A. Warm Up
2 rounds with a light plate
20 russian twists
1 length bear crawl plate on back
1 length lunges plate over head
10 plate G2OH
10 plate goblet squats
Thoracic Flow
B. Front Squat + FR Lunge
5 x 5+10 alt rev steps
B2. Strict TTB or knee to elbow raise
5 x 5 reps
C. 12 min working in pairs
20 burpee box jump overs
20 DB or KB thrusters @ 24/12
100 DUs
- score is total rounds and reps
- split work as desired
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
5 inch worms with push up
10 bunny hops
30 sec table top hold
Shoulder flow
5 x 5 @ 22X2
B2. Chin over bar hold
5 x 10-30 seconds
B3. Plate extetnal rotation @3010
5 x 8/side
C. Helen intervals
4 intervals of
200m run
12 KB swings
8 pull ups
Rest 2 min
- hit this at 90%
- score is your slowest round
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 leg swings each side (without holding onto pole)
10 cossack squats
30 sec duck walk
3 cat camels (or angry cats, warming up the spine)
Hammie flow
B. Deficit deadlifts
4 x 4 @ 31X1
- stand on a plate roughly 2 inches high
B2. Partner GHR
4 x 5 reps
- controlled eccentric
C. 5 min AMRAP
10 KB snatches (5/side) @24/16kg
10 wall balls
Rest 2 min
5 min AMRAP
Box jump with step down
- score is reps for both rounds
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
60 secs of single skips
5 burpees
5 deck squats
B. Explosive plyometric training
3 rounds in pairs, alternating turns
3 attempts
B1. Max height vertical tuck jump with soft landing
B2. 3 x Single leg height max jump and two foot land
B3. 3 x Max distance in 3 broad jumps
- explosive strength work
3 rounds - plyo skill work
C1. Set up 3 plates on floor
jump from plate to plate and set them as far apart as possible
C2. Kneeling tuck squat jump - 5 reps, add a DB if too easy
C3. Max distance seated broad jump x 3
D. Workout
5 rounds in pairs or against a wall
20 rotational ball pass and press (10/side)
15 push ups
- you must throw the ball hard.
A. Warm up
2 rounds
60 sec walking lunges forward
60 sec walking lunges reverse
30 sec hollow hold
Hip Flow
B. Back squat
@ 21X1
B2. Weighted cossack squat
4 x 5/side
C. EMOM 16 min
1 - 15-20 wall balls
2 - 2 light TGU/side
3 - 100m run
4- 15-20 TTB
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
5 reps ball plate overhead reach
10 dowell pass throughs floor facing
30 sec rear support hold
Shoulder flow
B. 20 min cap.
For quality
Partner Handstand work
Freestanding partner practice
2 attempts for quality time each
or scale to wall assissted free standing
B2. Pike push up or Strict HSPU
5-10 reps
- can be broken up.
C. OT3mins for 6 sets
10 hang power cleans @ 50/30kg
8 burpee over bar
4 thrusters
Lion 4 - 70/50
A. Strong feet
3 sets
5 x five's
30 sec toe walking
kneeling balance knee stretch 10 reps
B. Running Lab
3 sets
30 sec zombie jog
30 sec/side run and pull
60 sec cap run skipping
C. Marrickville + Edgecliff Running
3 x 1000m
- moderate pace
- rest 2 mins between intervals
- focus on relaxed traps
C. Bondi junction circuit
30 min AMRAP
200 single skips
100 step ups
10 lengths bear crawl
50 air squats
Weightlifting thursday - starts at 6:45pm
A. Body weight and dowell warm up
B. Empty bar drills warmup
C. Snatch work
C1. Snatch heavy pull
C2. Snatch double
D. Jerk drills
E. Power clean + FS + Split jerk
(FS with jerk grip)
Weightlifting Saturday
A. Body weight and dowell warm up
B. Empty bar drills warmup
C. Split jerk and push jerk drills
D. heavy clean and snatch pulls