Week 1 or 4. This cycle for leg strength we have pause back squats. Today we have 3 sets of 5 rep’s with a 3 second pause at the bottom of each repetition. It’s important that we maintain our midline position and tension. Pause squats can help reduce the impact through our knees and lower back by giving us more control and awareness throughout the movement.
Warm up
2 rounds
4 squat to stand
4 each internal knee drops
4 squat + thoracic rotation
10 steps each way banded clam steps + 10 banded squats
Pause Back Squat
10@ empty barbell
8@ 30%
6@ 50%
3x5 reps Pause Back squat @60%
*3 sec pause at bottom position on all reps.
16min cap
Swapping every 30 secs with partner
5min max effort windows 2 min rest/change
1) Cal Row/Bike
2) Wall Balls
3) Burpee Box Overs 20/24inch
Gymnastic Extra
Ring Muscle up
*Rest as needed between
if ladder is to hard repeat manageable numbers for 6 -10sets
Strength & Hypertrophy Extra
3 sets Each
10 GHD Hip extension (with load if possible)
10/10 DB Rear foot elevated split squat
15-20mins Row/Ski/Bike
Recovery Nose Breathing only
Week1 of 4. Today we have a mixture of push and pull strength combined with core and cardio.. Instead of our traditional strength and conditioning class structure, today we will blend the two with a continuous moving 30 min piece.
Warm up
2 rounds
10 Pass throughs
5-10 push up with scap plus
5-10 Ring rows
10 Hollow rocks
5 Rounds For Quality and load
7 Bench Press
7 Explosive Push up (on to plate if possible)
3-7 Strict Pull up
7 Dual DB Bent over Row
14 V-ups
20/15 Cals
*aim for similar starting weight as last week
Cap 30mins
Gymnastic Extra
3 Rounds
30sec HS Hold
30sec Hollow Hold
30sec Active Hang in hollow
Strength & Hypertrophy
3 sets as super set
12-15 banded tricep push down
12 Supinated DB Bicep curl
Run 1.2km
SKi/bike or Row for Cals in remaining time
Week 1 of 4. The following cycle will see us working at percentages with the following deadlift complex. 5 reps with a reset at bottom then rest 6-10secs. 5 reps floating 2inch above floor at the bottom of the rep then rest 6-10 secs. 5 reps normal tempo TNG. This complex will allow us to build some positional awareness in the starting position and posterior strength. Metcon is 5 rounds for time with a compulsory 1min rest between rounds.
Warm up
2 rounds
10 Cals
10 Dead bugs
10 bird dog
10/10 SL Hip lift
10 Plate good morning
5.5.5 @empty barlbell
5.5.5 @ 30%
5.5.5 @ 40%
3x5.5.5 @50-55-60%
5 reps with reset at bottom
5 reps floating 2inch above floor
5 reps normal tempo TNG
Cap 15mins
5 Rounds For time
7 Thruster 40/30
9 T2B
200m Run
1min Rest
RX+ 60/40
CAP 17
Gymnastic Extra
L-sit on parallettes
Strength & Hypertrophy
4 sets each
3-5 Nordic hinge with partner
10/10 SL KB Deadlift
3 Rounds
4min Cal Row @7.5/10RPE
2AMRAP 10 Wall Balls 30 Du's
*Aim for same cals on each row, whilst still attacking AMRAP
Week 1 of 4. Today we will have a coach led breakdown of bar muscle ups. Followed by a 20minute active recovery EMOM. Choose the appropriate rep range and load to make sure this is “active recovery”.
Warm up
2 rounds
10 cal
10 Arch pulse
10 Hollow rock
1 Wall walk + 5 HS shrugs
10-15mins Coach led Bar muscle up progressions
1)8-12 Cal Bike
2) 10 KB swing + 10 Air squats
3) 8-12 Cal Row
4) 2- 5 BMU < jumping BMU
5) 1 Wall Walk + 10 sec chest to wall HS Hold
20-30mins Stretching
Stretch all major muscle groups
Spend more time on your own specific restrictions.
Ask Coach
Week 1 of 4. During this cycle we will be working on different barbell movements under fatigue. With gymnastic or conditioning buy ins, into TNG style barbell cycling. The focus should be still on moving well. Also gaining experience of how different movements impact each other in the sport of fitness.
Warm up
Squat/Hip/Thoracic Flow
Activtion= Glute/Core
Coach lead empty barbell Skill Break down for complex
Push jerk
Every 2mins for 12mins
5 Push jerk From Floor
*Start at 50% climb each round.
3 Rounds
400m Run
12 Hang power clean 40/30
9 Hand release push ups
THEN in the remaining time
AMRAP burpee over bar
RX+ 50/35 - 9 HSPU
Gymnastic Extra
5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25m Seal walk
25 – 20 – 25 – 10 – 5 GHD hip extension
Strength & Hypertrophy
3 set's as super set
10 Db Lateral Raise
10-15 Banded Pull apart
10/8 Cal bike sprint
Saturday team wod!
Warm Up
2 rounds
10m lunge Flow
10 cals
2 rounds
10 Dead Bugs
10/10 p/s Single leg hip lift
10 Plate goodmorning
Team WOD Flow & movement specific warm up with coach
Team of 3
120 Wall balls
21 sync Burpee over Bar (2 people sync)
60 Deadlifts 50/35
21 Sync Burpee over Bar
30 GTOH (snatch or c&J) 50/35
21 Sync Burpee over Bar
60 Deadlifts
21 sync burpee over bar
120 Wall Balls
Burpee over bar sync= 2 athletes perform lateral burpee over bar at same time. Both have chest on floor on opposite sides of barbell then jump over at same time, 3rd athlete rests.
Weightlifting 1
Warm up
Thoracic/hip rotat/squat
Glute/ shoulder/midline
Coach lead barbell skill break down
Week 1
2 Hang power snatch + 1 Over head squat
with pause in catch position.
*start at 65% climb every 2 sets
*Coach led clean warm up
2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Split jerk
No TNG, reset feet from power clean to push jerk then pause in catch on push jerk
*start at 65% climb every 2 sets
Weightlifting 2
Warm Up
Thoracic/hip rotat/squat
Glute/ shoulder/midline
Coach lead barbell skill break down
Week 1
2 Power snatch + 1 Ohsq
2 Hang squat snatch
1 Squat snatch
*Coach led clean warm up
2 Power Clean + 1 Split jerk
2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk
1 Clean & Jerk