Oct 5-11


Warm Up

A. Bear crawl
2 rounds
30 sec forward
30 sec reverse
5 burpees

Hip Flow

B. OT3min
DB or KB Step ups 3 x 16 (8/side)

B2. 10 - 30 sec tuck hang or Lsit hang from bar

C. Rankle

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Run 200 meters


Warm Up

A. 3 rounds
3 inchworms with 5 sec exhale at top
6 thoracic bridge alternating
20 sec top of push plank hold (elbow pit facing forward)

Wrist flow

B.Push Press
4 x 3 @ 60/70/80/85%

B2. 20 sec chin over bar hold or hang
Monkey 3 - 5 partner assisted pull ups
Monkey 4 - 5 weighted pull ups

C. 5 x 2min on/1min off

For Time:
10 DB Burpees
10 alt DB snatches
10 DB Push press
- rest remainder of time
- start from the top every 2 min

D. ABcessories
20 candlesticks/lying flags using the pole for support


Warm Up

A. 6 x 30/30 on/off


Hammie Flow

B. Deadlift
4 x 2 with 5 sec pause at knee cap on way up
- control on way back down

B2. Super set
Hamstring flexor control 2 x 10sec/side

11 min AMRAP

Deadlift @ 100/60kg
HSPU or Push up
Deadlift @ 60/40kg
HR Push up

- back to top


Warm Up

A. 2 rounds
3 Light TGU / side
6 SLDL with KB /side

A2. Shoulder strengthening work
2 rounds for quality
5 pike overs on floor
(roll spine off the floor and back down)
5 Vsnaps @ 30X0
2 wall wlaks with 5 sec pause at top

B. Barbell and gymnastics cycling
skill work

3 rounds (moderate weight)

1st - 8 TnG Push jerks
12-15 T2B

2rd - 8 TnG squat cleans
12-15 HSPU or 20 sec HS hold against wall


Warm Up

A. Warm up

2 rounds
1 bear crawl
10 air squats
5 strict burpees

Hip flow

B. Snatch Balance @ 70-80% 1RM snatch
5 x 1 w/ 2 sec pause in bottom

B2. Empty bar or dowell snatch pull unders 5 x 5 reps for skill not weight
- this is practive for footwork not a training stimulus

C. Partner Intervals
13 min AMRAP

Round for round
Run 200m
30 sec max reps pull ups

- score is total pull ups or MU

Monkey 4 - MU or CTB


A. Warm Up

2 rounds
10 spider man lunges
10 cossack squats

Hip flow

B. Back Squat

3 x 1.1 - @ 21X1

- cluster sets with 30 sec btw micro sets, 2 mins between macro sets

C1. In Pairs - use partners to hold back of ankles as the anchor
Natural GHR variation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBh01L9MlkY
4 sets of 5-15 reps

C. 3x OT6min

Run 400m
10 CJ @ 60/40kg
6 deadlifts
4 FS

Lion 4 - 85/50kg
Monkey 4 - CTB or MU


Evolve barbell Thu

A. 6 x Halting clean into clean

A2. 6 x 1 split jerk heavy

B. Halting clean pull

Accessory work
C1. OH squat holds with dowel and band
C2. 1 arm barbell rows

Evolve barbell Sat

A. Power snatch technique work