Oct 13


A. Warm Up

2 rounds

2 lengths bear crawl
5 strict burpees
6 weightless turkish get ups

B. Activation
Hip Flow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qnCHkJ8MgA

C. Strength
C1. Deadlift

4x3 @ 31X1 - build up weight

working to BASE build on last week BUT do not exceed 45/30kg for week 2

Rest 30 sec transition to

C2. Ring Row or DB Row

4x6-8 @ 2020 - if you did Ring Row last week do DB row and vice versa

Rest 90 sec before returning to C1

D. Conditioning
6-8 rounds (pick up from where you left off)

90 on / 30 off

10 Box jumps
10 Wall Balls
W2B = 10 Scaled push ups
BASE- T1= 10 HR Push Ups
Totem 2+ = 10 Ring Dips

Pick up where you left off each round.