A. Warm Up
3 rounds
5 air squats @ 3030
30 sec duck walk
10 shrugs hanging on bar
Hip Flow
B. Thruster
3 x 3 @ 22X2
B2. Double OH rev KB lunge
12 reps alt
C. 10 min AMRAP in pairs
Round for Round
6 KB Push Press
12 KB walking lunges
6 KB front squats
12 KB walking lunges
- pick a weight you can do UB for at least half the WOD
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
30 sec/side DB waiters carry
10 cook bridge/side
10 shrimp squats/side
Hammie Flow
B. 10 min every 2 min
2 Full clean TnG
2 Front Squats
- full grip every rep
C. 1 on / 1 off x 8
7 jumping air squats
30 DUs
Max Burpee over bar
Monkey 4 - 6 Alt Pistols
A. Warm Up
2 mins
Bunny hops with coach calling for athletic burpees
rest 1 min
2 min
Bear crawl
with coach calling 'switch' which is cue to go in reverse
Hip Flow
B. Back squat
Build over the 5 sets
- moderate- heavy
B2. Wall Angel
5 x 5 reps
5 scap push ups
C. 6 min AMRAP
50 burpee box jumps
50 wall balls
AMRAP DUs or singles
A. Warm Up
3 sets
10 floor facing dowell pass throughs
10 overhead dowell lunge with pause and thoracic rotation
B. Sumo Deadlift
5 x 3.2.1
Rest 15 btw clusters
- moderate load across
B2. Box hamstring curls
3 x 15
or 3 x 8/side
- focus on eccentric control always fully lock out leg
B3. Z-press 3x10 reps @2122
C. Upper body condition
With a partner
going exercise for exercise
3 sets (14 min cap)
20 push ups (scale and break raps as needed to hit reps)
20 ring rows of hinge rows
10 Pike Push ups or SHSPU
10 hinge rows
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
30 sec pike walk
B. 30 min AMRAP
60 DUs or 100 SUs
40 Kb swings @ 24/16
30 Box jumps
20 burpees
Rest 2 min
C. Over head complex 3 sets
C1. Barbell Strict Press 5 reps
C2. 10-30 sec wall facing HS hold
C3. DB rotator cuff side lying 10/side
A. Warm Up
50 walking lunges
Every 10 lunges
Do 6 squat rotations
1 dive bomber
2 thoracic bridges
4 x 12 reps
- Building
- moderate weight
B2. Double DB Row
4 x 15 reps
C. 21 min EMOM
1 - 10 thrusters @ 40-60kg
2 - 5-15 TTB
3 - 3-5 burpee CTB
Monkey 4 - 3-5 MU ring