14.2 done and dusted at CrossFit Creature, and the workouts just keep getting tougher! The Creature athletes again rose to the task of two very advanced movements; chest to bar pull ups and overhead squats. Saturday morning was another great success with over 35 athletes taking on the second Open workout, and our team 'CrossFit Creatures' moving up to THIRD in Australia as of Tuesday morning.
As coaches, the highlight of Saturday was seeing many athletes get their first chest to bar pull ups in a WOD ! A significant step forward in their fitness journey, and one that we will build upon. In particular, watching Jodie Hinton stick to the task and get multiple CTB pull ups done RX for the workout was an inspirational sight. On the other end of the spectrum, special mention must go to Mick Taouk for taking on the dreaded flexibility demands of overhead squats and still breaking through to the second round of 3 minutes.
The culmination of the morning was watching Coach Ev Dalecki test the battery life on our cameras, doing pull ups and overhead squats for far too long! Ev recorded one of the best scores in the country for the workout and proved why her Gymnastics Classes on Tuesday nights are not to be missed!
The Creature Spirit award this week went to Nick Chubb (Mav). Mav judged all heats through the morning; reminding us why he is such a valuable member to the gym and what being part of Team Creature is really about.
Meanwhile in Victoria Coach Rory Boyden completed 239 reps in 14.2 at The Schwartz Throwdown at the FitX Sports and Fitness Expo in Melbourne. Another impressive score by Coach Rory early on in his Games Season.
Congratulation to all athletes who took part in week 2. Thank you for your energy in the workouts and efforts judging each other, both of which make Saturday mornings such a success. Lets have another fun week of training at Creature and get ready for an even bigger week 3!
Creature Coaches