A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 sec leg swings right
20 sec left
20 sec side raise right
20 sec side raise left
Hip Flow
B. Front Squat Test - build to a max single in 15 mins
C. Conditioning
3 min EMOM
13 GTOH @ 40/30kg
Lion 4 - 50/35kg
Rest 1 min
10 min AMRAP
20 swings @ 24/16
40 DU's
Rest 30 sec
Lion 4 - 32/24kg
D. Accessory project
3 x 5/side trap 3 raise
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
20 sec pike walk
20 sec crab turn over
20 sec rest
Shoulder flow
B. 16 min cap
Monkey Testing (4 min on each station)
1. Max HS hold or HSPU
2. Max T2B or L-hang (90 deg.) or knee hang
3. Max DU or SU
4. Max pull up or chin over bar hold or hang
C. 14 min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 burpees
20 airsquats
Rest 30 sec
Monkey 4 - 3 MU
- sprint each interval
- score is total rounds, an unfinished round does not count
D. Accessory Project
Rotated seated partner thoracic stretch 1 x 60sec/side
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
7 KB squats 1 arm rack/side
5 bird dogs/side
Hammie Flow
B. Back Squat
Deload or test
- base this off how your body feels
Option 1 (deload)
2 x 5 @ 60%
- if you're deloading help spot others if need be
Option 2
Build to a 1RM @ 21X1 in 20 mins
B2. Super set with hanging shoulder rolls
C. 10 min 30on / 30off
even - wall walks
odd - double KB squats @ 16/12kg
Lion 4 - 24/16kg
D. Accessory project
2 rounds
10 lying back extensions
60 sec unweighted Jeffersen curl
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
30 sec pike walk
10 thoracic bridge right
10 sec TB left
10 sec rear support
shoulder flow
B. Push Jerk (no split)
Deload or test
Option 1 (deload)
3 x 6 @ 40%
Option 2
Build to a 1RM in 15 min
C. Mix Modal sprints
3 sets only.
30 sec row or AB for Cal
30 sec max wall sit (90 deg.)
30 sec row or AB
- if you break on wall sit you lose your first set of calories
A. Warm Up
1 round
5 TGU/side
1 min bear crawl
Aerobic capacity test
A. 2 rounds
20 Partner ball thrusters
10 Partner burpee bridge
20 partner Wall Balls
B. Deadlift
3 x 10 @ 2020
C. 20 min AMRAP in teams of 3
100 burpees over the bar
100 Power cleans @ 50/30kg
600m run or 100 cal row
Evolve barbell Thu
A. 6 sets
1 Snatch deadlift
1 snatch
A2. 2 BTN Push Jerk with pause in catch
B. 3 x 2 clean pulls
C. DB flyes 10 reps
C2. Frac plate standing windmills 10 reps
Evolve barbell Sat
A. Split Jerk Technique
1. Push jerk BTN in Split and front
2. Jerk drives
3. Split Press
B. Jerk Fron support
C. Split jerk 2 RM