March 20-25


A. Warm Up
2 rounds
30 sec spiderman lunge with rotation
30 sec Squat with rotations
30 sec hip crawl

- rest btw movements


B. Front squat complex
5 x 1 @ 33X1 + 2 Fast

B2. DB double arm Bent Row from folded hip position
4 x 10 controlled

- pull elbows back as high as possible


5 min AMRAP
ME DB or KB burpee into thrusters @ moderate weight

Rest 2 min

200 DU or 300 SU for time


A. Warm Up
Once through
30 sec plank
30 sec/side side plank
30 sec reverse plank
60 sec bear crawl

B1. Barbell complex
4 sets from the floor
3 PC
3 Push Press
6 FR reverse alt lunges

2/side - mod-heavy

C. 10 min AMRAP
400m run or row
20 box jumps
30 KB swings
40 burpees to a target
50 DUs
ME pull up or Ring MU in time remaining


A. Warm Up
10 wall ball deck squats
6 cossack squats with wall ball
10 wall balls


B. Aerobic intervals
2 on 1 off for 5 rounds
10 burpee box jumps
20 TTB

- start form beginning each time

Functional StrongFit bodybuilding
3-5 sets depdning on time
C1. Oblique row aka 1 arm barbell row
C2. DB Z-press 10 reps
C3. Deficit Straight leg deadlift light - 5 reps


A. Warm up
2 rounds
2 TGU/side
5 KB windmill/side
5 air squats balancing on toes

Shoulder Flow

B. Shoulder strength 3 sets

B1. Scap push up 5 reps @ 4040
B2. Bench press 5 reps @ 21X1
- decline bench if possible
B3. Weighted straddle stretch
2 min hold

C. Recovery/stimulation/skill WOD
20 min
Run 200m
10 DB or KB thruster light
10 burpees
20 russian twists with med ball
Rest 1 min


A. Warm up
3 rounds
5 single leg glute bridge with leg almost straight (slight knee bend)
5 single leg drinking bird no weight
1 inch worm

B. EMOM 10 min
Power clean - Build to a heavy 1
- do not exceed 95%

B2. 10 floor facing weighted dowell passthroughs

C. 16 min EMOM
1 - 10 pull ups
2 - 10 feet anchored weighted sit up
3 - 15 wall balls
4 - 30 DUs

C. Open WOD


A. Warm up
3 rounds
1 min DU practice
10 cossack squats

B. Skill/strength circuit

10 min AMRAP for quality
B1. 5 max height jump from seated
B2. 10 lateral step ups/side
B3. 8 shrimp squat/side

C. 16 min - As many intervals as possible
Airbike or rowing cals
burpee to plate
Rest 2 min

Creature Endurance

A. Strong feet
2 sets
5 x five's
10 squats on toes
DB calf raises 20 reps

B. Running Lab
2 sets
10/side pull drill on wall
30 sec/side run and pull

C. Running drills
OTM for 10 min
30 sec moderate
30 sec easy

- focus on breathing pattern
- even in and even out

D. As many sets as possible in the time left

20 sec row or airbike sprint
Rest to full recovery.