Warm Up
30m Travelling Spiderman Lunge + rotation
5 slow reps of each:
Sumo squat
Narrow squat
Right foot forward staggered squat
Left foot forward staggered squat
Squat to Stand
Squat jumps
Back Squat 3,3,3+ at 65,75,85%
Superset during first 3 warm up sets: 5 Front Box Step Down p/s
Spend 15-20 mins here
5 rounds For Time OT3min
20/15 cal schwinn, 15/10 cal assault, 15/10 cal row
6 Dual KB Sumo Deadlift
6 Dual KB Front Rack Walking Lunge
6 Dual KB Front Squat
Each Round should be challenging but unbroken.
Score is slowest round time
Cool Down
2 min p/s twisted lizard
Warm Up
30m gymnastics bear walk
20 seconds front support
20 seconds right hand side plank
20 seconds rear support
20 seconds left hand side plank
30 seconds S-Waves
Push Jerk 3,3,3+ at 65,75,85%
Superset Landmine Row 9 p/s
Spend 15-20 mins here
Barbell Warm Up
2 Roll throughs
2 Roll through plus shrug
2 Clean Lift-offs
2 Muscle Clean
2 Tall Power Clean
2 Push press with pause in dip and overhead
2 Hang Power Clean and Jerk
15 min EMOM
1: 8 Hang Power Clean and Jerk 95/65 (Rx+ 115/75)
2: 15 Box Jumps 24/20
3: 10 Renegade Row only (Rx+ add pushup in between each row)
Score is heaviest weight for renegade row
Cool Down
2 min seated shoulder extension
Warm Up
30m walking drinking bird
20 second elbow front plank
20 sec hollow hold
20 sec glute bridge walks
Deadlift 3,3,3+ at 65,75,85%
For time:
3 rounds:
30 KB Swing 24/16
20 Burpees
10 Dual DB Front Squat 22.5/15
Cap: 15 min
Cool Down
2 min p/s pigeon
Warm Up
10 long inchworm
10 sec hang
10 scap pullups
15 kip swings
2 min p/s gentle wrist extension
Gymnastics Endurance
28 min EMOM
1: 30-50 DUs or 60-100 singles
2: 1-3 def SHSPU + 2-5 deficit KHSPU + 10 sec top of HSPU hold
3: 1-3 weighted strict CTB + 1-3 strict CTB + 1-5 KHSPU
4: 4: 1-3 weighted strict dip + 2-5 Strict Ring Dip + 2-5 Kipping Ring Dips
5: 1-3 weighted strict leg raise + 1-3 Strict TTB into 5-10 Kipping TTB
6: 10 weighted alternating SLOW pistols
7: Rest
Scale HSPU to box/pike HSPU
Weighted pullups and dips place dumbbell between thighs
Scale pullups to negatives into jumping pullups
Butterfly pullups not allowed
Scale Dip to Ring Push up
Weighted leg raise use fractional and raise legs to 90 degrees
Scale pistols to SLOW lateral box step down
Straddle leg lifts 3 sets of 5-15
Warm Up
6 reps (3 p/s) 5-point lunge
Barbell Warm Up
2 Roll throughs
2 Roll through plus shrug
2 Clean Lift-offs
2 Muscle Clean
2 Tall Power Clean
2 Squat Clean
32 min EMOM
1: 20/15 cal schwinn, 15/10 cal assault/row
2: 15 Wall Balls 20/15
3: 2 Squat Cleans
4: Rest
Score is heaviest weight lifted
Cool Down
2 min seated saddle
Warm Up
Game: Pizza Box Game
2 rounds:
10 downdog to divebomber
10 spiderman lunge + rotation passing through squat
2 reps from position 1, every minute for 10 sets
4 rounds for time:
16 alt DB Snatch 22.5/15
16 SA DB OHS (8 p/s)
16 Burpees
Cap: 15 min
Scale DB OHS to SA DB Thrusters
Cool Down
1 min p/s thread the needle
Farm Fit
Warm Up
10m toe walking
10m heel walking
10m outside foot walking
10m inside foot walking
10sec bunny hops
10 strict burpee
4 rounds:
4 min on, 1 min off
Run 400m. Row 400/300, Schwinn 40/30
12 reps of complex (6R. 6L) SA DB Snatch + SA DB Thruster
into AMRAP
Burpee Pullup
Farm Strength
Warm Up
2 sets with empty barbell:
10 landmine row p/s
10 OH Walking Lunge
Farm Strength
a: 3 heavy sets of 4 DB Burpee Box Step Over (use 20 inch box, perform with heaviest DBs possible)
b: Box Prowler Push Perform. 4 sets of 30 Sec AMRAP. Rest 2 and a half minutes between each set.
c: SA DB Chinese Row 3x9 p/s