April 13 - 18



Mondays online session will need a chair or couch to perform the rear single legged squats. Then most of our session can be completed with a little open space. There is a loaded Variation of metcon below so if you have a KB/DB or BB you can use it. Alternatively we need an odd object or loaded backpack for thrusters.

Warm Up

3 Rounds 


5 Spiderman Lunge Rotations P/S

10/10 SL Glute Bridge

15/15/15sec side plank, normal, opposite side

Strength Circuit

3 Rounds (Final week of protocol)

18 Squats TEMPO: 1-0-X-0

(1 down, no pause this week, explode up and no rest at the top)

Rest 45secs

16 Alternating single leg squats to bench

Rest 45secs

40 sec Prone Hold (with load if possible)




Loaded Back Pack Thruster


Loaded Variations

SA KB/DB Thruster (share reps evenly between sides)*If you have 2 DB/KB you can use both at the same time or a barbell.V-snap



Tuesdays online session will need a chair/couch or low surface to perform Step ups.We will also need a KB/DB or loaded backpack to perform rows with. If you have nothing to row or have a space where you could complete pull ups or a row variation you may do so.


3 Rounds

3 Shoulder CARS P/S

5 Twisting Bear P/S

5 Down-dog Dive-bomber Push-up

Strength Circuit


1) 6-15 reps P/S SA DB/KB Row or SA Backpack Row

2) 15 Upper Arch Pulse + 10 Sec Hold

3) 30Sec Max Push ups or 6/6 SA OH Press

4) 30 sec Controlled s-Waves


*load a backpack full of a water jug and towels or bags of protein/flour for rows, even if its just 10kg's it will help, alternatively get creative with things to do pull ups on or row equivalent. like table rows, hanging under it.



4 HSPU < pike hspu < Push up

12 Step ups

36 DU's (no rope try imaginary DUs, you never trip)


Loaded Variations

4 hspu

12 Loaded Step ups

36 DU's


Optional Extra

3x12-20 DB/KB/BB or Odd object Tricep Skull Crushers



Wednesday session we have a glute and hamstring focused strength circuit then into a 5round for time metcon. The catch is that every minute you must stop and perform 5 burpees then continue where you left off. There is a loaded variation of metcon which instead of backpack ground to overhead’s, you may perform a KB/DB swing/snatch. Due to kb/DB being typically heavier than a loaded backpack the reps have been decreased slightly.

Warm up

 3 rounds

6 Kang squats

6 Curtsey lunges

20 Controlled glute brige march

10 Hollow Rocks

Strength circuit 

3 rounds

15 Romanian Deadlifts


12 Alternating Lateral lunge (stepping kossak squat)

rest 45secs

  • Load with KB/DB/BB or back pack on DL, With Lateral lunge a lighter load.



16 Air Squats

24 Back Pack GTOH


EMOM 5 Burpees, including the 0:00

Loaded Variations

16 Air Squats

16 KB Swings/ DB Hang alt Snatch


Thursday’s Session is a long gymnastic piece with some challenging new core and arch progressions. No equipment is really needed, besides floor space and a wall to do HS. You may choose to use a plate or DB/KB for the loaded sit ups. Followed by a long stretch session to look after the body.

Warm up

2 rounds

2 dive bomber + twisting bear

10 S- Waves

10 Arch Pulse

30sec per side wrist CARS

10 push plus

10mins coach led skill/movement break down

Gymnastic Circuit


1) 30 sec SHSPU - HSPU- Pike push up

2) 30 sec Hollow flutters

3) 30 sec Wall Facing HS HOLD

4) 30 sec Plank lateral hip taps (hip touches floor)

5) 30 sec Arch + straddle pulse (Arch position with hands behind head, moving legs from close to straddle/wide, keeping arch position, knees of floor shoulder off floor)

6) 30 sec Weighted sit ups



Coach led longer duration stretch session.


Fridays session requires a chair or low surface some floor space and has the options of loading with DBs & KBs. We have a increase in repetitions on our split squats and single leg hip thrust. You may choose to also increase load if you have the option. Workout is a couplet of Dus and squat cleans.

Warm Up

2 rounds

3 Squat to stands

6 Internal knee drops in squat

6 Deep Squat thoracic Rotations

2 lunge flow per side

Strength Circuit 

3 Rounds


14 P/s Tempo Split Squat (2-0-2-0)

14 Single Leg Hip Thrust (foot elevated on bench/chair/couch)


*complete all reps on one leg then the next leg, Use KB or DB on split squat to add load in a goblet position, Can use loaded back pack.




Lateral line hops


Odd object Squat clean (back pack, like a Medball squat clean)



Loaded variation




SA DB/KB Squat Clean



Satrudays session has two 3AMRAPS with 2mins Rest between, repeated twice. Flow= a)AMRAP - 2min rest - b)AMRAP - 2min rest - a)AMRAP - 2min rest - b)AMRAP. There are two variations one you can complete with no equipment the loaded variation will need a DB/KB or BB and if possible a wall ball. Wall Balls and the space to do them is limited so potentially squat jumps will still be used in loaded variation.

Warm up

2-3 rounds

3 p/s shoulder CARs

3 P/s lunge flow

10 Bird Dog

10 S- Waves

10 sec high knees


4x3AMRAP with 2min rest between


24 Squat jumps

16 Kick sits (both feet =1)

12 Burpees

Max HR Push ups



12 Push ups

12 burpees

16 Kick sits

Max squat jumps


Repeat both AMRAPs and aim for the same score as first round.


Loaded Variations

4x3AMRAP with 2min rest between



24 Wall Balls

16 SA DB/KB hang clean and jerk (barbell hang clean & jerk 30/40)

12 Burpees over KB/DB/BB

Max HR Push Ups



12 HR Push Ups

12 burpees over KB/DB/BB

16 SA DB/KB Hang clean and jerks (BB HC&J 30/40)

Max Wall Balls