A. Warm Up
2 rounds
5 squat to stand
5 hindu push ups
10 reverse alternating lunges
Hip Flow
A. Back squat build to a heavy set of 8 in 10 mins.
B. Front squat 2 x 10 @ 75% of A.
C. EMOM 16 min
odd - 40 DUs or 60 single skips
even - 5 DB burpees
Monkey and Lion 4 - increase DUs by 2 reps and burpees by 1 every second minute
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
5 inchworms
10 spider man lunges
Thoracic Flow
B. Clean complex OTmin for 12 min
3 clean pulls from the floor
1 power clean
C. 14 x 25on / 35 off
6 wall balls
3 burpees
Lion 4 - WB to an 11/10ft target or heavy ball
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
7 KB squats 1 arm rack/side
5 bird dogs/side
Hammie Flow
B. 15 min EMOM
1 - 30 sec max Hanging knee raise
(knees to arm pits) or strict T2B
2 - 30 sec max weighted Hang
3 - 30 sec max nose to wall HS
Monkey 3-4
- do 1 arm hangs with weight
- do wall walks instead of holds
C. 2 min on 30 sec off x 4
5 pull ups
10 burpees box jumps/step ups
15 Kb swings @ 24/16kg
monkey/lion 4 - CTB + 32/24kg
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
1 length bear crawl
10 Goblet squats
30 sec hold in bottom of last goblet squat
Hip flow
3 x 8/side @ 3010
rest 1-2 min after last leg
B2. Natural GHR 5 reps
C. 6min AMRAP
Run 800m
Max push ups or ring dips in time remaining
Rest 2 min
6 min AMRAP
Run 800m
Max alt DB or KB snatch @ 24/16 in time remaining
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
2 TGU/side
4 single arm single leg KB row
(bottom of drinking bird position)
Thoracic flow
B. Front Squat Build to a heavy 5
in 10 min
C. Back squat 3 x 5 @ 100% of B
D. OT2min x 6 sets
5 burpee over bar
4 deadlifts
3 hang power cleans
2 push jerks
- score is max load
A. 2 rounds
10 dowell pass throughs
5 hind push ups
5 blackburns
5 super man rocks
4 x 10 @ 21X1
- rest 2 min before
B2. Ring row hold
4 x 20 sec chest to hands
- elobows in tight
- should look like bottom position of Bench press
C. In pairs
For time:
50 DB man makers (1 for 1)
100 over the box jumps or steps (swap every 5)
- 17 min cap.
Evolve barbell Thu
Foot and straight pull focus
6 sets
A. Snatch complex
5 Pulls from mid thigh with high elbows
- hip brush focus
B. SPU (snatch pull under)
3 reps,
- light and fast
C. Halting snatch deadlifts
5 x 2
- resting as needed
Evolve barbell Sat
A. Split Jerk Technique
1. Jerk Balance 5 sets
2. Jump to split
3. Split Press
B. EMOM consistency work at 60%
2 split jerks