March 9 - 14



Deload week. This week for strength we have  lower percentage’s and volume giving our bodies time to recover. Today we have some positional Back squat work with a pause in the bottom of the first 2 reps and a normal “bounce” on the next 3 reps. Followed by a 5 rounds for time metcon. 

Warm up

2 rounds

4 squat to stand

4 each internal knee drops

4 squat + thoracic rotation

10 steps each way banded clam steps + 10 banded squats

Back Squat

10@ empty barbell

8@ 30%

6@ 50%


3x5 @65%

With 2 second pause at bottom of first 2 reps no pause on next 3 reps.



16min cap


5 Rounds for time

200m Run

21 Body weight lunges

7 Bar muscle up< C2b< Pull up


Cap 20min cap


Deload week. Our main piece for today is 7 rounds for quality strength circuit. Get into groups with similar strength levels. Start at different stations or stagger your start and follow each other through for 7 rounds of quality not for time. Focus on quality of movement on each station, Power cleans are TNG.





Warm up


2 rounds

10 Pass throughs

5-10 push up with scap plus

5-10 Ring rows

3 p/s Lunge flow


Barbell Clean warm up with coach




7 Rounds For Quality not time


5 Bench Press @65-70%

5 Power Clean @ 65-70%

2-5 Strict Pull Ups

20/15 Row/Bike Cals




Deload week. We will be taking this opportunity to reintroduce deadlift into our strength program. The following cycle will see us working at percentages with the following complex. 5 reps with a reset at bottom then rest 6-10secs. 5 reps floating 2inch above floor at the bottom of the rep then rest  6-10 secs. 5 reps normal tempo TNG. This complex will allow us to build some positional awareness in the starting position and posterior strength.

Warm up


2 rounds

10 Cals

10 Dead bugs

10 bird dog

10/10 SL Hip lift

10 Plate good morning


5.5.5 @empty barlbell

5.5.5 @ 30%

5.5.5 @ 40%


2x5.5.5 @50%

  • 5 reps with reset at bottom

  • 5 reps floating 2inch above floor

  • 5 reps normal tempo TNG


Cap 15mins



12 rounds for time in pairs

Alternate round 4 round (6each)

10/8 cal row

10 OH plate lunge 20/15kg

10 box jump overs 24/20


Cap 20 mins


Deload week. Today we will have a coach led break down of kipping and/or butterfly pull ups. Followed by a 20minute active recovery EMOM. Choose the appropriate rep range and load to make sure this is “active recovery”.

Warm up

3 rounds

10 cal

10 Arch pulse

10 Hollow rock

1 Wall walk + 5 HS shrugs


10-15mins Coach led kipping or butterfly pull up technique,

Can practice in EMOM instead of strict pull ups.


Active Recovery


1)8-12 Cal Bike

2)8-12 Cal Row

3)100-200m run

4) 3 Strict pull up 6 Push up 12 Air Squats

5) 5/5 KB Hang clean 5/5 KB Push press


*choose weight and cal range that is comfortable and easily sustainable over 20 mins.


Deload week. We will start with a every 2 min gymnastic and barbell complex. Choose a sustainable rep range on T2b that you believe you could do all rounds unbroken. Barbell may increase each round if moving well. Metcon is a double under, Single db Squat clean and hspu amrap. HSPU increasing in reps each round.

Warm up


Squat/Hip/Thoracic Flow


Activtion= Glute/Core


Coach lead empty barbell Skill Break down for complex


Every 2mins for 12mins

5-15 T2B

5 Hang clean & Push jerk


*Start at 60% climb each round.




40 DU's

12 SA DB Squat Cleans 15/22.5

2-4-6-8-10-12 HSPU

*each completed round HSPU increase by 2, Scale to per/side DB push press


Saturday team wod!



2 rounds

200m jog or 10-15 cals

10 Russian KB Swings

10m SA OH Carry P/S

10KB Lunges


Team WOD Flow with coach



For time Team of 3



Bike/Row Cals

Single DB Devils Press 22.5/15 (change sides each rep)

DB Box Step ups 20/24

Pull Up


Cap 30 mins



Weightlifting 1

Warm up


Thoracic/hip rotat/squat



Glute/ shoulder/midline


Coach lead barbell skill break down






1 Power snatch 1 hang power snatch

with pause in catch position.

*start at 50% climb to no more than 75% power snatch


*Coach led clean warm up



1 Power clean & Push jerk

No TNG, reset feet from power clean to push jerk then pause in catch on push jerkj

*start at 50%climb no more than 75% Power clean.

Weightlifting 2

Warm Up


Thoracic/hip rotat/squat



Glute/ shoulder/midline


Coach lead barbell skill break down






1 Snatch Pull 1 Hang Power Snatch 1 Snatch balance

with pause in catch position.

*start at 50% climb to no more than 75% power snatch


*Coach led clean warm up



1 Clean Pull 1 Hang Power clean 1 Split jerk

No TNG, reset feet from power clean to split jerk

*start at 50%climb no more than 75% Power clean.