A. Warm Up
2 rounds
5 strict burpee air squat
5 inchworm NO push up
1 length spiderman crawl - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K7rv_vFOWM
B. Activation
1 min arch hold
C. Strength/Skill
C1. Overhead reverse step alternating lunge with barbell
W2B-Base = Over head hold
3 x 60 sec of steps/hold
rest 1 min into
C2. Push Up
3 x 5-15 reps @ 2020
Use rings or deficit to make it harder - improve on last week
Rest 90 sec before returning to C1
D. Conditioning
AMRAP 8 min
20 Alternating KB FR Lunge
20 alternating KB lunge (farmers walk hold)
20 Double KB Deadlift
Strength totems
W2B- Totem 1 = 16/12kg
Totem 2+ = 24kg/16kg