***CrossFit Open Registration time***
Hi Creatures,
The CrossFit Open is less than a month away now.
For those who have done the Open before, you're well aware how awesome it is. It's a chance for us all to come together as a Creature community, to support our mates in the gym, and to celebrate a year of hard work and #gainz.
For those who haven't done The Open before. It is a worldwide competition in which athletes take part in a workout every week for 5 weeks. You submit your scores online and get to see how you stack up with other athletes in the gym and across the world. Your scores will remain online until next year so when we come around to the Open in 2018, you will be able to see how much you've improved over 12 months.
There is also a 'scaled' division of the Open, which means no matter how new you are to CrossFit, there is an appropriate workout for you to take part in.
If you haven't read Lachlan's article, in which he talks about why everyone should sign up for The Open, I highly recommend it.
While we haven't confirmed exact time slots for the 3 locations yet, we always invite everyone to Creature Marrickville on Saturday morning and have a massive Throwdown, where you will complete the Open workout with judges, support from your mates, and a playlist of my favourite Trance and Hip Hop tunes ;)
If you can't make it to a Creature gym one week, you can still complete the Open workout at another CrossFit gym. Or if you can't do that, you just won't submit a score for that week and you can still take part in the other workouts.
How to sign up:
Head to..
..and hit the red 'register' button. It costs $20 to register for the
Open. The fun and growth you will experience will be totally worth it.
If you train the majority of the time at Marrickville, please join the Affiliate "CrossFit Creature", If you train the majority of the time at Edgecliff please join the affiliate "CrossFit Creature Edgecliff", and if you train the majority of time at Bondi please join the affiliate "CrossFit Bare".
Feel free to get in touch with me or one of your coaches if you have any questions.
Looking forward to an epic 5 weeks.
Thanks guys!
Monday - semi-DELOAD
A. Warm Up
2 rounds
40 sec UB bear crawl
30 sec UB duck walk
20 sec UB alt jumping lunges
- rest btw movements
B. Back Squat
5 x 7 @ 60 %
B2. RFESS with KB Front rack
5 x 10/side
C. For time
4 rounds
10 deadlifts @ 60/40
5 clusters
7 min cap.
Lion 4 - 82/52
A. Warm Up
EMOM 4 min
10 OH walking lunges
10 OHS with dowell
B. 16 min EMOM
odd: 20-30 box jumps
- rebound max 15 reps per round
- remaining reps must be step down
even: 10-20 TTB alt rounds with pull ups or CTB
Rest till the 20 min then start at 20:00
16 min EMOM
odd - 15-25 wall balls
even - 10-15 burpee to a target
- adjust reps based off how good you feel
Wednesday - DELOAD
- last deload day before The final Open peaking cycle
A. Warm Up
2 rounds in pairs
(reps are for each person)
20 rotational med ball passes 10/side
10 chest passes from bottom of squat
B. Front Squat
4 x 5 @ 60%
B2. Kipping swings practice
4 x 10-30 fast tight swings
C. 10 min
30 sec KB Hang squat clean + thruster + FS + 1 FR lunge/side
30 sec rest
30 sec KB 2 arm Bent over row
30 sec rest
A. Warm up
2 rounds
2 TGU/side
5 KB windmill/side
5 air squats balancing on toes
Shoulder Flow
B. For time and quality
- Open HSPU standard
75 DUs
75 DUs
- 8 min cap
or if still working HSPU
1 min ME DU or SU
AMRAP 5 min
HS hold or wall walk
1 min ME DU or SU
C. Gymnastics endurance
EMOM 16 min
1 - 10-20 cal row or Airbike
2 - 30 Sec ME TTB
3 - 30 sec ME pull up
4 - Rest
A. Warm up
3 rounds
5 single leg glute bridge with leg almost straight (slight knee bend)
5 single leg drinking bird no weight
1 inch worm
B. Back rack lunge
4 x 4 - alternating, AHAP no knee bounce
B2. Straight leg DB deadlift
4 x 5 reps
- leg slightly unlocked
- DB stay off floor
C. Push up
C2. Ring dips or push ups or ring push ups
D. Chest to ring hold
Accumulate 3 mins
A. Warm up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats
B. Static holds and core work
10 min AMRAP for quality
B1. Straddle stretch 90 sec with dowell OH
B2. 10 V snaps @ 2020
B3. Partner pike stretch 60 sec with partner adding pressure to sit further forward
C. 14 mins in pairs
burpees to a plate
- partner 1 does 50 and 2 then tags in partner 2 who does 50 and 2, who then tags back in partner 1 to do 40 and 4 etc.
Creature Endurance
A. Strong feet
3 sets
5 x five's
5 reps single leg mini broad jump and land (easy distance)
60 sec rebound plate jumps
- 2-3 plates
B. Running Lab
3 sets
10/side pull drill on wall
30 sec/side run and pull
200m run with breathing 3 sec in 3 sec out - nose only
C. 20 min AMRAP
Max distance run
every 4 min stop and do 10 breaths in bottom of squat @ 4 sec in and 4 sec out
- take HR via pulse before and after breath intervals
- consistent sets
20 min AMRAP
Max distance row or bike or Single skips or change it up
every 4 min stop and do 10 breaths in bottom of squat @ 4 sec in and 4 sec out
- take HR via pulse before and after breath intervals