Warm Up
30m Travelling Spiderman Lunge + rotation
5 slow reps of each:
Sumo squat
Narrow squat
Right foot forward staggered squat
Left foot forward staggered squat
Squat to Stand
Squat jumps
Back Squat 5,3,1+ at 70,80,90%
Superset during first 3 warm up sets: 5 Front Box Step Down p/s
Spend 15-20 mins here
5 rounds For Time OT3min
20/15 cal schwinn, 15/10 cal assault, 15/10 cal row
15 KB Swing 32/24
6 alternating Dual DB FR Step Ups 22.5/15 (no higher than 20 inch box)
Each Round should be challenging but unbroken.
Score is slowest round time
Cool Down
2 min p/s twisted lizard
Warm Up
30m gymnastics bear walk
20 seconds front support
20 seconds right hand side plank
20 seconds rear support
20 seconds left hand side plank
30 seconds S-Waves
Push Jerk 5,3,1+ at 70,80,90%
Superset Landmine Row 10 p/s
Spend 15-20 mins here
Barbell Warm Up
2 Roll throughs
2 Roll through plus shrug
2 Clean Lift-offs
2 Muscle Clean
2 Tall Power Clean
5 Push Jerk TNG
15 min EMOM
1: 5 Push Jerk (115/75, Rx+ 135/95) + 10 Dual DB Floor Press (22.5/15, Rx+ 32.5/20)
2: 5-10 HR Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
3: 15 Ring Row
Score is lowest round of burpee box jumps
Cool Down
2 min seated shoulder extension
Warm Up
30m walking drinking bird
20 second elbow front plank
20 sec hollow hold
20 sec glute bridge walks
Deadlift 5,3,1+ at 70,80,90%
For time:
4 rounds:
20 SA DB hang snatch (5R, 5L etc) 22.5/15
20 DB alternating reverse lunge (hold any way)
20 SA DB Thruster (5R, 5L etc)
Cap: 15 min
Rx+ replace Thruster with 10 SA DB OHS (5R, RL)
Cool Down
2 min p/s twisted lizard
Warm Up
10 long inchworm
10 sec hang
10 scap pullups
15 kip swings
2 min p/s gentle wrist extension
Gymnastics Endurance
28 min EMOM
1: 30-50 DUs or 60-100 singles
2: WF HS shoulder taps (Rx+ 5m HS Walk)
3: 1-3 Wtd Strict MU + 1-3 Strict MU + 1-3 Kipping Muscle up
4: 5-20sec L-Sit Hold
5: Rest
Scale MU to Ring Kip Swings + Ring Dip Hold/Ring Push-Up
Elbow Front Plank with leg lift (Rx+ lift opposite arm too)
3 sets of 30 seconds (change side at 15 sec mark)
Warm Up
6 reps (3 p/s) 5-point lunge
Barbell Warm Up
2 Roll throughs
2 Roll through plus shrug
2 Clean Lift-offs
2 Muscle Clean
2 Tall Power Clean
2 Squat Clean
32 min EMOM
1: 20/15 cal schwinn, 15/10 cal assault/row
2: 1 Squat Clean
3: 10 alternating Pistols (or high box step-ups)
4: Rest
Score is heaviest weight lifted
Cool Down
2 min seated saddle
Warm Up
Game: 60 partner wall balls side by side
2 rounds:
10 downdog to divebomber
10 spiderman lunge + rotation passing through squat
1 rep from position 1, every minute for 10 sets
Heavy alternating SA DB Snatch 32.5/15
Burpee to target
SA DB STOH (3R, 3L etc)
Cap: 15 min
Cool Down
1 min p/s thread the needle
Farm Fit
Warm Up
10m toe walking
10m heel walking
10m outside foot walking
10m inside foot walking
10sec bunny hops
10 strict burpee
3 rounds: 6 min on, 1 min off
Run 600m. Row 600/400, Schwinn 60/40
into AMRAP
10 Devils Press (Dual DB Burpee plus ground to overhead)
20 Hip thrusts with DB on hips
10 strict knee raises
Farm Strength
Warm Up
2 sets with empty barbell:
10 landmine row p/s
10 OH Walking Lunge
Farm Strength
a: Bring Sally up Strict/Push Press with Sandbag
b: AEROBIC SQUATS with SB in bear hug. 3x8 reps with tempo 2020. 2 mins between each set
c: SA DB Chinese Row 3x10 p/s