Sep 21-26



Warm Up

A. Bear crawl
2 rounds
30 sec forward
30 sec reverse
5 burpees

Hip Flow

B. OT3min
Front rack reverse barbell lunges
3x20 alternating @ 2011

B2. 15 DB seated strict press

C. 20 min EMOM

20 DUs into
5 Burpee step ups

Workhorse Level 3 - 25/6
Workhorse Level 4 - 30/7


Warm Up

A. 3 rounds
3 inchworms with 5 sec exhale at top
6 thoracic bridge alternating
20 sec top of push plank hold (elbow pit facing forward)

Wrist flow

B.Strict press + Push press
3 x 3+3 for max load

B2. Super set 20 sec active head forward hollow body hanging
into 10 BTN dowell banded pull downs

Monkey 3 - 3-5 Wide grip pull up eccentrics
Monkey 4 - 3-5 Wide grip pull up

C. 6 x 1min on/off
KB or DB thrusters

- scores is rep x weight in kg
- choose a combo that accounts for highest toal load lifted

D. ABcessories
20 candlesticks/lying flags using the pole for support



Warm Up

A. 6 x 30/30 on/off


Hammie Flow

B. Deadlift
3x6 @ 21X1
- no plate touch on ground
- bar should go 1cm from floor every rep
- keep it light

B2. Super set
Hamstring flexor control 2 x 20sec/side

C. Power Elizabeth
10 min AMRAP
Power cleans
Ring Dips or push ups

D. ABcessories
50 Banded hip flexion
- with a light band tie one end to feet and one end to rig
- lie on floor facing roof and pull knees to chest and hold and lower out slowly
- lower back must stay pressed into floor


Warm Up

A. 2 rounds
3 Light TGU / side
6 SLDL with KB /side

A2. Shoulder strengthening work
2 rounds for quality
1-2 skin the cats
30 sec rear support, feet elevated
3-5 push ups, fingers facing backward

B. Barbell and gymnastics cycling
skill work

3 rounds (moderate weight)

1st - 8 TnG Power cleans
5 T2B

2nd - 8 TnG Push jerks
5 pull ups

3rd - 8 TnG squat cleans
5 HSPU or 20 sec HS hold against wall


Warm Up

A. Warm up

20 burpees


Hip flow


Baby Murph - 40 min cap
400m run
100 pull up
200 push up
300 air squat
400m run
- must be partitioned (Monkey 4 use weight vest)


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
10 spider man lunges
10 cossack squats

Hip flow

B. Back Squat

3 x 2.2.2 - @ 21X1

- cluster sets with 30 sec btw micro sets, 2 mins between macro sets

C. CJ Ladder in teams of 3 or 4

20 min AMRAP
30 CJ reps at

Evolve barbell Thu

A. C&J complex
1 Clean + 2 FS + 1 Jerk

A2. 5 split press light

B. Clean segmented pull 3x1

Accessory work

C1. Weighted ankle mobility 2 mins/side
C2. Barbell Calf raises or bodwyweight, 20 reps
C3. 5 sec absolute core

Evolve barbell Sat

A. Power snatch technique work