A. Warm Up
2 rounds
10 air squats narrow
10 air squats regular
10 air squats wide
10 bodyweight good mornings
Hip Flow
B. Box squat
4 x 5 @ 80-85%
- focus on wider stance and speed off box
B2. RFESS with KB in front rack
4 x 5/side @ 20X1
C. 3 rounds
C1. Side plank on elbow "Thread the needle" - 10 slow reps
C2. Heavy Front Rack walk out with barbell, 30 sec hold with full grip IN quarter squat
C3. Seated floor leg lifts 30 reps
C4. Standing Leg lift to parallel 20sec/side
- toes pointed leg fully locked
- leg straight out infront
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
30 sec/side waiters carry with a plate
10 shrimp squats/side
Hammie Flow
B. 10 min EMOM (from the floor)
1 push press
3 push jerks
C. 16 min @ sustained pace
30 box jumps
30 Sumo deadlift High pull @45/30
30 TTB
30 Hang power cleans @45/30
A. Warm Up
10 cook bridge/side
10 1 arm DB walking lunge/side
Hip Flow
B. Front Squat
4 x 5 @ 80-85% across
B2. 6 explosive box jumps
Lateral box step up with KBs in front rack
4 x 5/side
- use a lower box height this week
As slow and controlled as possible
C. Tabata Air squats
Tabata wall balls
(8 mins total)
A. Warm Up
3 rounds
10 weighted dowell passthroughs - starting dowel at he back with palmsforward and thumbs out
2 TGU /side HEAVY
10 reps Standing weighted shoulder extension dowell lift
(if you can't do this go back to rear support hold for 30sec)
10 active hanging shrugs in a Lsit or knee tuck
B. EMOM 30 min - KB complexes
Min 1 - 10 push ups/pike Push ups/ HSPU
Min 2 - 14 alternating DB snatch - mod weight
Min 3 - ME chin over bar hold (20 sec cap)
Monkey 4 - do 1-5 MU in min 3
A. Warm up
3 rounds
30 sec bear crawl
30 sec inch worm
30 sec spider man lunge
4 x 5 @ 80-85%
B2. Pendlay BB row
4 x 5
slight increase on last week
B3. Upright DB row
4 x 10/side
C. In pairs round for round
AMRAP in 10 mins
200m run with medball
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
200m light jog
10 burpees
50 single skips
Hip flow
B. Clean pulls with pauses
12 min EMOM
1 clean pull
1 power clean
1 squat clean
C. 12 min AMRAP
In teams of 2
80 burpee box jump overs
80 KB push press