April 1 - 6


Warm Up
10m sidewards bear crawl p/s
1 min hip CARs p/s
30 sec ankle CARs p/s
5 staggered stance squats p/s
5x one and quarter jump squats

Back Squat 10min AMRAP
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 245/155, 175/110 or 115/65.
Superset with AMRAP Strict Overhand Pullups with 10kg, 5kg or BW. Scale to 2 jumping negatives.
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.

For time:
20 Single DB alternating box step ups 24/20 (hold DB anyway)
30 alt DB Snatch 22.5/15

Cap: 10 min

Use plate stack as box if necessary.

Extras: Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins

Extras: Muscle and Strength
RFESS with DBs by side 4x8 p/s
Box+Ring Hamstring Curl 3x10
Front elbow Plank 3x40sec. Add weight if necessary.
Calf Raise onto big toe 4x17
Shin raise with KBs 3x10

90 90 internal + external 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture

Full Body CARs


Warm Up
20m Gymnastics Bear Walk
30 sec scap CARs
30 sec thoracic CARs
30 sec shoulder CARs p/s
5 plyo push ups

Strict Press 10 min AMRAP
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 135/85, 95/65 or 65/45lbs
Superset with AMRAP Underhand bent row with pause at belly-button 135/85, 95/65, 65/45lbs
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.

15min AMRAP in pairs.
Break work up however
20 Hang Power CJ 95/65 (115/75)
20 Burpees
20 Pull-up

Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x8 Decline DB Chest Press or Strict Ring Dip (add weight if possible)
3x10 Wall Angels
3x10 DB Rear Delt Fly
3x20 (10 p/s) alternating hammer curl
3x10 DB wrist extension

wrist extensions 2 min static into 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Warm Up
Wrist CARs
Animal Flow

Romanian Deadlift 10 min AMRAP
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 195/135, 155/95 or 115/65lbs
Superset with AMRAP Barbell Back Rack alternating Reverse Lunges 155/95, 115/75 or 85/55
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.

16 min: 4 rounds of 3min on:1 min rest
1: 3 min AMRAP: Bike/Row cals
2: 3 min AMRAP: KB Swing 24/16 (Rx+ 32/24)
3: 3 min AMRAP: SA DB OH Walking lunge 22.5/15 (change arm whenever)
4: 3 min AMRAP: Heavy Wall Balls 30/20

Score is total reps

Extras: Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins

Extras: Muscle and Strength
Dual DB Front Rack Step up 4x8 p/s
Bent-knee nordic hinge 4x7
Reverse crunch 4x17
Calf Raise onto big toe 4x17
Shin raise with KBs 3x10

Hamstring 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Warm Up
Thoracic Flow

10 mins to practise Pistol Squats
If advanced perform 4-8 pistols every 30 seconds for 5 min.

For time: In pairs round for round
2 rounds each
1km run.
Partner 2 performs 100 DUs+ 3x5 Strict TTB/leg/knee raises while partner 1 is running.

Cap: 25 min

Kneeling shoulder extension 2min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Warm Up
20m Lizard
1 min quadroped hip CARs p/s
5x1 broad jump
empty barbell warm up

Front Squat 10 min AMRAP from floor
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 185/120, 135/95, 95/
Superset with AMRAP Ring Pull-up
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.

14 min partner AMRAP.
Exercise for exercise.
6 Dual DB Renegade Row. 22.5/15. Each partner.
6 Dual DB Burpee Power Clean. Each partner.
6 Dual DB by-side Box step over. Each partner.
6 Dual DB Push Press. Each partner.

Extras: Fitness
10-30min nasal breathing bike/row/run

Twisted lizard 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs


Warm Up
Animal Flow
Empty Barbell Warm Up

10min EMOM
1 squat snatch with pause at knee + 1 hang power snatch with pause in receiving postion

For time
1km run
50 SA DB Hang Snatch (22.5/15) (5L, 5R etc)
15 Burpee Bar MUs

Scale to burpee bar jumping MU

Cap: 15 min

Kneeling shoulder flexion 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax

Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs

Farm Fit

Warm Up
30 sec ankle CARs p/s
10 spiderman + t-rotation passing through downdog
Lean against wall practise high knees with heel to hammy

1km run at the 0:00 and 10:00
in other time AMRAP
20 reps of single DB complex (5L, 5R etc) 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Thruster
5 burpee pullups

Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x8 Dual DB Z-Press
3x10 Wall Angels
3x10 DB Rear Delt Fly
3x10 dual DB tricep rollback
3x10 DB wrist extension

Prehab and Posture

Full Body CARs

Farm Strength

Warm Up
5x2 (1p/s) TGU. Slow and controlled. Get heavier each set.

Farm Strength
a: 3 heavy sets of 30m (2x15m) farmers carry

b: 4x6 Decline DB Chest Press

c: 3x8 Landmine Row p/s


Warm Up
Hip Flow
10 downdog to divebomber
warm up ankles/calves
warm up specific metcon skills

Explosive repeat method
10 sets of:
10 seconds AMRAP: 60 seconds rest
Goblet jump squats.


20 min AMRAP nasal breathing
400m run
6 alternating TGU 16/12
10 Burpee Box jumps (no higher than 20 inch)

Weightlifting 1

Warm Up
30 sec p/s shoulder CARs
30 sec p/s hip CARs
empty barbell snatch warm up


15 mins to complete 3 working sets of 1 snatch deadlift with pause at knee+1 tall snatch with pause in bottom of squat

Hang Squat Clean
10 min EMOM
3 burpees + 3 Hang Squat Clean

Weightlifting 2

Weightlifting 2 (All gyms Saturday)

Warm Up

30 sec shoulder CARs p/s
30 sec hip CARs p/s
empty barbell overhead warm up

Clean and Jerk
15 mins to complete 3 working sets of complex: 1 Tall Clean + 2 push press with pause in dip position and overhead

Overhead squat
10 min EMOM
3 burpees + 3 OHS from floor