14.4 Wrap Up

What a weekend  at CrossFit Creature! Creature hosted its first inter-box throwdown and HQ provided us with a testing chipper for all athletes.

14.4 began quietly on Saturday morning. Mick Taouk working hard on the power cleans and Tony Srivichien getting all 50 toes to bar done were the highlights.

The atmosphere was kicked into a new gear on Sunday with athletes from CrossFit Revolute and Supremacy arriving to hit the workout. The fresh faces seemed to spark some extra-ordinary performances from Creature Athletes. Antony Lo got us started with a clever strategy of singles on the toes to bar, and then moving quickly through the wall balls on his way to completing 20 cleans. Danny Yuen, as always, brought the intensity, which lifted the spirits of all in attendance. Special mention must go to Tanti Gordon and Cary Huynh for progressing past the intimidating 50 toes to bar. For both athletes this was the largest amount of the exercise done consecutively in a WOD.

 The intensity of the day peaked in the final heats; Ev and Kat Dalecki proved that muscle ups don't scare the Creature girls.The throw-down finished with a great lunch and well earned chill out time. Well done to athletes from all boxes!

The Creature Spirit award this week is a tie between Matt Werasko and Antonietta Mansillo. Matt's five muscle ups on Saturday were extremely impressive and was great reward for a well executed game plan. Matt's progress at the gym has been astonishing, keep it up mate! 

On the other end of the experience spectrum, veteran CrossFitter 'Ant' achieved her goal of getting over the top of the rings on her second attempt at the workout on Fridayafternoon. After failing to get a muscle up in the 2013 open and then again in her first attempt at 14.4, Ant simply refused to be denied and showed some real courage to get a score of 182 and remind the region that she is a force in the masters division in Australia. Congratulations to both athletes.

These great performances, plus Issy Logan's clutch three muscle ups on Tuesday morning, have contributed to Team 'CrossFit Creature' climbing up the leaderboard. After four weeks we are sitting 6th in Australia Region!

Finally there are many thank you's in order. Thanks to Luke Heiser, Marco, Parisa, Janine and Kaveh from CrossFit Supremecy and CrossFit Revolute for joining us on Sundayand helping out with equipment. Similarly thank you to all members from Revolute and Supremacy for their attendance, and a special thank you to Clinton for some excellent DJing. From Creature, thank you to Pat Gordon and Ant Lo for some great pictures of our embarrassing pain faces! Finally thank you to the Ahmad's for organising a fantastic lunch, and all athletes for competing and judging.

One more week of this Open madness, lets enjoy it!

(Proud) Creature Coaches.