A. Bear Crawl
2 Rounds Barbell/Dowel Warm Up
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
5 Good Morning
2 mins hanging variations
B. 15 min EMOM
0-5 Position 1 Snatch pause 2 seconds in catch
5-10 Position 2 Snatch pause 2 seconds in catch
10-15 Snatch from floor
C. 10 mins AMRAP
60 bar facing burpees
30 overhead squat 50/35 110/75
10 MUs
A. 5 Inchworms
2 rounds
10 Walking Lunges
5 Hanging Activations
5 Strict Burpee
5 Blackburns
B. Back Squat
20 mins to build to heavy 3
12 light DB bent rows after each set tempo 21x1
C. 12 min EMOM 40 on/20 off
1st min rower (above 1250/850cal/h) or airbike (above 440/340 watts)
2nd min wall ball
3rd min KB Swing 32/24
A. Spiderman walk up and back
2 rounds
1 TGU each side
10 Alternating Russian KB Swing
5 Goblet Squat
2 mins hanging
B. 10 min EMOM
1-3 strict MUs
odd: false grip ring rows
even: strict ring dip
Cc. 8 rounds: 1 min on/1 min off (16 min)
3 Push Jerk 70/45 155/100
3 Front Squat
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Deadlift
Max Box Jumps
A. Crab Walk 1 length
2 rounds
10 walking lunges
5 Hanging Activations
5 Strict Burpee
B. Deadlift
20 mins to build to heavy 3
Tempo 21x1
12 ring rows after each set tempo 21x1
C. 5 rounds EMOM
1st min rower 22/17 cal or air bike over 440/340 watts for 45 secs
2nd min 30 DUs (max 30 secs) into AMRAP Pistols
3rd min rest
A. Bear Crawl Up and back
2 rounds
20 single DB OH walking lunge (10 each arm)
10 DB Sunmo Deadlift
10 DB Goblet Squat
2 mins hanging out
B. Strict Press build to heavy 3 in 20 mins
1-3 strict pullups
C. “Frantasy land” variation
9 Thrusters at 60/40 135/95
9 Bar MUs
15 Thrusters at 50/35 115/75
15 CTB
21 Thruster 40/30 95/65
21 Pull-ups
A. Spiderman crawl up and back
2 rounds
10 Plate OH walking Lunge
10 Plate squat
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
2 mins hanging
B. 20 min E2MOM
0-4min position 1 clean (2 second pause in catch) + jerk
4-10 min position 2 clean (2 second pause in catch) + jerk
10-20 min clean and jerk from floor (no pauses)c.
Partner Battle
5 Rounds each:
Partner 1 run 200m
Partner 2 max Burpee box Jump