Warm Up
10m sidewards bear crawl p/s
1 min hip CARs p/s
30 sec ankle CARs p/s
5 staggered stance squats p/s
5x one and quarter jump squats
Back Squat 10min AMRAP
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 245/155, 175/110 or 115/65.
Superset with AMRAP Strict Overhand Pullups with 10kg, 5kg or BW. Scale to 2 jumping negatives.
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.
For time:
Dual DB Hang Squat Clean 22.5/15
Cap: 10 min
Extras: Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins
Extras: Muscle and Strength
RFESS with DBs by side 4x7 p/s
Box+Ring Hamstring Curl 3x9
Front elbow Plank 3x35sec. Add weight if necessary.
Calf Raise onto big toe 4x16
Shin raise with KBs 3x9
90 90 internal + external 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Warm Up
20m Gymnastics Bear Walk
30 sec scap CARs
30 sec thoracic CARs
30 sec shoulder CARs p/s
5 plyo push ups
Strict Press 10 min AMRAP
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 135/85, 95/65 or 65/45lbs
Superset with AMRAP Underhand bent row with pause at belly-button 135/85, 95/65, 65/45lbs
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.
15min AMRAP in pairs.
Break work up however
KB Swing 24/16 (Rx+ 32/24)
BB STOH 95/65 (Rx+ 115/75)
Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x7 Decline DB Chest Press or Strict Ring Dip (add weight if possible)
3x10 Wall Angels
3x9 DB Rear Delt Fly
3x18 (9 p/s) alternating hammer curl
3x9 DB wrist extension
wrist extensions 2 min static into 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Warm Up
Wrist CARs
Animal Flow
Romanian Deadlift 10 min AMRAP
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 195/135, 155/95 or 115/65lbs
Superset with AMRAP Barbell Back Rack alternating Reverse Lunges 155/95, 115/75 or 85/55
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.
16 min: 4 rounds of 3min on:1 min rest
1: 3 min AMRAP: (20/15 cal schwinn or Row/Assault 15/10), 10 burpees
2: 3 min AMRAP: 20 alt DB Snatch 22.5/15, 10 burpees
3: 3 min AMRAP: 10 (5R, 5L) SA KB Thruster 24/16
4: 3 min AMRAP: 10 SB Walking Lunge (hold any way), 10 burpees
Score is total burpees
Extras: Fitness
Nasal breathing circuit bike/row/run/ski 10-30mins
Extras: Muscle and Strength
Dual DB Front Rack Step up 4x7 p/s
Bent-knee nordic hinge 4x6
Reverse crunch 4x16
Calf Raise onto big toe 4x16
Shin raise with KBs 3x9
Hamstring 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Warm Up
Thoracic Flow
10 mins to practise Strict MUs or MU transitions.
If advanced perform 1-3 SMU E2MOM for 10min.
For time: In pairs round for round
5 rounds each:
400m run. Partner performs 10 SHSPU+10 Hollow Rocks while waiting.
Scale to box/pike HSPU.
Cap: 25 min
Kneeling shoulder extension 2min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Warm Up
20m Lizard
1 min quadroped hip CARs p/s
5x1 broad jump
empty barbell warm up
Front Squat 10 min AMRAP from floor
5 min warm up then 10 mins to accumulate as many reps as possible at 185/120, 135/95, 95/
Superset with AMRAP Ring Pull-up
Same weight as last week but accumulate more reps.
16min EMOM
1: 10 alternating Box step up with single DB any way 22.5/15
2: 20 Wall Balls 20/14
3: 16 (8L, 8R) SA KB Hang Snatch
4: Rest
Scale KB Snatch to Hang KB CJ
Extras: Fitness
10-30min nasal breathing bike/row/run
Twisted lizard 2 min static + 3x10 sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Warm Up
Animal Flow
Empty Barbell Warm Up
10min EMOM
1: 1 Power Snatch with pause in receiving position
2: 1 Squat Snatch
For time
100 DUs
30 CTB
100 DUs
30 TTB
100 DUs
30 CTB (Rx+ Perform 10 Bar MUs)
Cap: 15 min
Kneeling shoulder flexion 2 min static + 3x10sec PAILs/RAILs/Relax
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Farm Fit
Warm Up
30 sec ankle CARs p/s
10 spiderman + t-rotation passing through downdog
Lean against wall practise high knees with heel to hammy
20min AMRAP
200m run
10 Walking Lunge with Single DB any way
10 (5L, 5R) SA DB STOH
10 (5R, RL) SA DB Chinese Row
Extras: Muscle and Strength
4x7 Dual DB Z-Press
3x10 Wall Angels
3x9 DB Rear Delt Fly
3x9 dual DB tricep rollback
3x9 DB wrist extension
Prehab and Posture
Full Body CARs
Warm Up
Hip Flow
10 downdog to divebomber
warm up ankles/calves
warm up specific metcon skills
Alactic Power Intervals
10 second airbike sprint OT2 mins for 6 sets.
20 min AMRAP nasal breathing
On the 0:00 and 10:00 1km run
in other time quality AMRAP
5 Burpee Box Jumps/step ups 24/10
10 Ring Rows
15 Wall Balls 20/14
Weightlifting 1
Warm Up
30 sec p/s shoulder CARs
30 sec p/s hip CARs
empty barbell snatch warm up
1 Snatch high pull + 1 hang squat snatch with pause in bottom of squat
Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk
3 burpees + 2 reps TNG HSCPJ OTM for 10 mins. Moderate weight only.
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
30 sec shoulder CARs p/s
30 sec hip CARs p/s
empty barbell overhead warm up
Split Jerk
3x3 Split position-push jerk. Move Front foot only each rep.
Hang Squat Snatch
3 burpees + 2 reps TNG HSS OTM for 10 mins. Moderate weight only.