A. Warm Up
2 rounds
30 sec spiderman lunge with rotation
30 sec Squat with rotations
30 sec hip crawl
- rest btw movements
B. Front Squat
5 x 1 @ 85%+
B2. DB Single arm Bent Row
4 x 5 @ 3030
- 3 up 3 down continuous
5 min AMRAP
8 thrusters @ 60/40
40 DUs
Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP
8 wall walks
ME wall balls
A. Warm Up
Once through
30 sec plank
30 sec/side side plank
30 sec reverse plank
60 sec bear crawl
B1. KB complex
5 sets of
10 Hang KB PC
FR KB walking lunge 12 reps
B2. Straight leg DB deadlift
5 x 5 to knee + 5 to floor
2/side - mod-heavy
C. 7 min AMRAP
30 burpees to a plate
40 DUs
50 Box Jumps
ME alt pistols or alt air squats
A. Warm Up
10 wall ball deck squats
6 cossack squats with wall ball
10 wall balls
B. Power intervals
OT3min x 5
5 heavy deadlifts TnG
ME push ups till the 1 min mark.
C. 10 min AMRAP
10 wall balls
10 HSPU or 2 wall walks
A. Warm up
2 rounds
2 TGU/side
5 KB windmill/side
5 air squats balancing on toes
Shoulder Flow
B. Shoulder endurance piece
1 min on/off
1. DB Z-Press
2. Push up or ring dip
3. Chest to ring hold or chin over bar
C. Recovery/stimulation/skill WOD
18 min
1 min on each station @ 70% effort
Single Unders
Box jump with step down
KB swing
Pull Up
A. Warm up
3 rounds
5 single leg glute bridge with leg almost straight (slight knee bend)
5 single leg drinking bird no weight
1 inch worm
B. Push Press + Push Jerk
5 x 1+2 reps - moderate to heavy
B2. 10 floor facing weighted dowell passthroughs
C. 10 min AMRAP
400m run with medball
60 russian twists with medball
30 wall balls
C. Open WOD
A. Warm up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats
B. Skill/strength circuit
10 min AMRAP for quality
B1. 30 sec hollow hold
B2. 5 RFESS/side
B3. 8 shrimp squat/side
C. In pairs for 20 min
20 KB thrusters
20 BBJ
20 KB swings
A. Strong feet
2 sets
5 x five's
10 squats on toes
DB calf raises 20 reps
B. Running Lab
2 sets
10/side pull drill on wall
30 sec/side run and pull
C. AMRAP in 20 min
200m run
Rest 1:1
- negative splits until failure then rest 3 min and start again