Aug 31- Sep 5


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
20 sec leg swings right
20 sec left
20 sec side raise right
20 sec side raise left

Hip Flow

B. OT2min for 5 sets
Front Squat
2 reps
1 with 3 sec pause in bottom
1 with no tempo and 15 sec hold at top

C. 3 min EMOM
8 DB or KB thrusters @16/12kg
8 burpees
- Work horse 3 - 10/10 @24/16kg

Rest 1 min


10 min EMOM
odd - 15 Wall bals
even - 5 pull ups

Monkey 4 - 15 pull ups

- score is missed reps

D. Accessory project

3 x 5/side trap 3 raise


A. Warm Up

3 rounds
20 sec pike walk
20 sec crab turn over
20 sec rest


Shoulder flow

B. 16 min EMOM

1 - 30 sec max reverse grip DB or KB row @ 1111
2 - 30 sec max chin over bar eccentrics or hold
3 - 30 sec max nose to wall walk with pause at top
4 - 30 sec max No weight pike push up

Monkey 4
2 - weighted pull ups
3 - strict HSPU, wall facing

C. 14 min AMRAP
5 Power cleans @ 60/40 135/95
5 burpees over bar
5 T2B

Lion 4 - 80/60kg

D. Accessory Project

Rotated seated partner thoracic stretch 1 x 60sec/side


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
7 KB squats 1 arm rack/side
5 bird dogs/side


Hammie Flow

B. Back Squat
1 rep with a 3 sec eccentric and 5 sec pause

B2. Super set with 5-10 Kipping T2B
Monkey 4 - 2-3 Bar MU
Last super set test a max set of T2B or 60sec max Bar MU

C. 15 x 40/20 on/off
20 DB Snatch @25/15
20 box step overs

Monkey 4 - box jump overs
Lion 4 - 32kg KB or DB

- pick up where you left off

D. Accessory project

2 rounds
10 lying back extensions
60 sec unweighted Jeffersen curl


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
30 sec pike walk
10 thoracic bridge right
10 sec TB left
10 sec rear support


shoulder flow

B. OH Alt reverse lunge
3 x 8 reps

Lion 3 - OHS 3 x 8 free tempo

B2. Wrist and elbow drills
2 rounds
FInger tip plank 10 sec
5 diamond push up

C. Mix Modal sprints

3-5 sets

45 sec row or AB for Cal
45 sec max wall sit (90 deg.)

- score is calories


A. Warm Up

1 round
5 TGU/side
1 min bear crawl



A. 2 rounds

20 Partner ball thrusters
10 Partner burpee bridge
20 partner Wall Balls

B. Front Squat
15 min
5 x 1 rep - building up @2020
- 2 sec eccentric, 2 sec concentric

C. Workhorse test


Evolve barbell Thu

A. 7 sets
1 Hang Snatch

A2. BTN Barbell Press 1 rep into 1 pause OHS

B. 5 x 2 clean pulls

C. DB Z- press 10 reps
C2. Frac plate windmills 10 reps

Evolve barbell Sat

A. Split Jerk Technique

1. Push jerk BTN in Split and front
2. Jerk drives
3. Split Press

B. Jerk Fron support

C. Split jerk 2 RM