-bench press. Set up plate stacks as benches if necessary. This 4 week training cycle will have a strong emphasis on muscular hypertrophy. We are going to run another cycle of the Escalating Density Training. In this method, you will superset bench press with overhand bar-pullups accumulating as many reps as you can in the 10 mins. Try to beat your reps from last week. We will have 5 barbell weight options for everyone to share, males and females. The bar options are 25/40/55/70/85kg. Set up more barbells of the popular weights. Overhand bar pullups, use either +5kg dumbbell weight, body-weight, or with a band. If you get 43 reps in the bench, please score it in Wodify as 43 sets x 1 rep. Then you can check up on it next week and try to beat your reps. Do not score it as 1 set x43 reps or it will stuff up your percentages. Put your pull-up reps in the notes section.
In the metcon please perform jumping bar MUs if you cannot perform Bar MUs. If you are doing jumping bar MUs please do the Rx+ rep scheme (10-8-5-4-2). The jumping bar MUs should be challenging for you. Please set up a height which is challenging. (Eg. Sets of 2-5 reps at a time).
Warm Up
Open-palm Wrist CARs
Animal Flow
Warm Up Sets
5 mins to warm up to Escalating density weight
Jerk-width Bench Press
10 mins Escalating Density
Overhand Bar Pull-Up Escalating Density
For time
400-400-400-400-400m run
5-4-3-2-1 Bar MUs
Rx+ (10-8-6-4-2)
Cap: 17 min
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
a1: Strict Ring Dip or Ring Push Up 3x9 (not if you have done strength section of class)
a2: Overhand bar pullup Accumulate 30 reps in 3-5 sets. (Not if you have done strength section in class)
b1: Dual DB Zottman curl. Rest-pause accumulate 30 reps in 3-5 sets.
b2: Hanging Hip Taps (show control) 3x10 (5p/s)
b3: S-Waves 3x30 seconds
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
SHSPU, variations, or progressions.
Strict Pronated Bar Pull-up. variations, or progressions.
2 min downdog
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
This is the third week of our 4-week training cycle. For this 4 weeks, we will need to be prompt in getting out a KB straight after the briefing so we can start the KB Warm Up. Then we will get into out hinge deadlifts. Hinge deadlift is a new one for Creature. It is similar to what many may know as a "stiff-leg deadlift". The main difference though is that you will have soft-knees (not locked out) and you may have a slightly globally flexed position. As long as your are braced through the midline, and this spine shape does not change during the deadlift, then everything is A-ok. We perform this exercise because it helps encourage true-hinge mechanics and work the hamstrings. Cues of value include keeping your pecs and lats engaged to keep the bar close to your body, keeping your knee-caps facing forward, and not extending your spine at the top of each repetition but rather staying in a slightly fliexed positon. You will find this reduces the total range-of-motion but keeps the tension in the lats, obliques and hamstrings which is where we want it. Emphasis is on proper execution of the hinge here with no spinal movement. If done correctly you will not have to go heavy and will still get nice sore hammies the next day. Don't be surprised if the coach tells you to go lighter while you are learning to execute the movement correctly.
The metcon is a 16 min EMOM. We are getting some quality unilateral, poserior chain and midline work.
Warm Up
2 rounds per side with single KB
10 SA Russian KB Swing
10m SA Suitcase carry
Hinge Deadlift
20 min EMOM
1: 20/15 cal schwinn or 15/10 cal row/rogue
2: 6 Lateral Box Step-Over with DBs (no higher than 20 inch)
3: 3 hamstring slider-negatives
4: 20 hollow rocks
Scoring: Rounds and Reps
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Dual DB SL step up 3x9 p/s (not if you have performed metcon in class)
Strict TTB 3x2-5 reps (not if done the metcon)
Mini-Banded Cha Chas for glutes 3x25 p/s
Shin Raises with KBs 3x25
Toe Crawl 3sets to failure
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
Strict TTB, progressions or variations.
2 min side-split
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
This week we have a 10min gymnastics strength EMOM. Strict ring dip or ring push-up and 12 renegade rows.
Then the metcon is a long for time workout. 21 min time-cap.
Warm Up
3x10 sec wrist-extension lift-offs
Animal Flow
10 min EMOM
1: 6-12 ring-dip or ring-pushup
2: 12 (6p/s) Renegade Row
For time
HR Burpee
SA DB Hang Snatch 22.5/15
Cap: 21 min
Scoring: Time
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
a1: Dual DB Z-Press 3x9
a2: SA DB Row 3x21
b1: DB Wrist Ext 2x21 p/s
b2: Hanging Hip Taps (show control) 3x10 (5p/s)
b3: Blackburns 3x30 seconds
Extras: FLEX ie. gymnastics
HS Hold, progressions or variations.
2 min table-top
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
We will be working on various Clean variations over the next 4 weeks. No particular structure with the progressions, but rather exploring variations/positions of the lift.
The metcon is a partner round for round AMRAP.
Warm Up
In pairs alternating exercise by exercise for 3 rounds each
4 SB clean to alt shoulder
10m SB bear-hug carry
8 SB bear-hug squats
3 working sets: 1 Power Clean + 2 pause front squat
10 min cap.
18 min AMRAP
In pairs round for round
10 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Wall Balls 20/15
Scoring: AMRAP
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
Extras: BURN ie. Fitness
10-30min nasal breathing circuit bike/row/DUs/run/ski/BW box alternating step-up
2 min p/s active lizard (knee off floor)
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
We will be working on various snatch variations over the next 4 weeks. No particular structure with the progressions, but rather exploring variations/positions of the lift.
The metcon is an opportunity to work on barbell cycling and gymnastics cycling. The HSPU for the EMOM can be strict or kipping.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m Lizard Crawl
5 squat to stand
Empty barbell Warm Up
3 working sets: 1 Power Snatch + 2 Pause OHS
10 min cap
12 min EMOM
1: 5 TNG Power Snatch
2: 5-10 HSPU
Scoring: 6 rounds for reps
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
Extras: FLEX ie. Gymnastics
Strict MU, variations or progressions.
2 min downdog
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Farm Fit
This is a 25min AMRAP workout. Each round you and your partner will run 400m together. Then break the other work up between you however you like.
Warm Up
2 rounds:
10m Lizard Crawl
5 squat to stand
25 min AMRAP
Working in pairs
Run 400m together
Accumulate 40 SA DB STOH 22.5/15
Accumulate 200m SB Bear-hug carry
Accumulate 60 Ring Row
Extras: LIFT ie. Muscle and Strength
Catch up on extras from earlier in the week
2 min downdog
Weightlifting 1
Warm Up
2 rounds:
45sec hip CARs p/s
45 sec shoulder CARs p/s
Empty barbell snatch warm up
10 min EMOM
1 squat snatch
Power Clean
10min EMOM
3 TNG reps
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
2 rounds:
1 KB TGU p/s
10 Goblet Squats
Empty barbell warm up
10 min EMOM
1 Squat Clean
Push Jerk
10min EMOM
3 TNG reps