Warm Up
A. Bear crawl
2 rounds
30 sec forward
30 sec reverse
5 burpees
Hip Flow
B. OT3min
DB or KB Step ups 3 x 16 (8/side)
B2. 10-30 sec nose to wall HS hold
C. 16 min EMOM
1 burpee
16 KB swings
- increasing burpees by 1
- decreasing swings by 1
Warm Up
A. 3 rounds
3 inchworms with 5 sec exhale at top
6 thoracic bridge alternating
20 sec top of push plank hold (elbow pit facing forward)
Wrist flow
B.Push Press
4 x 5 @ 60/70/75/80%
B2. 20 sec chin over bar hold or hang
Monkey 3 - 5 partner assisted pull ups
Monkey 4 - 5 weighted pull ups
C. 4 x 3min on / 1 min off
15 wallballs
10 T2B
Monkey 4 - +5 MU
D. ABcessories
20 candlesticks/lying flags using the pole for support
Warm Up
A. 6 x 30/30 on/off
Hammie Flow
B. Deadlift
4x3 @ 21X1
- no plate touch on ground
- bar should go 1cm from floor every rep
- keep it light
B2. Super set
Hamstring flexor control 2 x 10sec/side
C. Running Jackie Jr
10 min AMRAP
Run 400m
20 empty bar thrusters
10 pull ups
D. ABcessories
50 Banded hip flexion
- with a light band tie one end to feet and one end to rig
- lie on floor facing roof and pull knees to chest and hold and lower out slowly
- lower back must stay pressed into floor
Warm Up
A. 2 rounds
3 Light TGU / side
6 SLDL with KB /side
A2. Shoulder strengthening work
2 rounds for quality
1-2 skin the cats
30 sec bridge hold, or 15 sec Tbridge/side
3-5 push ups, fingers facing backward
B. Barbell and gymnastics cycling
skill work
3 rounds (moderate weight)
1st - 10 TnG Push jerks
10 T2B
2rd - 10 TnG squat cleans
10 HSPU or 20 sec HS hold against wall
Warm Up
A. Warm up
2 rounds
1 bear crawl
10 air squats
5 strict burpees
Hip flow
B. Snatch Balance @ 60-70% 1RM snatch
5 x 2 w/ 2 sec pause in bottom
C. Partner Intervals
13 min AMRAP
Round for round
30 DU's
10 burpee box jumps
Monkey 1-2: must step up
SKYZONE Alexandria 4pm!
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 spider man lunges
10 cossack squats
Hip flow
B. Back Squat
3 x 2.1.1 - @ 21X1
- cluster sets with 30 sec btw micro sets, 2 mins between macro sets
C1. In Pairs - use partners to hold back of ankles as the anchor
Natural GHR variation -
4 sets of 5-15 reps
C. 5x OT4min
Run 400m
15 deadlifts @ 100/65kg
10 burpee over bar
5 pull ups
Lion 4 - 140/90kg
Monkey 4 - CTB or MU
Evolve barbell Thu
A. Shankle complex
3 hang clean pulls
1 Hang squat clean
A2. 5 split press light
B. Clean segmented pull 3x1
Accessory work
C1. OH squat holds with dowel and band
C2. 1 arm barbell rows
Evolve barbell Sat
A. Power snatch technique work
EVOLVE Recovery
Upper Body Day
A. Warm up with class
Row 1km Easy pace
B. Creature Stretching
3 rounds for quality
B1: Jefferson Curl 20/10kg 3 reps, TEMPO 3531
B2: Seated straddle with plate overhead 5/2.5kg: 20 pulses over 45s
B3: Arms overhead wtih upper back on wall ball, bum on ground. Pulses stretching. 5kg/2.5kg, 20 pulses over 45s
C. Creature Joint Strength
3 rounds
C1: Bent over rear delt Fly's 10-15 reps 2.5/1.25kg
C2. Dowel Pass through's weighted 10 reps 5kg-2.5kg
D. Creature Soft Tissue
3 minutes each side roller lying on side hip to bottom of armpit
3 x 30s skin the cat stretch on low rings, knees or feet on the ground
EVOLVE Recovery
Lower Body Day
A. Warm up with class
2 rounds
60 singles, 30 cal row
B. Creature Stretching
3 rounds with for quality
B1: 40s bottom squat thoracic rotations
B2: Extreme split squat with rear foot elevated BW 5 reps, TEMPO 3311 (back leg bum squeezed)
B3: Accumulative 45s of side ways swinging from bar
C.Creature Joint Strength
3 rounds
C1: Side Plank topleg lifts 10-15 reps (Squeeze bum)
C2:Single Leg barbell Deadlift to shin
D. Creature Soft Tissue
3 minutes each side barbell across quadricep (top of thigh)
2 min coach stretch