Warm Up
A. Bear crawl
2 rounds
30 sec forward
30 sec reverse
5 burpees
Hip Flow
B. OT3min
RFESS 3x10/side @ 3010
- use DB or KB
B2. 20 Russian twists with no bounce, feet off floor
C. 20 min EMOM
even - 10 wall balls
odd - 10 burpees
Workhorse 3 - 15/12
Workhorse 4 - 20/15
Warm Up
A. 3 rounds
3 inchworms with 5 sec exhale at top
6 thoracic bridge alternating
20 sec top of push plank hold (elbow pit facing forward)
Wrist flow
B.Behind the neck strict press 5x5 @ 3013 - keep it light
B2. Super set 20 sec active head forward hollow body hanging
into 10 BTN dowell banded pull downs
Monkey 3 - 3-5 Wide grip pull up eccentrics
Monkey 4 - 3-5 Wide grip pull up
C. Tabata
20/10 x 10 rounds
Max KB swing @ 16/12
Max Goblet squat
Lion 3 - 24/16
Lion 4 - 32/24
- score is worst round
D. ABcessories
20 dragonflies/lying flags using the pole for support
Warm Up
A. 6 x 30/30 on/off
Hammie Flow
B. Deadlift
3x10 @ 2020
- no plate touch on ground
- bar should go 1cm from floor every rep
- keep it light
B2. Super set
Hamstring flexor control 2 x 20sec/side
C. Half Cindy
10 min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
Monkey/ Lion/ Workhorse 4 - 3 Bar MU/ 6 Ring dips/ 9 pistols alternating
D. ABcessories
50 Banded hip flexion
- with a light band tie one end to feet and one end to rig
- lie on floor facing roof and pull knees to chest and hold and lower out slowly
- lower back must stay pressed into floor
Warm Up
A. 2 rounds
3 Light TGU / side
6 SLDL with KB /side
A2. Shoulder strengthening work
2 rounds for quality
1-2 skin the cats
30 sec rear support, feet elevated
3-5 pike push ups
B. Barbell and gymnastics cycling
skill work
3 rounds (moderate weight)
1st - 5 TnG Power cleans
8-12 T2B
2nd - 5 TnG Push jerks
8-12 pull ups
3rd - 5 TnG squat cleans
8-12 HSPU or 20 sec HS hold against wall
Warm Up
A. Warm up
20 burpees
Hip flow
40 min EMOM
1 - 20 KB Snatches alternating every 5
2 - 10 burpee step ups
3 - 50 sec row or bike for cals
4 - Rest
Lion 4 - 32kg/24kg
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 spider man lunges
10 cossack squats
Hip flow
B. Back Squat
3 x 3.3.3 - @ 21X1
- cluster sets with 30 sec btw micro sets, 2 mins between macro sets
C. Butterfly bowl WOD 1
'Hang On'
in pairs
50 pull ups whilst partner hangs from bar
60 hang power cleans whilst partner holds deadlift
70 KB swings whilst partner holds 2KB in front rack
HPC @ 60/40
Deadlift @ 100/70
Swings @ 32/24
Holds @ 24/16
- 15 min Cap
Evolve barbell Thu
A. C&J complex
1 Clean + 2 FS + 2 Jerks
- all squats with 2 sec pause in bottom
A2. 3 Light jerks from rack @ 40% with 2 sec pause in catch
B. Clean segmented pull 3x3
Accessory work
C1. Weighted ankle mobility 2 mins/side
C2. Barbell Calf raises or bodwyweight, 20 reps
C3. 5 sec absolute core
Evolve barbell Sat
A. Split Jerk testing
20 mins to build to a max split jerk from the rack.
B. Narrow grip OHS @ 22X1
3 x 3
B2. 3 x 1 Heavy weighted pull up from 10 sec deadhang