May 25-30



A. Blood Flow

3 rounds (with a dowell)
8 OH reverse lunges

A3. Hip Flow

B. Back Squat
1*5 60%
1*5 70%
1*5 75%
1*5 75%

superset with 5-8 kipping T2B - skill practice

C. Conditioning

10 min EMOM

10 thrusters for heaviest load.


A. Blood flow

2 rounds - 20 sec each
bear crawl
inch worm
emu bob
thoracic bridge

A3. Thoracic flow

B. Strict press
3 x 1
90, 95,100%
superset with
10 sec active hang into 15 ring rows - M2
1-3 strict into 10 kipping pull ups - M3
1-3 strict into 8 kipping CTB pull ups - M4

C. Team Tuesday Conditioning

In pairs
'Kettlebell marathon'
Run 400m w/ 4 KB @ 24/16kg (2 each)
Run 400m w/ 2 KB (1 each)
farmers walk 200m with 4 KB
farmers walk 200m with 2 KB (1 each)
200 swings
16 min cap.


A. Blood Flow

with a light KB
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
5 Single leg KB deadlift /side

B. Deadlift
2 x 1 @ 90% - no dropping at top
2 x 1 @ 95%
- superset with 20-30 sec chin over bar hold

D. Conditioning

50 burpees for time.
Rest 2 min
6 mins to build to a max squat clean


A. Blood Flow

60 walking lunges
Hip flow

B. Front Squat
Build to a new max in 15 min.

C. Conditioning

5 x 35 cal row or 25 cal airbike AFAP.
- rest as needed between rotations


A. Blood flow

2 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
2 min DU Practice

A3. Thoracic flow

B. 5 sets - increasing on last week
10 HSPU (kipping or strict or mixed) at increasing deficits- Monkey Level 4
30 sec HS Hold
one 15-20 sec eccentric
into 8-10 DB Press @ 2020
Rest 2min

C. 4 sets for max load.

10ft/4m HS walk or kick into wall and 15 sec free hold
'Shankle complex'.
3 hi hang clean pulls
1 squat clean
2 jerks

Rest as needed.


A. Blood flow

3 rounds
1 bear crawl
1 length spiderman crawl
1 min DU Practice

A3. Thoracic flow

B. MU Workshop stations - 2 min on each station, no more than 3 people

- Russian dips on box
- kipping ring swings with ambit between legs (1 set of rings)
- kneeling transitions (1 set of rings)
- False grip ring holds/hangs (1 set of rings)
- DB row (strength piece)
- Dip holds (1 set of rings)

C. Conditioning

Aerobic capacity test

5 rounds
1km run or row
15 thursters @35/25kg
15 burpees
15 pull ups