A. Warm Up
OTM for 10 min
even - 5-10 burpee
odd - 30 DU’s/ 50 singles/25 lateral jumps over rope (bunny hop)
A2. Activation
2 rounds
10 Heavy KB Deadlifts
10 Heavy swings
B. Strength
OTmin for 10 sets
Push Press - Build to a max
Then 3x5 @ 75-80% of B.
C. Conditioning
5 min AMRAP @ 90% pace
5 burpee over bar
5 hang power clean @ 50/35
5 S2OH
Rest 3 min
5 min AMRAP try to get same amount of reps
10 burpee over bar
10 hang power clean @ 50/35
10 S2OH
D. Cool Down