April 6 - 11



Mondays online session will need a chair or couch to perform the rear foot elevated split squats. Then most of our session can be completed with a little open space. There is a loaded Variation of metcon below so if you have a kb and a skipping rope plus space, have it ready for class.

Warm Up
3 Rounds 


5 Spiderman Lunge Rotations P/S

10 Alternating Deadbug’s

Strength Circuit

3 Rounds (add load if possible, use kb/db or barbell)

 15 Squats TEMPO: 3-0-X-0

(3 down, no pause this week, explode up and no rest at the top)

Rest 45secs

8-16 reps p/s Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

Rest 45secs

14 P/S Single Leg Glute Bridge


100 air squats


4 rounds:

20 High Mountain Climbers (foot outside hands, count both feet as one rep)

3 Wall Walks (scale up to 5 reps)


Loaded Variations

60 KB Swings

4 Rounds

40 Du's

3 Walll Walks (scale up to 5 Reps)



Tuesdays online session will need a chair/couch or low surface to perform Bench dips. Then most of our session can be completed with a little open space. Grab an odd object for plank pull through’s or  kb db, coach will instruct on options. There is a loaded Variation of metcon below so if you have heavier db/kbs have it ready for our session.


3 Rounds

3 Shoulder CARS P/S

5 Twisting Bear P/S

5 Down-dog Dive-bomber Push-up

Strength Circuit

4 rounds

Max Tempo Narrow Grip Push Up

Tempo: 3-0-X-1

(3 sec down, up fast, 1 sec pause at top then repeat)

10 + 10sec hold Upper half Superman

(head stays on ground, focus mid back shoulders)

Rest 45 secs

Once completed 4 rounds above move to below

3 Rounds

Max Bench Dip

30-40sec plank pull throughs (db/kb/book/anything)

Rest 45 secs


For time



Press ups



Loaded Variations


KB/DB Snatch



Optional Extra

3x12-20 DB/KB/BB or Odd object Tricep Skull Crushers



Wednesday session we have a glute and hamstring focused strength circuit then into 3x3AMRAPS with 1min rest between rounds. There is a loaded variation of metcon if you may choose to take just two parts of that variation if you dont have all equipment.

Warm up

3 rounds

6 Kang squats

6 Curtsey lunges

20 Controlled glute bridge march

10 Hollow Rocks

Strength circuit 

3 rounds

8 p/s Drinking bird to curtsey lunge

-1 drinking bird + 1 curtsey lunge on same leg = 1 rep*add single DB/KB in opposite hand.


10 Glute bridge hamstring walk outs (5 moving left first 5 moving right first)

rest 45secs


3x3AMRAP with 1 min Rest

16 Kick Sits (both sides = 1 rep)

12 Pistols Or step up/ loaded Reverse lunge

8 Inch Worms


Loaded Variations

16 Box jump over

12 Pistols

8 DB/KB p/s Hang clean or BB Hang Clean


Thursdays Program we will need a wall we are comfortable to do handstands on. Some open floor space, two chairs for a l-sit progression or we can scale back to using the floor. Our focus is developing strength in a handstand progression with a core finisher. Followed by a longer duration stretch session.

Warm up

2 rounds

10 S- Waves

10 Arch Pulse

30sec per side wrist CARS

10 push plus

Handstand Circuit

3 Complete Rounds

Every 90 seconds

1) 30secs Max pike push ups or strict/kipping HSPU

2) 30 second Wall Facing Shoulder Taps or HS Hold

3) Max L-sit (two chairs or hold in high v-up pike position)

(aim to increase reps from last week, or complete 30sec unbroken)

Core finisher

3 Rounds

10 Side plank Pulse

10 Side plank rainbow maker12 Alternating V-up (after both sides)

(in side plank, free hand behind head, rotate body to bring elbow to touch wrist on floor then open back up)

Left side then right side, Alt V-ups then rest 30-40 seconds



Friday session equipment requirements are a stable chair/couch/bench/low ledge, we will use it during the strength and also in the metcon for step ups. You may also like to use some home equipment KB/DB or Barbell if you have the space for strength portion. Also we need a loaded backpack for metcon, trick with this is to make the contents nice and tight, put a couple drink bottles or books wrapped up in a towel. Even if it is only a few kgs it will still make a difference.

Warm Up

3 rounds

10 P/S Single Leg Glute Bridge

10 p/s side lying clams

5 P/S Deep Squat Rotations 

10 90/90 Hip Pivots

Strength Circuit 

3 Rounds

12 P/s Tempo Split Squat (2-0-2-0)

12 Single Leg Hip Thrust (foot elevated on bench/chair/couch)

*complete all reps on one leg then the next leg, Use KB or DB on split squat to add load in a goblet position, Can use loaded backpack.


For Time

 10 rounds (16cap)

10 Weighted Sit ups

20 Backpack alt Step ups


*load your backpack with a few books wrapped in towels or 2-3 water bottles wrapped in towels, even a light DB wrapped in a towel for comfort against the back. This workout can be completed with zero load too. For sit ups place bag on chest. If you have a weight vest you can use instead.



3x 15-20 Bent over row with kb/DB/Back Pack

*too light complete 3 sets 15-20 Bicep Curls



The session today is to challenge our breathing and get our heart rates up with some repeatable intervals. Simple but effective, push the rep range to the highest amount to feel the burn. Equipment needed is a loaded backpack. Pull the straps tight, fill it with books or drink bottles wrapped in towels, this will be our odd object for the day. Alternatively we can complete db snatches, Kb swings or sandbag cleans. If we have a skipping rope we can use this in the metcon.

Warm up

3 rounds

10 Leg Swing P/S

3 P/s lunge flow

10 Dead bugs

10 sec high knees


Every 3 mins for 24 mins

30-50 lateral line hops

8-12 Burpees

8-16 Backpack ground to shoulder 

*every round changes directional order of movements, round 2=16-12-30Du, round 3= 30-12-16...


Loaded variation

30-50 Du’s8-12 burpees8-16 Db Snatch/ KB swing - SandBag Clean- Cals on rower/bike/100m run