A. Warm up
2 rounds
10 drinking birds 5/side
20 superman rocks
10 good mornings with empty bar
B. Activation
8 min
In pairs or threes
2 skin the cats with a 10-30 sec hold
Kneeling MU transitions - http://youtu.be/QjgCMuqNN1s - spend 1-2 mins doing these or 10-15 reps
C1. Strength
Hang Snatch
4-6 reps
On the mi for 8 mins.
- No one should use more than 30kg guys and girls. Emphasize the need to brushing the hip and moving under the bar and catching a quarter squat. If they go to heavy they will not be able to do this.
D. Conditioning
20 sec on 10 sec off format.
3 mins/ 6 rounds
Dbell or KB thrusters (light, keep the reps moving quickly)
3mins/6 rounds
Burpee to target
3min/6 rounds
Jumping Alternating lunges