A. Warm Up
2 rounds
40 sec UB bear crawl
30 sec UB duck walk
20 sec UB alt jumping lunges
- rest btw movements
B. Back Squat
5 x 2 @ 21X1 into 1 rep no tempo
B2. RFESS with KB in front rack
5 x 5/side @20X1
C. For time
Buy in 20 burpee over bar
rest 1 min then
20 power cleans @ 40/25
20 CJ
Lion 4 - 60/40
- 2 scores : Burpees and Barbell WOD
A. Warm Up
EMOM 4 min
10 OH walking lunges
10 OHS with dowell
B. 40 min
1 - 5 TnG Deadlifts @ 55-65% 1RM into 5-10 TTB
2 - 20 OH plate reverse alt lunges @ 20/10kg
3 & 4 - 100m farmers walk with DB or KB
5 - Rest
A. Warm Up
2 rounds in pairs
(reps are for each person)
20 rotational med ball passes 10/side
10 chest passes from bottom of squat
B. Front Squat
4 x 2 no tempo @ 85% 1RM all sets
B2. Strict pull Up
4 x 8
- do not go to failure
- do partner assissted and weighted
C. 10 min
40 sec KB FR duck walk or Squat hold
20 sec rest
40 sec KB Hang clean Push press
20 sec rest
- if 40 sec is too much drop it back 5 sec
A. Warm up
2 rounds
2 TGU/side
5 KB windmill/side
5 air squats balancing on toes
Shoulder Flow
B. Push Press clusters
5 x 1.1.1 reps
- re-rack and rest 10 sec btw
B2. Kipping HSPU practice
5 x 5-20 reps
- Open HSPU standard (no lines just approximate)
- practice reaching and pulling toes back
C. Gymnastics endurance
EMOM 15 min
1 - ME Chin over bar hold - 40 sec cap
- you can accumulate set of 5-10 sec in the min
2 - 30 sec ME push up
3 - rest
Monkey 4 - HS walk instead of push up
(HS walk is only for those who can do 10m Unbroken)
A. Warm up
3 rounds
5 single leg glute bridge with leg almost straight (slight knee bend)
5 single leg drinking bird no weight
1 inch worm
B. Back rack lunge
4 x 6 - alternating
B2. Straight leg DB deadlift
4 x 5 reps
- leg slightly unlocked
- DB stay off floor
4 x 2 reps - no tempo
C2. Ring dips or push ups or ring push ups
4 x 5-10
- add weight if needed
D. Rear delt flye lying on bench, straight arms
50 reps
A. Warm up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats
B. Static holds and core work
10 min AMRAP for quality
B1. Hanging L-sit or knee tuck 15-30 sec
B2. Lying leg rollovers with slow lower or strict TTB 5 reps
B3. Seated leglifts 20 reps
C. 16 mins in teams of 4
Split the work together any way
200/150 cal row or AirBike
400m Farmers carry with 2 sets of KB
(Bondi do 120 KB swings, 2 KBs per team)
Max Burpees in time remaining 1 person working at a time.
A. Strong feet
1 sets
5 x five's
5 reps single leg mini broad jump and land (easy distance)
60 sec rebound plate jumps
- 2-3 plates
B. Running Lab
2 sets
10/side pull drill on wall
30 sec/side run and pull
200m run with breathing 3 sec in 3 sec out - nose only
C. AMRAP sets - 25 min cap
30 sec side plank/side
Run 400m
Rest 30 sec
- consistent sets
Bondi - 30 min cap
AMRAP sets
30 sec side plank/side
Row 400m
Rest 30 sec