A. Warm Up
3 rounds
5 air squats @ 3030
30 sec duck walk
10 shrugs hanging on bar
Hip Flow
B. Thruster + Front Squat
4 x 2+2 @ 21X1
(tempo on FS only)
B2. Double OH rev KB lunge
10 reps alt
C. 13 min AMRAP in pairs
Round for Round
5 KB Front squats
10m KB FR walk
5 KB hang squat cleans
10m KB FR walk
- pick a weight you can do UB for at least half the WOD
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
30 sec/side DB waiters carry
10 cook bridge/side
10 shrimp squats/side
Hammie Flow
B. 10 min every 2 min
3 Power cleans as singles
- pause 2 sec in catch position
(no more than 10 sec rest btw singles)
- full grip every rep
C. 90 on / 90 off x 5
12 wall balls
12 alt DB snatch @ moderate weight
- score as rounds for reps
A. Warm Up
2 mins
Bunny hops with coach calling for athletic burpees
rest 1 min
2 min
Bear crawl
with coach calling 'switch' which is cue to go in reverse
Hip Flow
B. Back squat
- increase on all sets by 2.5kg from last week
B2. Wall Angel
5 x 5 reps
5 scap push ups
C. 6 min AMRAP
40 deadlifts @ 60/40kg
40 box jump overs
40 DB burpee
Lion 4 - 90/60
A. Warm Up
3 sets
10 floor facing dowell pass throughs
10 overhead dowell lunge with pause and thoracic rotation
B. Sumo Deadlift
5 x 2.1.1
Rest 15 btw clusters
- moderate load across
B2. Box hamstring curls
3 x 15
or 3 x 8/side
- focus on eccentric control always fully lock out leg
B3. BTN Snatch grip Straddle Z-press 3x5 reps
C. Upper body condition
With a partner
going exercise for exercise
3 sets (14 min cap)
Accumulate 30 sec chin over the bar hold
accumulate 30 sec ring support or box support hold
Accumulate 30 sec hollow hold
- rest as needed btw exercises
- coach your partner and encourage them TO BE BETTER!
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
20 sec pike walk
20 sec bear crawl
B. 30 min AMRAP - with one KB
30 goblet position KB alt reverse lunge
200m KB carry
70 DUs
10 KB swings
Rest 90 sec
- focus on breathing to bring the HR back down
C. Over head complex 3 sets
C1. KB windmill 3/side
C2. 10-30 sec wall facing HS hold
C3. DB rotator cuff side lying 10/side
A. Warm Up
50 walking lunges
Every 10 lunges
Do 6 squat rotations
1 dive bomber
2 thoracic bridges
4 x 9 reps
- Building
- moderate weight
B2. Double DB Row
4 x 12 reps
C. 21 min EMOM
1 - 5 Tng CJ @ 45/30kg
2 - 5-15 TTB
3 - 3-5 burpee CTB
- try to increase on reps from last week
Monkey 4 - 3-5 MU ring