A. Warm Up
3 rounds
2 TGU with medball/side
8 strict burpees
16 lunges on spot
Hip Flow
B. Front Squat
4 x 3.2.1 @ 10X2
- The focus of the next 5 weeks is rack position posture and strength
B2. Single arm upright row
4 x 8-10 per side, with eccentric control
Cycle goal = 33% BW x reps of ME pull ups per side
C. Strength Accessories
3 rounds for quality
C1. Reverse alt lunges on spot 12 reps total
(using KB one in front rack one in Farmers carry position)
- go heavy and swap posititons at 8 rep mark.
C2. KB thruster 4-5 reps
(3 sec pause in bottom, rack position, top of press)
A. Warm Up
2 rounds w/ dowell
10 pass throughs
10 hollow rocks dowell over head
Partner shoulder extension stretch 60 sec
B. 10 min EMOM
Clean Pull + Full clean
- pick a moderate weight
C. 20 min AMRAP @ 75-80% effort
5 power cleans @45/30
5 burpee over bar
5 Pull ups
Lion 4 - 60/40kg
Monkey 4 - CTB
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 air squats
10 squat rotations
5 inch worms
Hammie Flow
B. Back squat speed day
Build to a heavy single with speed as priority
(8 min cap)
3 x 2 @ 90% of heavy 1
B2. Single arm upright row
4 x 8-10 per side, with eccentric control
C. 7 min AMRAP
5-10-15-20 etc
wall balls
10-20-30-40 etc
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats
B. SIngle leg Barbell Deadlift
3 x 5/side
- keep bar super close, soft touch on gorund between reps
B2. Box hamstring curls
3 x 15
or 3 x 8/side
- focus on eccentric control always fully lock out leg
C. 3 rounds
Z-press 10 reps @2122
3 TGU/side
5 dragon flyes holding pole
20 russian twists (2 sec reps)
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
15 hollow rocks
15 super man rocks
1 length bear crawl
B. Overhead squat progression work
5 x 1 @ 31X1
For those who cannot over head squat
B1. Single arm KB Walking lunge
3 x 10 reps (5/side)
B2. Medball stretch with plate
3 x 5 with 5 sec hold overhead, ribs down
B3. Banded ankle mobility 60sec/side
C. For time
100 air squats
1km run
50 burpees
A. Warm Up
In pairs
30 medball footy passes (alt sides)
30 ball thrusters
30 russian twists side by side
B. 40 min EMOM
1 - 2 heavy clusters
2 - 50 sec AMRAP
8 Push ups or ring dips
3 - 100m run into max DU in time remaining
4 -Rest