Aug 29-Sep 3


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 air squats narrow
10 air squats regular
10 air squats wide
10 bodyweight good mornings

Hip Flow

B. Box squat
5 x 5 @ 75-80%
- focus on wider stance and speed off box

5 x 6/side @ 20X1

C. 3 rounds
C1. Side plank on elbow "Thread the needle" - 10 slow reps
C2. Heavy Front Rack walk out with barbell, 30 sec hold with full grip
C3. Seated floor leg lifts 25 reps
C4. Standing Leg lift to parallel 20sec/side
- toes pointed leg fully locked
- leg straigh out infront


A. Warm Up
3 rounds
30 sec/side waiters carry with a plate
10 shrimp squats/side

Hammie Flow

B. 10 min EMOM (from the floor)
2 push press
2 push jerks
- all reps 3 sec hold over head

C. 16 min @ sustained pace
12 TTB
12 Wall Balls
12 pull ups
12 Wall balls


A. Warm Up
10 cook bridge/side
10 1 arm DB walking lunge/side

Hip Flow

B. Front Squat
5 x 5 @ 75-80% across

B2. 6 explosive box jumps
Lateral box step up
5 x 5/side
As slow and controlled as possible

C. 5 min AMRAP
10 wall walks
30 burpees
ME Double Unders or single unders


A. Warm Up

3 rounds
10 weighted dowell passthroughs
5 KB windmills/side
10 reps Standing weighted shoulder extension dowell lift
(if you can't do this go back to rear support hold for 30sec)
10 active hanging shrugs in a Lsit or knee tuck

B. EMOM 30 min - KB complexes

Min 1 - 8 1 arm hand KB CJ /side 24/16kg
Min 2 - 20 KBS
Min 3 - 4 alt FR lunges/arm

Lion 4 - 32/24


A. Warm up
3 rounds
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec inch worm
30 sec spider man lunge

5 x 5 @ 75-80%

B2. Pendlay BB row
5 x 5
slight increase on last week

B3. Upright DB row
5 x 10/side

C. In pairs round for round
AMRAP in 15 mins
DB thursters
pull ups


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
200m light jog
10 burpees
50 single skips

Hip flow

B. Clean pulls with pauses
12 min EMOM
1 clean pull with 3 sec pause at knee
1 squat clean

C. 16 min AMRAP
In teams of 2
10 comlexes of:
10 deadlifts
10 HPC
10 STOH @ 45/30
into AMRAP
75 DUs
25 burpee to plates

- work can be divided any way/